RE: How to Save Steem

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How to Save Steem

in steem •  5 years ago  (edited)


I wish changing what governance structure aka "citizenship" one wanted to participate in were as easy as this would be!

About the value of a new token/chain with all of us on it:

The initial value of the new token would be the same as it is here, the power to vote.

The second value would be the willingness of all of us to exchange it for tangible goods and services.

This protocol/token is an awesome example of the second way to add value (it's not very successful right now?)

And it powers all the transactions for real goods on :

I, for one, have been accepting STEEM in exchange for Kratom for years now. (Not one buyer yet though!?)

Thank you for emphasizing that we already have the power and the value because WE ARE the power and the value! 🕉️☀️♥️🙏

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