Happy 4th - musing from the airport.

in steem •  7 years ago 


So, I’m still at the airport. American Airlines lied to the passengers and kept pushing the flight time back until they decided we weren’t gonna go. So, I’m just chilling in charlotte. Shoulda left at 8 pm, now I’m not leaving till 9am. Gotta love travel when when it goes double digits hour wise.

The photo is a picture of a turtle I took with my second daughter on a nature ride. I want to be home. So much time is spent removing parents from children in this modern setup. I think a lot has to do with the state foisting itself in a parental position to act like a shitty abusive parent to the youth. They want us dependent. A strong family unit is anti-thetical to that. So, find ways to separate child and parent and create dependency while the parent is absent. I try to spend lots of time with my kids to help correct state influence on my family.


Still have hives. Going on day three I think. Against my best thoughts I took some benedryl. I have health concerns about it, but I was feeling wired and itchy. So, I broke my standing rule of no western meds. Slept well, but I’m groggy and still have these little things. All told there are probably 400 of these on me. At least my privates don’t have them. Currently just my knees and elbows.


I believe that the universe unfolds as it should. I think the hives are necessary to draw attention to something or release something from me. I’ll send it reiki and hope that I can achieve balance and health.


I caught a whale vote so now I’m witness 7. This is tied for the all time high rank I’ve had. When I’m in the top ten I stop checking my position every day and just work. Feels good to be back here.

People say the witness rankings don’t change much. It usually happens at times like yesterday when the chain needs leaders and people who are actively here and watching. My node wasn’t the first one up, but it was top 5. I was happy to let Gandalf and Tim take the lead. They are Devs. I am not. I’m happy to let smart awesome people lead smartly and awesomely. I’m really impressed by the team and how we executed.

People many thought were solid haven’t updated yet. And so the rankings changed quite a bit. We will see how long this lasts. This gig is 24/7. Tim told me that when I was first starting. It’s a lovely reminder to be 1000 miles from home covered in hives in a hotel that smells like cigarette assholes at 3am fucking around with nodes from a work laptop. It’s not all sunshine and producer rewards.

stake weighted voting

The witness system we have is pretty incredible. It’s hard to do 1 person one vote when bots and actors can fake things. I mean... you seen how many dead democrats vote? Fraud propels American democracy.

Stake weighted isn’t equal to all but at least it’s equal opportunity to all. I’m hoping one day Steem will have a better distribution on the platform, but even with my major concern this place did it’s job. The witness system is pretty incredible how 100+ people fight for 20 slots.

Bad actor did bad thing, chain stopped, steemit debugged, witnesses got it running. Some witnesses who weren’t present got replaced by backup witnesses. In hours we are back up and running. The state of Steem is strong. My home is good and despite its flaws we are chugging along. That feels like Independance to me. Many blessings of peace, abundance, and liberty to those who worked late into the night to get this baby running.

Your money is safe, your projects are safe, and arguably things are better. I’ll be here and I’ll be working. I mean, if I slip there are 80+ people with their hands raised saying “put me in coach.”

Steem isn’t just gonna moon itself. We collectively have more work to do, and I’m honored to do this work with you all.


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Happy 4th of July . Sometimes for the better is always written when things get pushed

Happy for you to achieve

"Steem isn’t just gonna moon itself. We collectively have more work to do"

I think this way as well. One of the problems with investing in the stock market is that you can own shares in a company but its really difficult to help out and influence the markets.

I like being here on Steemit because not only can I invest first hand there are also direct ways to influence and promote this decentralized solution to communication... Just by using the platform. It's built right in and that's super cool come to think of it!

Good luck with good old American Airlines, those aggravating looking hives, and being more engaged with your kids @aggroed!

Followed & Upvoted! :)

Sounds like you have had some time to think while on your extended journey. I can't agree more about parenting and the unnatural, but common-placed, separation of the family unit. I now understand why every child cries their eyes out when first starting school(in UK). We start them so young here and when you give it thought it must be a traumatic experience for a child. Now we have both parents having to work and families still struggle to make ends meet. My child is 11 and becoming very withdrawn through her overuse of technology(Me too, I suppose). Our relationship has changed naturally as she is becoming a young lady now but the "play-times" need to be preserved. Your thoughts have made me want to have another go at trying to get her more family minded, but 11-year olds can be angry little creatures :) As you will know they are worth all the effort, so thanks for the inspiration.
Hey congrats on the witness ranking! I understand very little of the tech side of steemit/steem/nodes etc. Sounds like you all took care of things nicely and we all had a good laugh on msp-waves while we waited for you all to get your shit together ;)
I've recently come across a steemit pool league that has its own app and along with project like steem-monsters, I think we are in for a good future.
All the best for the journey home

Very beautiful . thanks for sharing your post sir

Great work, @aggroed, and congrats in your further movement up the witness ladder!

Congrats on spot #7!

good job

Be Well Aggy and Thank You for the Steemit Up Date. Happy 4th of July you FAMILY Man !

Dude, maybe they are bed bug bites from your skanky, smoke smelling hotel room :) I watched something recently that showed how gross hotels are. Never touch the remote control unless you brought disinfectant spray ... You should see the pillows and top comforter under the blue light. YUCK!!!

ok nao u just freaked me out ...

lol I hear ya, hotel ignorance is bliss.
Sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite!

Many blessings of peace, abundance, and liberty right back at ya!

Hmm, isn't Benadryl just cough syrup? Maybe it's different in the US. Happy Independence Day anyway. I hope you don't have to spend all of it at the airport!

different types of benedryl here choo, one type is for allergies but it has really nasty side effects and taken long term can change your personality.

Congratulations on the witness level up! You are doing a great job! Praying for your skin! Hope you can find time to rest! Happy Fourth of July!

Congratulations! on coming 7th on the witness list.
I wish you good health and safe trip back home.

Sorry to hear about your flight delays and hives. Lavender oil can help your hives if you want to try something natural. Can you please identify the witnesses that have still not updated their nodes?

are you sure its hives and not heat rash? massive vitamin C my friend, keep your skin dry, dont use any moisturizers and dont scratch!! benedryl is evil.

The separation of families is a result of the industrial revolution, that's when menfolk stopped raising children and left for work. Before that most everyone worked from home. But now that men's labor is no longer as important in the information age once again there are children in America being raised by men. This generation won't be a bunch of pussies. It's going to be great.