The only voice is "their" voice.

in steem •  5 years ago  (edited)

Update 2020-03-20

A couple of weeks ago, I "protest-voted" for a few hours to draw attention to the issues on Steem that I was concerned about.

I knew it would draw attention. Members voting for Justin's witnesses were being actively "hunted". I hoped it would draw attention to important issues which no one seemed interested in, and certainly, no one seemed interested in solving.
(Here is a link to that post: )

After a few hours, I removed those votes and declined to vote for any witnesses. I felt this was the fairest course of action on my part considering how I had been treated and what I had experienced/witnessed.

I was blacklisted with Hive anyway(and of course excluded from the airdrop).

(Just as I predicted!!!)

Thanks for making it really easy for me.

I knew I couldn't really voice any counter-opinion here without being punished.

That point has been now been proven(once again).

Oh, and btw, HIVE, what you're doing is not decentralization. That's a lie, as indicated by your very actions. Case in point. (The "Kings" of Hive.)

Nice start to a "decentralized" blockchain.
Good show.

"The goal of Hive is to continue moving towards true decentralization, and therefore the launch airdrop will include all accounts who have showcased these same values and shared goals.

The only accounts who will not be included in the initial airdrop are those containing the Steemit Inc ninja-mined stake, and those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain."

After I found out I had been blacklisted, I re-voted all of Justin's witnesses and supporter witnesses.

Anything has to be better.

Also, I never gave HIVE permission to clone my content.

I gave Steem permission to publish my content, but not HIVE!

After how I have been treated, I want nothing to do with HIVE!!!

Do you think I want my name on there or any of my content?! No way!

How is this legal?
Seriously, how is any of this legal?!




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So what could you have done if you were included in the airdrop?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

That's an interesting question. Let's see, if I hadn't been threatened, bullied, talked about, and placed on a blacklist with Hive. I probably wouldn't have voted in Justin's witnesses when I found out. I probably would not have gotten as involved as I have. I probably would not have aired as much as I have. I probably would have stepped back, kept my mouth shut and just observed. I would have waited to see what people were planning and more importantly what they would do.
I had already shared my suggestions of things we could potentially do to improve the Steem ecosystem(after being blacklisted for voting a comment or post of someone who was blacklisted).
I actually only came back to Steem because I was blacklisted. Did you know that? I was already on a two-month break dealing with some things outside of Steem when a friend messaged me to let me know I had been blacklisted.



Very "Animal Farmy" indeed . Decentralisation eh!! Totally agree. This blacklist is quite large . Hive will backfire

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I really feel for SteemChiller and others in this thread: . I fail to understand why more people are not alarmed by this. This is a very very bad beginning to a "new" (cloned, copied, pirated, whathaveyou) blockchain. Very bad.
Uncovering various scams/money making schemes on Steem, I was aware of the moral/ethical perspectives of some of our "leaders". For those who didn't dig into history/project wallets/trace activity, this latest action should be a strong indicator of the same. I can't say I am surprised. I think the more appropriate word here to describe how I feel is: disappointed. I'm disappointed.
A lot of talk about protecting morals/ethics, decentralization, freedom of speech and then actions that counter those very values.
And yet, I see a lot of people turning a blind eye, asleep at the wheel, following the herd. It seems these days, people bank on that (and it pays).

I knew I couldn't really voice any counter-opinion here without being punished.

That point has been now been proven(once again).

Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Even if it is the truth. Or perhaps, especially then. How dare I stand up for myself and others! How dare I!

A news story recently reported about an immigrant who had been temporarily approved for asylum and had been speaking to a state appointed psychologist, and had admitted to them that they had been forced to join a gang in their native country and had committed crimes, but when they tried to quit the gang, their life was threatened and so they fled to the USA (so they could live without being forced to commit crimes).

At their next court hearing, their appeal for asylum was placed on-hold "indefinitely" because the applicant was declared to be "a criminal gang-member" by the federal attorney.

The immigrant was subsequently sent to a detention center, and when they admitted to the facility therapist that they had felt angry at one of the other inmates, but had restrained themselves instead of punching them in the face, the therapist reported they had "violent tendencies" and had them placed in isolation.

And now they've labeled them "uncooperative" because they refuse to speak to anyone.

This is a good analogy of the logic that exists in our world.

Personal privacy should be sacrosanct.

A therapist/social-worker/psychologist/psychiatrist should have at least the same level of legal protections (to protect client privacy) as a lawyer or a doctor or a priest.