Picture This! Future Of Steemit - I Have A Strong Desire To Build A Worldwide Charity Project

in steem •  9 years ago  (edited)

It is been many years that I want to see a big shift in the human consciousness. I think I changed myself, and I know that has impacted my entourage.

I have never had that many followers because I am kind of a loner, and do not like small talks. My ideas frighten people!!!

But now, I think with Steemit, we put relationships with others on a higher stage, above our relationship with ourselves!

That what I am figuring out right now!

I was into Decred digital currency, trying to implement a charity project...

Then comes Steemit, and its voting system that gives power to their users!!! What a good idea to transfert wealth...

Now, I am looking to achieve my goal!

Steemit as a charity platform, Steemit as a game changer to help each others!

You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one...

I have seen several interesting posts, where Steemiters were helping the people.

We could start building strong groups of Steemiters that could really make the change we want to see in the world...

I call the ones who want change, I call the ones who are on Steemit for something bigger than themselves!

I call @dan @ned @blocktrades @berniesanders @smooth @dantheman @tombstone @rainman @summon @blackjack @cloop1 @steempty @firstclass @skywalker @fuzzyvest @steemit200 @riverhead @complexring @enki @roadscape @wackou @freedom @xeldal @nextgencrypto @clayop @kushed @proskynneo @witness.svk @smooth.witness @analisa @au1nethyb1 @arsahk

And many others...

You are the chosen ones, you are the ones who have the ability to give Steemit a real sense of community!

To give Steemit the image it deserves!!!

Who is with me?

P.S.: I am not looking for up votes, I am looking for comments...

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I start steemit charity action
The proceeds from the Steemit charity action will be donated to the "The Water Project".
The Water Project Accepts Bitcoin and so the payments can be transparently seen by all.
After the first payment, newspapers should be written to draw attention to the Steemit charity action .
Here is the link to the notice of the action in German language.
If you want to support the action, then follow @uwe69, and vote for the post.
The Actual call will be published on Thursday at 5 to 6 PM MEZ under the hashtag #donation #deutsch

Donate with you vote.

Voting has never been so useful.

People already built this, why don't you just help them? Why does everyone want to start their own thing from scratch?

Why don't you start with your marginalized family members? Too close to home?!

Or maybe they don't want your help... sure you can find people who would. But maybe you need to look closer... are you part of the problem? Is that why you can see a solution? Or are you looking for solutions where there are no problems?

Just some ideas.

I'm helping at my scale. Just that we could set the world free with that kind of platform...

I completely sympathise with the idea, but it's probably not more charity we need, it's change. And that will probably take a bit more than some SB to effect. :) But everything is a start, right? :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Yes! Change in the way we see money... It's kind of an energy, and we fight to have access to it. We need a change in human consciousness!!!

We need a change in human consciousness!!!

YES! Exactly!

I feel you, man. We're on the same boat with regard to not having many followers.


Anyway, this is an awesome idea, and one that should be a main concern by the community. The wealth gathered here should be used for a worthwhile cost, and what better way than to alleviate poverty. I think it would be nice if we could tie up with reputable charity organizations and have an option to either power up or donate what we earn.

You get it!!! +1

Man, I sincerely hope that crypto for charity really takes off. It could really do a lot of good, and it would certainly disrupt in a way that other capitalists never could.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Someone told me recently that we couldn't fix this world up with technology. Because there is always some people who will use it to have power on others. That is the human nature...

I think we have been fooled, I think there is such love in everyone of us. But money/energy has been stolen from us by greedy people, and we all fight to get some.

He is an old man, he is a wise man, he loves the teaching of Jiddu Krishnamurti, Buddha,...

But he doesn't use internet, doesn't have a smartphone.

Technology is the key to freedom! We can use it at our service!

More comments please! Here is a real subject for the Future of Steemit.

Personally, I believe that someone needs to experience something first before he can judge it, because if he hasn't experienced it then all his assumptions are purely speculative. This is not a knock on the wise man, I'm sure he is indeed a great thinker. I'm just saying that, he shouldn't be too quick to judge.

Technology has the potential for great and worse things, it all depends on how it's used (or abused). It's up to us to ensure or keep in check people who aim to abuse it. Human nature will always be innate in us, but if we're conscious of its flaws, that's where we begin to make changes. A general shift in consciousness is what's needed by the world.