9️⃣ ➕ 1️⃣ Tricks to improve your rewards in Steemit ☑️

in steem •  7 years ago 

9️⃣ ➕ 1️⃣ Tricks to improve your rewards in Steemit ☑️

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Hello friends! One of the biggest motivations to publish in Steemit without a doubt is the reward, we make an effort, we think about contents that could interest the community, we take care of the details, titles, photos ...
All for having a good reward and that is why I bring this post where I bring you 9 + 1 tips that should improve your rewards, I do not bring a magic formula so there is a change overnight, but following these steps and being constants sure your rewards increase.


1 - This advice I have already read other times, but I can not leave it aside, DO NOT ASK FOR VOTES, ask for a vote is frowned upon by the community, as it says in the photo, the votes are not asked, they WIN! personally a person who asks for votes or says I voted you vote me! I do not feel like seeing your post.

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2 - Comment, relate and talk to people who talk about the topics that interest you and about which you can write, if for example you like to talk about football, you have to find people who like to talk about this topic, but also to look for it you must comment on your post to get their attention, possibly the first time you speak you will not call their attention but when you comment your post several times it will end up stinging the curiosity to see who you are and maybe you start to win your votes.

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3 - Strive when you write a post, sometimes the desire to make a post and earn rewards makes our posts have no quality, every post you make must be unique and you must have invested 100% of your effort in the, people not is silly and knows if a post is worked or not, we know that not always the effort is rewarded on this platform, but a quality content can lead to success, while a little careful content .... will take you to failure.

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4 - Give a personal touch to everything you do and be creative, it is very good to talk about the topics that interest you, but if you talk about what everyone is talking about and you say what everyone says ... you are never going to highlight, find a different way of saying things and that people when you read one of your post ends up recognizing you.

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5 - Every time there are more people in Steemit and the Timeline every time runs more, as soon as the life of a post can be a few minutes, if in those moments you have not caught the attention of the public ... your post will almost certainly not succeed, So WHEN to post a post is not something you should leave to chance, you have to know at what time your audience writes, at what time you have more votes ... and that is done by testing, devote a week to "test" your followers, post in the mornings, afternoons or evenings, see what days you have more votes, whether on Mondays or Sundays, if in the morning or at noon .. and see your post focusing on those hours of greater reach.

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6 - If you have nothing to say ... DO NOT SAY ANYTHING, if the desire to write is bad, wanting to write something without having anything to say ... does not help much either, you do not need to write 4 post a day 7 a day the week, everything has to flow.

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7 - Take care of your writing, titles, spaces, images ... a text without spaces, without paragraphs, without images is not attractive for reading, just the opposite, so if you take care of these details you will encourage people to read your post

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8 - Listen to your audience, if the relationship with people who have issues in common with you to attract them to your blog is important, to serve your followers is also, we want to get quality followers and the only way to get them in addition to our content is pampering them and listening to them, so you will know what they want and you can give it to them.

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9- If asking for votes is ugly, copying texts from the internet or copying post from others without making any kind of mention is not going to make you grow in steemit either, if you see an information on a web page and you think it's interesting, you can copy a part and give your opinion (I think the permitted thing is that the copy must be at most 50% of the post, the other 50% must be original content), also do not forget to put the link to the news, the same happens with the images , if you copy an image of the internet, put the link where you got it from, the more honest we are the better.

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10 - This is something that I was taught studying digital marketing and I always use it, the first thing we should think about when doing a post is the title, a title is 90% of the success in a post, if people do not attract attention it will not click to see it, so use all your wits to write it and add emoticons to make them more eye-catching!
Example: Which one calls your attention the most?


9️⃣ ➕ 1️⃣ tricks to improve your rewards in Steemit ☑️


9 + 1 tricks to improve your rewards in Steemit

I hope these tips are helpful! do not forget the constancy!




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Keep it up!
All the best!

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This post was so helpful @amartinezque. It is very clear that you are writing with your heart and you really want to help the community!

What I've learned from your post 👇

  1. I'll won't use the "Don't forget to upvote" caption anymore
  2. I'll start testing the best hours to post
  3. I'll work on my titles for better visibility!

Thank you! Wonderful article again!

Unos trucos provechosos para todos, para quienes recién ingresan y para los que llevamos tiempo. Mira, te haré caso con los emojis y empezaré a aplicarlo en mis post y comentarios 😎 muchas gracias por compartir.

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Nice tips for a beginner like me thanks bro

Such a great post. There are lots of tips out there but it is wonderfully written and it's easy to understand.

Muy buen articulo, me ayudo mucho y tendré en cuenta algunos tips al momento de realizar las publicaciones.