We chatted about 3 weeks ago and something you said stuck with me.
I had an idea I was working on, but not with great priority, but then you spoke to me of how you despair because you struggle to create something to provide you and your family security, but then corrupt officials destroy what you created and you have to start from the beginning again.
Do you remember the above?
Well, as I also live in Africa, I was able to empathise with you (as my family and I were destroyed by the corrupt politicians in Tanzania).
When I first joined Steemit, a steem was worth US$1. Now, again, under 0.20c. It means those who were hoping to earn even 10 to 20 dollars a month so that it helps to feed them and their family, now only make 1 to 3 dollars per month.
I asked myself, how can I help?
Upvotong, resteeming and so forth only make a difference of a few cents per month, so the solution does not lie in that direction.
The question to ask, I think, is not the questions poor people ask, we need to examine the way wealthy people try to solve their problems and insure their future.
Most wealthy people I know have invested in a number of countries, usually in income-bearing (rented) property. If they have invested in three or more countries, it is highly unlikely all 3 or more countries will face economic distaster at the same time.
An example:
Say someone from Venezuela has made money and owns his own home with another property or two which he rents out, giving him a decent pension.
Then a communist govt is placed in power and the country is destroyed financially.
What are his properties worth now? What rent will he be earning, since everyone is too poor to pay much or anything?
Now...if he had bought his family home in Venezuela, but had invested in property in other countries, over those 15 years the rent will be (about 3 to 5 times more than at was at the start) while the value of his share in those properties will also have seen the same increases.
The problem is, how do people surviving on a low income buy a share in property overseas?
Thwere is a way and I have started puting the project together. With a small investment of US $30 to $60, a start can be made, earning the investor (share-holder) a nice return every year (each share will cost $60 [including the fees]) and will earn between 8% to 20% depending on risk; income will be in US $. Reason investment is between 30 to 60? Price of share is $60, but for those who cannot pay in one the full price, I will help by giving credit of up to 50% of the price ($30). Also, payment can be sent from local currency or even Steem (not a nice way as it can become complicated, but if it is the only way someone can provide the money, we'll find a solution)
all this, ...
...without your corrupt officials being able to touch it!
Our first investments will be in South Africa (town house development) and then apartments in Greece. Other countries...we will ask our partners/customers to make their suggestions.

I have created a community - please go there and read...and if you like it, please feel welcome to join.
Give me your thoughts and I will give you more information if you are interested.
Community: Hard Assets-WWI (Hard assets World Wide Income)

One last point I should mention: this is only for those who have/own a share. Every person you refer to us, you get a commission of about US$1 or Steem 20, your choice. If you leave these earnings in your account with us, you could soon afford to purchase another share.