Inspirasi bersama para pebisnis muda

in steem •  7 years ago 


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Apa kabar sahabat Steemian tercinta. Semoga anda semua selalu dalam lindungan Allah Swt dan tetap semangat dalam menjalankan aktivitas rutin sehari-hari.
Tidak sengaja kemari sore kami sambil menikmati secangkir esspresso sedang membahas pinang muda yang lg trend di pasar sekarang.
Senang juga sih rasanya duduk bersama para pebisnis muda dimana saya banyak mendapat ilmu dan inspirasi dari abang dan juga adik. Singkat cerita kebetulan waktu juga tidak memungkinkan lagi dikarenakan waktu sore kemarin sudah mau menjelang magrib dan kami pun akhirnya mengharuskan pulang untuk beribadah di tempat masing - masing.
Selamat berakhir pekan..have a nice weekend para steemean..

How are your beloved Steemian friends? May you all always be in the protection of Allah SWT and keep the spirit in carrying out daily routine activities.
Unintentionally come here afternoon while enjoying a cup of esspresso is discussing the young lg pairs of trend in the market now.
It's nice to sit with the young businessmen where I get a lot of knowledge and inspiration from my brother and brother. Brief story of time coincidence is also not possible anymore due to the time of the afternoon yesterday was going towards sunset and we were finally required to go home to worship in their respective places - each.
Happy weekend..have a nice weekend the steemean ..

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