STEEMIT GLOBAL ALEXA RANKING UPDATE - STEEMIT Continues the Climb to #1 Website / Global Ranking. | 3-20-2018

in steem •  7 years ago 

Today we are down 19 spots/ 7 days globally from last week of #934 into #953 spot.

... and #1066 in the USSA (down around 102 spots from last week)


How Steemit is Graphed / Measured Against Other Sites:

Alright! Yay Us!!!

What is Alexa Ranking?


Alexa's Traffic Ranks are based on the traffic data provided by users in Alexa's global data panel over a rolling 3 month period. ... A site's ranking is based on a combined measure of Unique Visitors and Pageviews. Unique Visitors are determined by the number of unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day.

My Recent Past Posts/Stats/Info

On Steemit's Milestone Break Into the top 1000:

Feb. 21st 2018 in the early morning hours, we finally broke the top 1000 as I reported on the nite before and the day it happened.

Well, this is quite an achievement folks, many of us have been watching this ranking system on the move for Steemit for a year or more.

By the Numbers:

As I always say, numbers count.

There it is!!!

We did it finally!

Here is the graphic and blog I made for this last nite just hours ago, seeing what was about to come!



Here is the Blog Post on this I did last nite as the moment approached

And seeing the milestone just likely hours away, I made 2 of these graphics LOL, with minor differences in wording:

Alexa Traffic Ranking ranks traffic in relation to other sites.

The highest traffic ranking goes to Google.

The next two are social media platforms:

#2 - YouTube

#3 - Facebook

Other social media platforms rankings:

#6 - Reddit

#13 - Twitter

#15 - Instagram

  • Roughly 60 days ago, we Steemians broke the Alexa 2000 ranking and that was a milestone too!

  • Just 2 days ago, we were 8 spots away from the #1000 spot. Last night as I blogged on this, we were only 2 spots away.

  • We should most likely break this ranking in the next several hours, or inside a day or so for sure!!!

  • Sometime overnight in the last ~12 hours or so, we broke the Top 1000 -- Feb. 21, 2018

Other recent past posts in the series on top of the info above: (Newest to Oldest)


Your Friend in Liberty --- Barry


My path to Liberty and Crypto is with you guys.

We are all early adopters here, if you are even close to reading this today.

Be encouraged.

Some of my Recent Work on Liberty / Liberland / Ron Paul, etc:

BREAKING: Inside Anarchapulco 2018: #8 -- RON PAUL OFFICIALLY RECEIVES LIBERLAND PASSPORT!! Photo + Liberland Overview for New Steemit / Liberty Folks!! - at Anarchapulco 2018!!!


Recent past blog posts of mine:

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by by fiat... toot...toooot!
there is the steemit train...

trein cartoon text.jpg

for more fun and jokes but also good conversation, art, anarchy, love and other stuff... visit @elohibaluk

Pretty sure you know this but comment spam is discouraged..... you just make the same comment several times in a row....

ok, i will not do it again, was not my intent to spam. just new here and i thought commenting with a joke was ok...

You left out what I said completely.

Read my comments again.

then i probably did not understand you, i removed all the other comments, what did i do wrong, you teach me....!!! i made a cartoon last night, posted it on my blog and it seemed a good idea to post this cartoon at different places to get some attention.... but if you think i made a terrible mistake... i am very sorry...

Hopefully and steemit will position each time in a positive way for all of us. Grace for the data. I am new and I try to understand Steemit little by little, hopefully and I can count on your support. Blessings

I just got into Steemit and this is very encouraging. From what you show in the post the future is extremely promising for it. Thank you for the information.

Ah, all the Steemit noobs daily LOL

Most of my posts are focused on or remembering all the new people coming daily.
