Do we witness the long expected paradigm change in the US (Fed) financial policy?

in steem •  7 years ago 

Many of you may have noticed it: a tremor went through the financial markets during the past 10 hours.

  • Stocks dropped significantly (the first time since how long? I cant even remember), the USD lost another cent compared with the Euro - again! - its approaching the 80 cent line now.

  • At the same time, gold and silver are gaining ground moderately, with gold going over $1360.
    And the crypto currencies are also profiting - and right in the front line is Steem with a over 50% gain inside hours, to a amazing $6.60 level.

I was quiet puzzled to see this when I got home, and had been wondering what happened to cause all this.

Then I watched this latest video by Gregory Mannarino, aka @marketreport, who gives a plausible expaination for what what we are seeing right now:

As you can see, Greg explicidly request the further distribution of this video.

  • If his analysis of the situation is correct (and most times it is), we will indeed see major changes in the entire financial markets from now on. And very violent changes as well, with strong volatility, lots of trouble among banks, and God knows what else.
    Lucky those of us, who own a bit of gold and silver, and perhaps some crypto coins as well. Or who own some property or other tangible assets.
    But brace yourselfs if you only live from what your credit card allows!

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The flood is coming.