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Took me like half an hour (and the help of a friend) to read it.
I am quite concerned that now "STEEM" is announced trademarked.
Since now every communication we heard was "Steemit and SMT trademarked" and STEEM free.
Quite annoying.

Just more blurring of lines. And, sadly, it further makes it appear that Steem’s future is actually tied to STINC’s ability to develop the blockchain - which means we likely won’t be seeing any significant amount of new investment any time soon.

These clowns can’t help but destroy value around here. If not from their direct actions with “development” and ninja-mining/selling, it’s through official statements and moronic comments...or attempts at ToS updates.

I think we’d be in a much better position in terms of perception and value if STINC would just cease any “development,” then just STFU. Their continued incompetence is just sucking the life out of this place. It really is tragic, given Steem’s capabilities.

given Steem’s capabilities.

They have capabilities?

Are any of them the good kind?

Steem...the blockchain.

Ohhhhhh that steem.

Not Steem: The Musical ?

Today I learned: STEEM is a Trademark of PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A

That is very disappointing. WTF?

Wow, that's fun!

Steemit developers are subpar AF. This site is so janky it makes me wonder how much content would be published if users weren't incentivized by money. Actually, I know how much content would be here and so does Steemit. Nothing.

This site is so janky it makes me wonder how much content would be published if users weren't incentivized by money.

None. The answer is none. Same goes for the rest of the Steem interfaces. All used only because you can “get paid” for shitposting.

And this is corroborated by price action and user activity. When prices drop, more people stop using. When prices are up, more people show up to shitpost.

Perfectly sums up what Steemit is all about.

So essentially what you are saying is that the content is most valuable here during bitcoin (&STEEM) crashes?


You get the gem of Steem.

I don't even remember seeing this popup let alone accepting any new terms.

But from discussion I have seen around, the forced popup blocking the actual terms page is because SteemIt left users logged in.


When I saw it, I thought it was actually an ad from one of the background apps I had running.... Lol.

Definitely needs to get fixed ASAP

yeeaa fuk window. I thought it was fking scam that wanted take my private keys.

These employees must be bloody spazmoids...

Hhhh I hope they don't accept to transfer all their crypto to him 😜

Big Fail. I was talking about this in a Discord channel.

I just accepted.
I gave up trying to read this shit.

I completely agree


I was very frustrated at first, but then I refreshed and logged out, at which point I could read everything. Logged back in to agree.

Good to see you around!

Yes been very quiet the past few months, decided to check in and see what's happening. Steem Monsters looks like good action man!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hhhhh thats new! We dont really need this. I think everybody already knows the rules :) Do we really need to do this!

Thanks!! My thoughts exactly! Like wtf!

The popup really sucks and i have just agreed to it .....damn. It really scared me like what have i pressed....and it kept on coming!

lol, that's right :))))

LOL you could literally get a front end from 5vr to do a better job for 5 dollars


You could add the comedyopenmic tab to this post Bernie.

Glad Steemit is still in beta... 🤦‍♂️


This site always was like stupid shit. Need more people-friendly clients from community for entry to steem blockchain.

I guess the incompetence is clearly documented in their own words:

un-revert & repair the TOS popup PR

So, they screwed up and fixed it, before they broke it again.

And released it anyway.

And clearly documented by their two-year history on this blockchain.

lol...@ned needs to use some more exoerienced persons for d job

i was surprised too


While I was at your steemmonsters post few mins ago I encountered that glitch

Very annoying!!

I am glad someone says it out loudly. This was exactly my thought. Idiots...



Here is the privacy notice

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@berniesanders STINC have proven time and time again they do not care about this site. It's nothing more than a portfolio piece so they can market and sell Smart Media Tokens when they launch. I am 100% convinced Steemit is nothing more than a glorified tech demonstration and use-case for the kind of applications you can build using SMT's. Once they launch, this place will probably be abandoned.

I would say I am surprised that STINC made such a basic mistake, but you only have to look at how disgusting and chaotic the Steemit Condenser codebase is to see the amateur coding ability of STINC developers. I've seen better quality development from a cheap outsource team on UpWork.


Just like that...that little hope of SMT just died.

We all need to be careful


For the first time in my life, i tried to read Terms and Conditions but i wasn't allowed to read it... Well, i just ticked agree. Even if i read it, it wont make any difference.
I will end up agreeing... As long as i wanna stay on steemit

Same with me. I never read any TOS either. I wanted to see if Steemit added a new feature maybe I wasn't aware of & put it in there. I had no clue WTF was down below that popup.

Easy man. you just got your 48 rep. haha lol

Sometimes i really want to go back to the old html 1.0 websites. Everything worked and everyone could manage a website. Now you need a "devs" to run a website and most of them have better things todo than build good usability..

I had the same problem yesterday when I was trying to upload my introductory post. I'm new to steemit, and I thought why should I agree to some random terms, I mean you can make someone agree to steal their information. They should fix it soon!

Wow, that's fun!

Hey Bernie, not to play devil's advocate or defending Steemit INC for all their actions but I'm wondering why you or others don't take this tech and get your own team together and try to launch a better version of what we are seeing on this blockchain?

Personally I don't have the resources or enough technical knowledge to put all the pieces together but I certainly have a part of the puzzle and can see the potential for this technology.

Again I'm not trying to call you out or anyone else for being critical of things that go on here but it is more of a question for everyone. There is a lot of money in taking what DLive or DTube is and originating a new chain with a fair distribution and other things to avoid the pitfalls of what has happened with STEEM over the past couple of years. Obviously SMOKE and VICE are trying to accomplish that and we will see if they get something going but I'm surprised there aren't tons of other groups doing the same thing and breaking off on their own.

They really need a QA team


Gotta love St.Inc. I was wondering what was going on myself.

This is happen when some people has no assesorement by a lawyer by writting some terms...

I saw this pop up a few times, did not respond and refreshed my page. Later that day it was gone and I have not seen it since, what is it with that?