HF20.. How it fucked minnows and plankton and will fuck us all eventually!

in steem •  6 years ago 

And THIS is why I am against HF20! This "upgrade" destroyed the platform. RC and VP are directly related. If you don't have RC, even if your VP is full, you can't up vote...

Makes the platform nearly useless for plankton and minnows! You want to follow someone? That costs RC.. You want to like a comment? That is RC and VP! You want to then create your own post? Well that is more RC! And now you are done for the day as a new user!

Who is going to bother to join and keep up with the system the way it is now?? New users either invest a LOT of money, OR they decide they will just leave for another place that isn't so insane with the rules...

This sounds terrible I am sure to new members and minnows and plankton but think beyond that... Without minnows and plankton and new users every week adding to the ecosystem... WE WON'T EXIST! STEEM will have no value since only the top can earn! This is going to drive the price far far far down unless something is changed!

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things require time to maintain itself bigdeej my friend
you can see that hf caused many Good things too .
like reward pool increased payout at 7 days increased thats really good news ...
so things are getting little bit good ...
we all wish for the best lets wait for sometime everything will be fine surely

though you are absolutely right that without new users this system will get fucked up

You got a 98.04% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @hassanabid!

Being on Steemit before HF20 was like shouting into the wind to be heard.

Post HF20 apparently you now get a gag after 3-4 shouts. It limits ones ability to try to network in the comments section to get traction.

And the answer is to pay to gain influence and be heard? This is good for organic growth how?

Posted using Partiko iOS

DING DING DING! Winner! See you get it! This is my THESIS and exactly what I argue! I brought this up directly to steem and ned on here only to have them downvote the comment so no one could ever see it again on their platform! They shadow ban anyone who has concern and are forcing people off the platform. HOW can you become a good Steemian if you can only have enough RC to either make 5 votes per day OR make 3 comments/posts per day? HOW can you engage? How can you go to other's posts and comment and have a chance for others to find you? HOW does this platform even survive after this?? THAT is the facts! Glad others are starting to see it and realize it!

Dear @bigdeej, you are one a very few top user who are taking place against this RC trouble.
All others say to stop whining and invest on the platform, but who will give me back money invest here when Steem was over 4usd?
Nobody answer me, all it seems here it is a business, doesn't matter if you are good writer.
I am doing my personal battle, but as plancton i do not have any power.
There is another top user like you, @stellabelle, which is trying to help us, but it seems too difficult.
I also made a proposal, to connect RC not only to SP but also with reputation, so if you are a good writer, you should deserve a good reputation and be able to post.
This is my RC situation right now:
I removed some delegation and i managed to get double of SP, but nothing has change, whales say i should stop to use Steemit for 4 days and wait my RC will fully reload, but i already get out 5 days last week when HF20 was just done, now i have to stay out another 4 days, for what?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The REAL RC situation is like this ( which sure you dont like to show)

106 comments, 590 votes, once fully recharged.
Power UP your idling 1.326 STEEM + 3.100 SBD, and these above figures will jump even higher, in no time

But if you do this, you will get even less reasons to complain, right?

Translation: Wait 13 weeks till we figure it out or Power Down and leave because we messed up the platform and it already is now week 3? Gotcha no problem! Most of us are powering down not up now despite over a year of support to this platform through out all the ups and downs.. Making people like me and plankton and those concerned the bad guy is how you destroy the platform even more after forcing HF20 on us.. Just wait another few weeks and the bulk of users will be complaining while I fail to see ANY new users joining and powering up.. ALL I see are long time Steemians beginning to question the direction Steem is heading and some powering down! The new users joining the last month is pathetic and they have NOT solved the issue of getting new users to join, in fact as I have argued, they made it LESS attractive to join since now if you don't invest at least a few $100 you can't even exist on the platform!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

If you want to REALLY post the entire thing here is the truth (I highlighted their STEEM POWER and REAL account value which you left out):


Full Size

Dear mr. onealfa, you are commenting my situation with same suggestions since i had 46 SP and now i have 82, so almost double.
If i still have the same situation, it means i am too much addicted to comment and post and should be a right for a member of a social network.
You told me many time this HF20 helped to remove spam, ok but so why do not think about to give to users with high reputation a benefit in recharging of RC?
I think if i have 55 without buy it with SP, it means i am good writer and people upvote me, thats is wrong?

If i still have the same situation, it means i am too much...

No, it is not the same. Digits almost doubled,
59 >>>106, and 333 >>>590

If 20+ daily comments is still not enough, you got a choice. And you know what it is. Steem is insanely cheap today, $0.87 as we speak

... why do not think about to give to users with high reputation a benefit in recharging of RC?

I heard that "reputation praising" before from you. Do you know how the rep builds up? You may even believe that the MOST REPUTABLE person on Steemit is that donkey HA-E-JIN ? His rep is 82, he holds #1 world-wide.

Tell me a better joke.

and finally...

There is no free lunch

Insane isn't it! Did you know when I started powering down my RC went up lol! Just more proof this HF20 was botched!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hello bigdeej, you're right, it's totally fucked when you have so little resource power. I've been able to play with rewards three times at Steemgar until yesterday, because that's where a comment is needed and if you want to comment on someone, it will not work anymore either. It's almost the same as in real life, the little one has to shut up. :D

Sad isn't it. That comment used to cost bandwidth not RC.. This wasn't a big deal since voting had nothing to do with your bandwidth. You could basically comment and post as much as you want and your "tax" was on your voting, you got 20% per day to use at most if you wanted it to restore the following day. NOW RC is a tax on ALL transactions. So the little guy with a tiny bit of RC has to decide between EARNING through voting and posting/commenting... HOW can that help steem and be good for plankton and minnows?? It is directly hurting them the most, the new members who just want to try out the system. They then get fed up and leave which is what we already have been seeing the last 2 years on steem.. It was hard enough under the old system to get new members to stick around and actually pay to power up. Now it is nearly impossible. It has driven whales and dolphins to begin powering down and de-risk themselves from more upgrades like this in the future which means even LESS power on the platform as a whole.. This is NOT how you grow this is how you self destruct...

Nice bringing it up. We at Partiko is actively looking for solution as well!

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad to hear others looking into the system.

I also made a proposal, to connect RC not only to SP but also with reputation, so if you are a good writer, you should deserve a good reputation and be able to post.

Great suggestion brought up on this thread but may not have been seen. THAT would have been something that would make working hard here worth while!

Man that makes SO MUCH SENSE!

Posted using Partiko Android

How about this simple fact: HALF the people here DO NOT WANT HF20... and MANY are now powering down not up.. HOW can anyone argue for this?? You think new users are going to power up more than I have lol you have to have half a brain to believe that! The people I know are now leaving and powering down who have over 100k SP ;) some of them have hit your posts here already ;) oh but i'm just talking right lol

couldnt agree more @bigdee

I thought the whole point of HF20 was to bring in a bunch of new users. It sounds like it's doing the opposite.

NO. Not at all, @robmolecule.
Your are so much misleaded.

Sad isn't it =( and the steem team and ned just shadow ban you and downvote you if you dare bring it up to them!

Hardfork is the boring topic on my steemit journey cause some times i have not able to post on steemit . I feel bore about it.

Posted using Partiko Android

You know Cheetah has you on their blacklist and downvotes you right? So either they are wrong OR you are a scammer/spammer and should be ignored..

You are not a minnow until you reach 1 million vests. You continue to be a minnow until you hit 10 million vests, at which point you become a dolphin. You only need 100 sp to have an easy to use account.

The point was to encourage users to invest and grow their accounts. If you are actually in it for the long haul and want to strengthen your account, put a few dollars in now and then.

I am a low level minnow with 1.67 million vests. I can post and comment all day every day and it recharges easily. This hard fork in NO WAY hurts minnows now that it is all sorted out.


We all had to do the hard work of growing our following and posting through the highs and lows. Work at it. Put your earnings into steem power.

Grow your account and you will earn just fine.

Right, @hickorymack, I fully agree with you.

I have 100ks almost million SP lol I think I know about powering up ;)

Watch 22mln SP leave the next 13 weeks that I know personally are powering down because of HF20 love to see you power up 22mln SP to replace it!

Funny you self up vote and prove my point between contributing to OTHERS who need the help versus just SELF up voting and being SELFISH but hey what do I know???

I self upvoted to move the comment up so others could see it. And I upvote others all the time, every day.

Yup we all know that that is why I pointed it out and laughed! We all know why you did it and I can do that too and be at the top of MOST posts I comment on but don't know why??? I'm not like you! I PLAY FAIR! But hey keep telling me to power up while I cash out over 20k SP a week now and move to a new platform! Have fun here with ned and steemit inc they can sell you down the river I will take my pennies on the dollar and move on!

Just watch how MILLIONS of SP will leave the next month because of this and you think you will replace it how??? LOL you HAD them and now you are loosing them! Wonder why DAN left?? THIS is why! But keep blindly supporting your own downfall I'd love to see you power up 100k SP this week!

You seem maniacally bitter. I am making more on Steemit than I have ever made on Facebook. I'm willing to be satisfied with that.

Yup very bitter when I signed up to play baseball and now you impose football rules on me over night then don't even play by those rules properly it is something else... You tell me to stop complaining lol stop self up voting! How is that?

It's pretty meh, really. You have an opinion, you stated your opinion. Are you expecting a big reaction?

Let's just be clear, unless you and the new users that aren't joining add in millions of SP every month the amount of powering down will outweigh the powering up and the price of steem in USD will go far far far down and most people here will be forced to watch it go down while the big whales and dolphins cash out... Sounds stupid to me.. This upgrade has no benefit to anyone but the elite and the fan boys who blindly follow.. I do have an opinion and that is why when I was SHADOW BANNED by ned for voicing it I began my powering down and am going to move on to a platform that doesn't treat it's users this way! This platform was PERFECT until HF20! I was invested in the old rules.. We were not told of the drastic fuck up HF20 was going to be! OH just wait 2 months for "equalibrium" WTF is that? Wait 2 months?? Wait a week even? That costs us money running servers that have 256 GB of RAM! You have ANY idea what it costs us in lost revenue for this bullshit? And people just say oh suck it up! Well you going to pay for our losses?? I have to eat them! Not you!

AND to be clear I think you are a REAL Steemian so maybe we don't agree 100% on this but I do believe you actually care just as much as I do!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@bigdeej I love, that you have stated your opinion 👌 But I'm almost new on the platform and I dont have any of the problems. I can do what I whant 🤘🤘🤘 I love to see really high quality photos and stories. So no problem here. THE REAL PROBLEM IS THIS.

  1. I love voting bots 😍 Problem is, that they upvote everything! Who pays gets an upvote and that is OK.

WTF Are we are all about quality? How can then bots upvote such posts?

P.s.: @bigdeej you made a tag introduceyourself on this post. Why?

P.s.: @bigdeej you made a tag introduceyourself on this post. Why?

I'm waiting to see if some orca/whale (with enough SP) will notice this:

IMHO, a perfect reason for a flag.

Why not #steemiteducation #minnowbooster #minnowsupport #minnowsupportprojector , or anything like that?

Oh my lord....lolo lolol....u just clowning on her now! #facts
This Hard Fork is a good thing, I invested in Steem Token and not Steemit. Steemit will plug along just fine but, Steem Token is headed to huge heights. Anyone selling “MILLIONS “ of Steem right now is dumb and deserves to be crypto broke.

Perfect reply, mr. OG @BRONCNUTZ . Well done.

If RC works correctly then it's a replacement to the bandwidth system. Basically, if the blockchain utilisation is low then you'll have no problems. When the blockchain gets busy then the costs gradually go up and that'll prioritise the larger stake holders.
I send you an SBI for sharing your experience.

Still need to see how plankton will have enough RC to ever make up votes, follow you back and post/comment enough to ever grow without buying more or getting support through delegation. This isn't a good path in my opinion. It encourages selfish behavior from people with a lot of SP to just self up vote and made joining now cost at least $100 which it was hard enough to get people to join when it was free to do...

You have 350 SP and rank 60 that is not new... I agree up vote bots are a big issue and are clearly abused by the worst actors. 100% Agree there! But if you re-read my post you will understand this effects those under 25 SP the hardest. You may not make enough comments/posts/votes per day to deplete your RC but there are members who do, especially the plankton who just joined..

Ideally it would be great if everyone powered up more and only focused on quality content but the masses are not like that. Facebook and Twitter and Instagram took off by NOT charging it's users a tax just to make a post and share something. That is how social media works. Pay to play is not a game most agree with. And the tax used to be just for voting, which most of us saw as fair. Your first few days you could go make some posts and comments and follow people and use your ~20% daily VP. NOW everything costs RC so when you run out you can't even follow someone.. This is TERRIBLE! I used the tag because new members need to hear this. They need to know the system is against them and that if they don't allocate their RC properly they will run out and get frustrated and leave.. That will never grow this platform. IF we want to grow STEEM we have to attract new members.. This upgrade was in favor of the rich, at the expense of the poor. This is insanity to me. If there is anything that should have been done it was the signup process. That STILL is not fixed! Getting new users on is so hard I land up paying for my friend's accounts just to get them on board. Now I have to delegate to them SP just so they can use the platform... It never used to be this way.

@bigdeej Thank you for the replay.
I'm still a noob, because I'm on the platform active only 3 months.
As I started, I quickly learned that has no use to make "useless actions/content" (post, comments, likes, followers, resteems....bla bla bla... you know what I mean)....
I was trying to trying to make 3-4 post per day.
...hahaha....hahaha....OMG...I was so wrong.... HIGH QUALITY ? ...no...way
Then ok, let try to do 1 post per day. (oh..btw... look up my profile to se what I m doing. ( photography ))
I cant do more than 1 quality post per day and about comments...hm.. ok here we can talk about.. but still... did someone really write over 20 good quality comments?... hm... Hard to believe...


All new user how have joined and will join steemit will now come with the mindset, to create high quality content from the start.

Its not about how many comments you can give or how many friends can you follow THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IS THIS

No matter how good my content is, just a fracture of the people will see it. Bots are good, but they shouldn't upvote fals tags, because tags on steemit are everything. Or Im wrong?

But if you really believes in steemit, than $ for the start, are more than enough.

...for the end.

Exactly my thoughts. When everyone can post, comment and vote for free you get way too much worthless posts (that get upvoted as well). People comment "well said" hundreds of times/day to every post they see, just to receive rewards. That must be stopped because it also takes rewards from quality posts.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@mage00000 Well written! I think, we are moving in the right directions.... but it will take a time.

I disagree and as I stated it is causing whales and dolphins I personally know to power down not up as we have for the last almost 2 years... This is stupid! WHO thinks they will replace us with new members who buy into a pay for play platform when the bulk of the dolphins/whales leave for other platforms... There is no reason to invest more when you don't see any new members any more joining.. It has become a game of the elite winning and sucking the last of the reward pool out while they power down and cash out huge amounts since they claim it is just to "develop" the platform.. This isn't development this is suicide for the platform! New members will not replace the MILLIONS of SP we are about to loose because of HF20 and by the time the bulk of users figure it out the exchange rate for STEEM will be $0.10 USD! There is no path forward but to leave ASAP or hope and pray which many of us are still doing since we invested SOO much into this platform.. That is the only thing keeping it going.. US! We shouldn't blindly accept this we should be mad! Our voice does not matter apparently though and the elite ie ned and steemit inc decide what the chain will be.. Not one witness in the top 25 stood up to them... They all just went along with it despite a false start, 3 bugs, and 5 patches... That is not good development that is amature at best!


'Quality content' my ass... Steemit is all about popularity and bidbots... but i'm staying.

I get understand, what you mean.... but do as I do 😊, make the best of it 👌

That is all we can do but I also can power down a lot of my SP now instead of buying more like I planned to... This is not a good thing trust me I know people with over 100k some with over 1mln SP who are now powering down because of this when they were set to buy more just 2 months ago...

Yeah and this upgrade just made a lot of people who spent their VP up voting others realize there is no path forward and are powering down and/or self upvoting now because why waste RC on others when you can just help yourself.. This is not a good upgrade for anyone but whales in my opinion and bid bots! They benefit the most since they get paid for their votes and never have to even make a comment or post!


At first, I was mad at the new hardfork. Now I just hope everyone leaves so I can have the whole reward pool to myself.


The “introduceyourself/introducemyself” tag is for creating one introductory post that tells us about you. Users are encouraged to use this tag exclusively for that, and not to reuse it.

More information:

The Game of Tags

I think the HF20 brought more positive than negative sides, and we are just testing the implementation. We have already a lot of developers trying to fix part of the problem you described.

But one thing is for sure, "Without minnows and plankton and new users every week adding to the ecosystem... WE WON'T EXIST!"

testing should be done on the test net not forced on to production where real money is at risk.. But hey real devs know that unlike the joke here going on! No wonder dan left!

Makes the platform nearly useless for plankton and minnows! You want to follow someone? That costs RC.. You want to like a comment? That is RC and VP! You want to then create your own post? Well that is more RC! And now you are done for the day as a new user!

Minnow is anyone between 500 and 5000 SP. Minnows not being able to interact normally at a human level is simply not the case. I know I am.

Resource Credits have cleansed Steem of spambots. That's one reason upvote values have gone up. An internal market and a capability to delegate Resource Credits is in the works. In time, account creation and onboarding will be decentralized. Any app can onboard users and help them along by delegating RC to them without delegating voting power. No need to shout from rooftops, predicting imminent death for Steem.

What kind of SP are we talking about where a Plankton can't interact normally?

Mostly people under 100 I guess we have different terms and I should have clarified using SP not generic undefined terms. Look here:



There is NO way you can tell me this user should need to buy more SP just to make a few posts and votes. They suggested actually something that made a lot of sense:

I also made a proposal, to connect RC not only to SP but also with reputation, so if you are a good writer, you should deserve a good reputation and be able to post.

That sounds far smarter than this new system is! Maybe it is only Plankton effected badly but still new users are plankton and that means new users won't stay! That is not a good way to attract new members. They already thought earning coins for blogging is a scam. Now they are told to invest over $100 just to start... NOPE! Impossible to get new people now that I know to join since they think it is a SCAM... The new system does not address the NUMBER ONE problem... NEW SIGNUPS.. They take even longer now and less new members in September 2018 joined than September 2017.. That is not a good pattern...

Dear @bigdeej, thank you for support and to show my proposal to some top user like you, but i think if you will come to steem-bounty.com you could make a post about it and i will make my contribution with bounty, you will see many top user coming but they cannot say that you are whining!

Yeah great ideas and obviously the EXACT type of Steemian I am fighting for! People say I'm bitching or that I have no issue and cite my not huge but decent amount of SP... Well gee yeah sorry I SUPPORT STEEMIANS! That is why I'm so mad, sure I have no direct issue but when it hurts the smallest people and new members it indirectly does hurt us all! We NEED new members and plankton needs love too! This "upgrade" robbed the poorest people here in the name of what? I don't see a huge wave of new members joining. Signup still takes weeks or even months and less members join now than before HF20.. WHO benefitted? WHALES! The people who have more than 5,000 SP benefitted because they are now getting ALL the rewards since they can post, comment, follow AND vote while the small guy has to tip toe around and worry they will run out of RC. How can you expand here if you have to choose between following and voting? Again the THESIS i have brought up for 3 weeks now. Anyone following me knows I made it clear, I could just self up vote myself (you notice I never do) and earn more and cost me far less RC. Why don't I just do that? WELL, BECAUSE, I actually CARE about my fellow Steemians, ESPECIALLY the smaller ones!

How will anyone establish a reputation if not by posting and commenting?

As I said earlier, without decoupling RC Mana and voting power on the internal market, it is difficult to decentralize onboarding properly. If we go back to the old system, the blockchain will be filled with spam which is no way to scale.

There are three ways to fund a social media platform:

  1. Users sell their digital identity to the centralized entity owning the platform who in turn sells it to advertisers. In exchange, users get to use the platform free of charge.

  2. Pay to play.

  3. A blockchain based platform the operating costs of which are covered by speculators willing to speculate on the coin used internally on the platform. The value of Steem is entirely speculative as there are no external revenue streams.

I don't think Steem the blockchain itself should be ad powered. However, popular apps using the blockchain could capitalize on user data and cover their costs and reward their users that way. I'm not even sure how Steem even could be ad powered because it's just the infrastructure and selling ad space on the immutable text-based blockchain wouldn't make much sense.

I think getting people to sign up should fall on the apps and the apps should be given tools to do so by creating a separate market for Resource Credits as opposed to the market for Steem Power delegations.

But I can positively say that the vast majority of Steem users in any sustainable vastly scaled up future scenario will not earn but pay instead. They will use apps they enjoy using and will either pay to play or be exposed to ads or commercial promotion pretty much like on traditional social media.

And that is my big issue pay to play never works and is why we hated fakebook and tweeter. We came here for change and then got sold out just like all the big corporations land up doing to something we didn't ask for or signup to. Where is the focus on getting new users approved instantly and less on abuse. IF a new user has to wait over a month for their account approval THEN pay to do anything WHY would they bother? The new system does not encourage growth by new members and just encourages those who have SP to power down instead since no new members can ever join now. It was so hard to get new members on before HF20, now it is nearly impossible!

I'm repeating myself when I tell you that the idea is to make it possible to delegate Resource Credits separately from Steem Power. When that happens onboarding may take place in a decentralized manner. Apps that have millions of SP delegated to them by investors will be able to delegate RC to onboard new users. The separation of voting power and RC will go a long way to prevent abuse.

The idea is for Steem to be freemium, not free. New users should be able to interact at some basic level free of charge and if they want to become power users they will have to power up. The level of RC a new user is to have can be tweaked with the consent of witnesses.

As a long-term solution, users who are unwilling to pay to power up and will not tolerate ads or any other form of monetization of their attention are useless. Such users are nothing but a drag and will not be needed on this platform. Mass adoption will have to take place through apps offering a compelling user experience. Billions of people are accustomed to having their data mined and sold to advertisers. This form of paying for expenses and turning a profit will not be a problem for future apps on Steem and their user base. With mass adoption, Steem will not and cannot remain the digital hippie paradise and cornucopia paid for by speculators that it is today. The prospect of mass adoption bringing on board a large class of consumers is the very thing that keeps the speculation going.

Yeah but see we joined here to avoid getting taxed and a new concept. WHY even have dPOS at this point? So 21 people (most owned by ned/steemit inc) can control all the blocks? NOPE no thanks! If I have to pay taxes on the blockchain we can just go to real PoS and avoid all this! The whole point was to make a free bandwidth whereby dapps could store information they needed without a fee!

Mass adoptions will never happen when you charge users to play. How many people pay for facebook? How many pay for youtube? More and more people want FREE! There is no incentive as a new user to join anymore.

No developers are going to build dapps here that is what you fail to get. Why bother with steem when it keeps changing to something that is basically a centralized Proof of Stake now. The entire concept and principle of how it was founded is gone. The deal was we let the big fish be the witnesses and we voted for them in exchange for free bandwidth based on our Steem Power. RC just made that cost us voting and that in turn means money is lost. The accounts that get hurt the most are those under 100 SP, NEW users! That is a really stupid idea. Join my dapp but if you want to do more than setup your profile and make 1 comment you have to pay! Sounds like a great platform! Ned really has people brainwashed and people didn't read the ORIGINAL white paper dan made it seems. THIS is NOT what we signed up for and agreed to. Dan's version of steem and now EOS is much more logical and this is just unfair and driving people off the platform both big and small.

You going to pay the losses?? I paid out of pocket 3 weeks of running costs for servers and other expenses while I waited for this to get "fixed" while being told just to sit and be calm and wait.. That is not how you attract developers to your platform!

Yeah but see we joined here to avoid getting taxed and a new concept. WHY even have dPOS at this point? So 21 people (most owned by ned/steemit inc) can control all the blocks? NOPE no thanks! If I have to pay taxes on the blockchain we can just go to real PoS and avoid all this! The whole point was to make a free bandwidth whereby dapps could store information they needed without a fee!

Mass adoptions will never happen when you charge users to play. How many people pay for facebook? How many pay for youtube? More and more people want FREE! There is no incentive as a new user to join anymore.

Having to pay to power up isn't the same as paying a fee you'll never see again. Facebook and YouTube are available for use free of charge because they mine and sell the user data to advertisers.

No developers are going to build dapps here that is what you fail to get. Why bother with steem when it keeps changing to something that is basically a centralized Proof of Stake now. The entire concept and principle of how it was founded is gone. The deal was we let the big fish be the witnesses and we voted for them in exchange for free bandwidth based on our Steem Power. RC just made that cost us voting and that in turn means money is lost. The accounts that get hurt the most are those under 100 SP, NEW users! That is a really stupid idea. Join my dapp but if you want to do more than setup your profile and make 1 comment you have to pay! Sounds like a great platform! Ned really has people brainwashed and people didn't read the ORIGINAL white paper dan made it seems. THIS is NOT what we signed up for and agreed to. Dan's version of steem and now EOS is much more logical and this is just unfair and driving people off the platform both big and small.

RC is just as based on Steem Power as bandwidth. Besides, apps have the freedom to delegate as much RC to their new users at any price they want to or for free.

You going to pay the losses?? I paid out of pocket 3 weeks of running costs for servers and other expenses while I waited for this to get "fixed" while being told just to sit and be calm and wait.. That is not how you attract developers to your platform!

What are you talking about here?

Very good repply , @markkujantunen

I AM A DEV and we are not happy with these changes. Your "IDEAL" that you can just pass the cost off onto devs and new users will join is insane lol but hey that is why dlive and many others left too right? No need to discuss this anymore you are never going to even listen to what I think say or do. You think I want to pay for all my friends, family and strangers to join? For what?? How do I afford that I only have so much Steem! But I guess when you don't run a dapp you don't know what it costs and just tell people who do to suck it up and thats what ned wants! See what we are building is a system that was based on the old rules. NOW you want us to pay for our new members or require them to pay... That is not going to fly with most people and will lead to losses. Obviously you never ran a server before since you have no concept of how much it costs to do so! Being unable to earn for days, no weeks because of this upgrade has cost a lot that no one is going to give me back! I had to pay my bills with no one giving me any source of revenue to do so. That means out of pocket! I'm sure you and steemit inc will love to give all us like blocktrades and dlive and others the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of STEEM we lost these past 3 weeks though right? You can send it here anytime you like.

Welcome to Steemit bigdeej. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

That is definitely problem for the newcomers but I think the team and witnesses are aware of these. Without new sign up the system will collapse definitely. Hope that they will find a way out.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah shadowban me and others who bring it up, downvote us and tell us to leave which then causes millions of SP to leave the platform! Great job overlords of steem ie ned lol no wonder dan left!

If the people start leaving rather than joining, it will have devastating effect for the overall community. @ned don't know that!

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

And yet the people I know with REAL SP are already powering down and doing just that lol yet where are the new users? I see almost no new followers in the last 3 weeks and most new accounts that do exist just disappear after a few hours never to return.. Ned knows what he is doing that is why he shadow bans and downvotes people including myself for speaking out. With his millions of SP and fake accounts he can control the views of most witnesses and steemians but the middle class is leaving en mass.. Minnows/Plankton will loose their voice as well trying to decide between making a comment and placing an upvote to earn more SP which in turn would let them do more.. Catch 22. See they fucked us!

Of course Steemit Inc is powering down! How else but selling STEEM is it going to be able to fund all the development? Besides, Steemit Inc powering down and slowly losing relative stake is a good thing. This is a delegated proof of stake platform and it's only good for decentralization that the biggest whales power down. That is the desired outcome of a successful launch of a DPoS system.

Wasn't referring to steemit inc but rather whales and dolphins I know.

Sorry to hear that. Excuse me! What is shadow ban?

Posted using Partiko Android

It is another term for being blacklisted, unable to speak. Someone that basically instantly downvotes your opposition so you have no voice. They usually offer no retaliation or reason and just downvote you and make you invisible for speaking up. It is what tyrants do.

VP=voting power (?)
RC=....? remote control?

RC = resource credits , it's replacing what used to be called bandwidth

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to steemit, make your dream come true

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to Steem! Partiko is a fast and beautiful mobile app for Steem and we upvote our users to help them grow! Please feel free to download the Android app here and the iOS app here.

To learn more about us and stay connected with us, please join our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/N7Et97G

ha ha ha, seems like a nice greeting to a novice.... :)

Thank you for responding! Looks like we hit an experienced novice!

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to Steem @bigdeej.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!