Good day sir @dimimp how are you doing today sir? I did a post on drug abuse how it's one of the biggest problem affecting people both young and old
Drugs have done lot of damages to people in this world
and I still hope you reply my post sir @dimimp please i want you to please hire me to space force (sf)
Today I want to talk about how devastation goes hand in hand with love
I want to talk about how love and devastation goes hand in hand
Because it's impossible to get inside a relationship and think that you can find the debt of relating without been challenged with pain
We also have to have the clarity to understand who is worthy of us working with them through satin devastations and when it time to walk away
cause I'm going to let you know something not everyone you love is meant to be the perfect person you build a life with
sometimes you have to love them from far away
the fact is that "you can't love someone more than you love yourself "