Voting Abuse and Ineffective Curation: A proposal for blockchain-level change

in steem •  7 years ago 

Of late, there has been a lot of controversy on Steem regarding vote buying, purchase of Steem delegations, self-voting, etc. Actually, a lot of this isn’t really new to the Steem blockchain: similar arguments about fairness of reward distribution have been around since shortly after the first payout and people realized that the rewards were “real”. Another related complaint I’ve seen is that “good posts” aren’t rising to the top of the trending page and topic pages like they should (i.e. posts aren’t being curated effectively).

This last complaint is actually the most serious one, in my opinion, because one of Steem’s primary promises should be that it is good for content discovery (it’s not the only one: it also has great promise as a reward mechanism for software development, humanitarian efforts, etc, but it is certainly one of the original design goals as a social media platform).

Several changes have been made to the blockchain rules over time in order to attempt to improve the reward distribution, some that were helpful and some that were harmful, and currently there’s several proposals out there now for future changes. One of which I’ve seen recurring lately is some form of change to encourage downvoting (aka flagging).

Is a change in downvoting rules the answer to curation woes?

The idea behind most of these proposed changes to downvoting would be to encourage users to downvote posts that were self-voted (or voted up by a group of similar minded individuals) to reward levels that others consider unreasonable.

Under current rules, there are several economic and social problems with using downvotes in this way:

  1. downvotes cost the downvoter curation rewards that could otherwise be gained by using the voting power for an upvote (this was by design, to discourage casual or malicious downvoting),
  2. downvotes tend to make the person who got downvoted feel cheated about their lost rewards
  3. downvotes tend to create an adversarial relationship between the downvoter and the person being downvoted
  4. downvoting of a powerful poster or a group of such posters could result in retaliatory downvoting, which tends to severely discourage curators from downvoting posters with a lot of Steem Power.

I’ve read through various proposals that have been suggested for trying to alleviate these problems, none of which solve all the above problems, and some of which are difficult to implement on a blockchain (anonymous downvoting, for example, as a method of reducing retaliatory downvoting). So, in my opinion, most of the negative aspects of downvoting can’t be eliminated by changing downvoting rules, so I think changing downvoting rules won’t work well as a method of improving curation effectiveness and reward distribution on the blockchain.

Another option: Change the economic incentives to encourage “better” upvoting

Steem was designed to reward effective curators with higher curation rewards. Effective in this sense means curators who could quickly identify and upvote posts that others would likely upvote if they saw them. The idea is simple: early curators would upvote a good post, raising it up on the hot list to bring it to the attention of more readers/voters, creating a cascading effect of increased attention (and rewards) for good posts. Similar voting systems exist on other social platforms, of course, but one of the advantages of Steem was the additional of a financial incentive for good curation.

However, there’s a competing financial incentive that currently effectively counters the financial benefit to effective curation: the current blockchain rules favor self-voting over effective curation. To understand why this is the case, a little history is needed:

Bot curation and introduction of the “30 minute rule”

Originally, Steem was designed to create a 50/50 split of rewards between authors and curators. For example, on any given post, 50% of the rewards would go to the author of the post, and 50% of the rewards would go to the people who upvoted the post. The 50% awarded to the curators was and is determined by two factors: the order in which they upvoted (early upvoters get more of the curation rewards) and the amount of voting power they upvoted with.

But early on, bots began to vote on posts by popular authors immediately after the post was created in order to grab the lion share of the curation rewards. To counter this tactic, the “30 minute rule” was introduced into the blockchain code in an attempt to level the playing field against early bot voting. The 30 minute rule imposed a declining penalty on curators who vote in the first 30 minutes after the post is created. If you vote on a post immediately after it is posted, you lose all your curation rewards. If you vote at the 15 minute mark, you lose half your curation rewards. Any vote made after 30 minutes gets it’s full curation rewards.

30 minutes was chosen somewhat arbitrarily as the time it would take to read a post. 30 minutes might sound like a long time to read a post on Steemit, but if you’ve read any of the posts made by the guy who came up with this idea (and you probably have, if you’ve been on this platform for long), then you’ll understand why he set it to 30 minutes. In fairness, as one of my longer posts, this post may take 30 minutes to fully read as well.

There’s another aspect to the 30 minute rule which I believe has seriously skewed the economics of steem in favor of self-voting and pay-for-vote bots: the curation rewards lost by early voters was given to the authors. Why? Well, I can’t say for sure, but the same guy who came up with this rule was a prolific poster, and I guess he saw it as a way to allow curators to reward their posters with extra rewards. But it’s had a big unintended consequence: an author can upvote his post early both directly and with voting bots, and shift a large portion of the rewards from the curators to himself. And because many Steemians don’t understand the 30 minute rule in it’s entirety, it’s probably not a conscious decision on their part to give up their curation rewards in this way. And sitting around waiting 30 minutes just to upvote a post is probably asking too much of them anyways. But worst of all, the 30 minute rules makes pay-for-vote bots a logical economic alternative for posters that aren’t invested into the long term value of the blockchain regardless of the quality of the post they create.

I think pay-for-vote bots can have their place in Steem’s economy: it makes sense to me that a relatively unknown author may want to get his post upvoted to gain attention of curators if he’s confident that his post will attract votes when it gets curator attention. This could increase the effectiveness of Steem at creating a quality trending page as it would allow new authors to offset some of the advantage of established authors who are already being followed and routinely upvoted. But I don’t think it should be profitable to pay for an upvote if other curators don’t see the quality of your post and follow through with upvotes of their own. But the 30 minute rule makes this economically possible today and a result we have near contentless posts being upvoted by pay-for-vote bots.

My thoughts: Change the 30 minute Rule to 5 minutes and restore 50/50 rewards

On an intuitive economic level, if we agree that curation on Steem isn’t currently working well, it seems that one obvious potential solution is to reward curators better for curating better while at the same time reducing the incentive for authors to self-vote bad posts. There are many ways this could be done, of course, and I’m only outlining my initial thoughts on one way to do this without introducing unnecessary complexity into the existing blockchain code:

Replace the 30 minute period with a 5 minute period

5 minutes is enough for a competent curator to normally determine if he likes a post, in my opinion. Let’s change the period to something that fits the time to evaluate most posts, not just the longest and most complex ones.

Let curators keep their full normal reward and eliminate the huge reward for early self-voting

This could be achieved simply by discarding the 30 minute rule entirely instead of changing it to a 5 minute period, but then we would be left with the same problem it was meant to prevent: immediate voting on new posts by bots. So instead of eliminating the rule entirely, I propose that we put curators who upvote in the first five minutes on the same reward footing, eliminating the advantage of an immediate voter.

Now this change still leaves bots able to selectively upvote at the end of the 5 minute period based on the number of votes already received on the post, but that’s far less abusive than handing out larger rewards to immediate upvoter bots and I think it’s hard to even say if the first 5 minutes of voting is going to tally with the 7 day performance of the post, which could invalidate this method of bot gaming entirely. I suspect it’s likely to be no better a strategy than the current one employed by “blind curation” bots that simply upvote popular authors near the 30 minute mark.

Does this solve all Steem’s curation problems?

Well, I don’t know and since it’s a complicated issue, almost certainly not, but of proposal’s I’ve seen so far, it’s one that I think is relatively easy to implement, and I think its benefits versus the current rules are pretty clear. At a minimum, I think it will seriously deter the ability of pay-for-vote bots to reward bad posts.

The biggest argument I can see levied against this proposal will be that content creators will get less rewards than they do now. This is indisputable. But, I think the better question is: on average, will “good” content creators get less than they do now? I think it could actually go in the opposite direction, with more good content creators getting more, while bad content creators get less: after all that’s part of what I mean by increasing curation effectiveness. If the distribution of author rewards shifts enough between good and bad authors, it’s an overall win for good content curators.

This post is mainly intended as a spring board for discussion of curation improvement ideas that focus on changing curation rewards instead of changing the downvote system, since it seems to me this has been neglected as a solution to the curation problem. Your feedback and proposals on this topic are more than welcome!

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The obvious solution would be a change in culture of Steem from greed and hubris to one more appropriate for a social platform. This can happen with whales and influencers supporting the right message.

Back to reality, I'd be in favour of returning to 50/50 and doing away with the 30 minute window entirely if the curation rewards system is overhauled to incentivize actual curation. I don't know how that can happen, but here's a thought experiment.

I'd like to see a more intelligent rewards system that would more effectively reward curators curating a diversity of posts. This would include two things. To be clear, this is just a thought experiment, and I'm fairly sure it's too complicated to be implemented -

a) a cubic curation reward curve, so discoverers are more effectively incentivized.
b) diminishing returns on voting for the same authors over and over again.

E.g. account a has X SP, account b has X SP (identical). They vote in identical ways. Except, account a only votes on b, c, and d; while account b votes on 100 different accounts. Account b will end up with 30Z SP rewards, while account a ends up with only Z SP.

This could follow the VP algorithm maybe, each account will have a VP for each voter. However each vote could cost 50%, and regen period could be a week, for example. So, voting on the same author more than once a week would be disincentivized versus voting on a diverse variety of authors.

Of course, this can be abused by SP delegation. However, the 7 day in limbo should be an effective deterrent. Furthermore, SP delegations can be tracked back to the source, and the diminishing returns would continue. However, I don't think that's necessary until additional abuse vectors are found.

Needless to say, this is computationally challenging. I'm not a developer, so I'll leave that up to them to decide whether it's worth it. Most likely, this is way too complicated and not feasible, but it's a nice thought experiment.

The end result is, of course, this would also greatly disincentivise self-voting, vote trading, auto bot voting etc. The challenge here would be rogue curators will spread around random votes to cash in, making networks of sock-puppet accounts. However, one hopes that with a cubic reward curve, they will be greatly incentivized to curate good content others can discover. And, hey, their abuse is rampant anyway today.

a) a cubic curation reward curve, so discoverers are more effectively incentivized.

@twinner suggested a sigmoid function. It would make self-votes on 'empty' posts/comments less attractive, but at the same time would prevent extremely high rewards on posts where 'everybody' is placing his upvotes (different than the n^2 reward curve).

b) diminishing returns on voting for the same authors over and over again.

I am happy to read this elsewhere finally. I was suggesting it some time ago, but the article was commented mainly by minnows. I described the core idea like this:
"How about if after each vote on a specific account (including ones own account) each further vote on the same account would lead to significantly less curation reward for the voter and less profit for the upvoted account? Thus, when upvoting an account which I had already upvoted before, my voting power would be smaller than in case I upvote an account which I didn't upvote before."

I think diminishing returns should apply for downvotes as well to make 'personal battles' less attractive and use them instead for envisaged reasons.

Of course the details were still to be discussed, for example how strong the returns should diminish and how long the timescale would be for any specific user to recover again.

@twinner suggested a sigmoid function. It would make self-votes on 'empty' posts/comments less attractive, but at the same time would prevent extremely high rewards on posts where 'everybody' is placing his upvotes (different than the n^2 reward curve).

To be clear, I was talking about the curation reward curve, not the author reward curve. This used to calculate how much of an advantage early voters have.

As for author reward curve, I wouldn't support a sigmoid function. Among other issues, it would kill demand for holding a lot of SP and discourage top authors (and maybe curators). High activity and SP holding would incur a very steep tax, in effect. Linear is OK - not perfect, but the problems lie elsewhere. Once these other issues are fixed, linear offers the best combination of liberty and equality. I would certainly support stricter bandwidth limitations - that would effectively minimise the spamming problem. A brand new account starts with 37 MB - way excessive, in my opinion. Oh, and an overhauled Rep system.

I like some the ideas in your post though, hope people see it now.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
To be clear, I was talking about the curation reward curve, not the author reward curve.

Yes, you are right, we were talking about different things here ...

I wouldn't support a sigmoid function. Among other issues, it would kill demand for holding a lot of SP and discourage top authors.

Is that so obvious? After a flat start (to make self-votes less attractive) it would rise rather steep actually ... only the end would be shallow again ...
I have to admit I didn't think about it in detail yet, but the idea looked interesting to me at a first glance (maybe one could use a sigmoid function which is not that steep in the middle ...).

Linear is OK - not perfect, but the problems lie elsewhere.

The problem of the linear curve is that self-votes (even in case no other user votes) have a rather strong effect.

The problem of the linear curve is that self-votes (even in case no other user votes) have a rather strong effect.

As a matter of fact, self votes by whales have a much smaller effect. It's true that the effect is stronger for minnows, but given the massive disparity in distribution, linear means less rewards are allocated to possible self votes.

The real culprit is the vote regen change from 40 > 10. That means a possible 100% self vote is 4x as powerful as before.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
As a matter of fact, self votes by whales have a much smaller effect.

To believe that I needed an example. If the curve starts flat, of course also whales should profit less when upvoting an own article on which nobody else has voted so far.

The real culprit is the vote regen change from 40 > 10. That means a possible 100% self vote is 4x as powerful as before.

Yes, I mentioned this in my linked article, too. It makes self-votes much more lucrative than before - together with the linear reward curve.

Addition: I also think the former idea to have only four fully rewarded articles per day was reasonable as it made it less attractive to make many short low quality posts per day just to upvote them oneself.

To believe that I needed an example. If the curve starts flat, of course also whales should profit less when upvoting an own article on which nobody else has voted so far.

I was comparing linear to the quadratic curve we had before. I see now that you meant sigmoid. Rewards are calculated by total Rshares contributed. Depending on the exact implementation, a megawhale might just get to the peak all by themselves with a sigmoid curve. Don't underestimate the disparity between whales and minnows - it's enormous. Anyway, it's not possible to talk about details like that without knowing the exact implementation.

I have to say this sigmoid function is 'fascinating' me as it could avoid the disadvantages of the linear and the quadratic curve. Therefore I wanted to attract some attention for this idea and see if some other steemians might be interested, too. :)
Of course the exact implementation is what finally would matter, but before to rack my brain too much, I wanted to plumb if the idea is able to attract some interest.

Anyway: thanks for drawing the attention on diminishing returns again!

This drop from 40 to 10 votes, and the drop in VP changing from 0.5% to 2%, are due to one single parameter doing two jobs within the core code; this is why the product remains constant. It is not possible to change this without splitting that parameter into two separate ones.

Good thinking

Diminishing rewards for the same author over and over again makes a ton of sense.

"The obvious solution would be a change in culture of Steem from greed and hubris to one more appropriate for a social platform. This can happen with whales and influencers supporting the right message."

The code can create incentives that provide good reasons to do the right thing. It seems that was what was the intention. However, the results haven't met the objectives, and this means the code needs revision.

I'm not sure if you are being as sarcastic as I was, or that's a serious response. Either way, to state the bleeding obvious, what I meant - If people were benevolent, there would be no need for code on Steem; and by extension, no need for laws in the real world. Since that's not the case, I spent the rest of my comment talking about how the code can be changed.

I see a STEEM future where each individual account will make rules for the distribution of their voting power and people within that group are incentivized to vote on amendments to these rules, IE the organization of accounts into sub-groups from the general steem population.

Why is steem or sbd no longer pegged at a dollar?
When I read the whitepaper I remember this as a crucial part of the stability equation, seeing my account up to $70 is nice but I am very hesitant to lock in more SP when it is out of balance.

In any case If payout rules are to be changed all users should be given the same amount of notice.

You can force whales to upvote more because they mostly upvote themselfs, selfupvote of a minnow doesn't mean any thing, let rich people share their earning with new people in steemit to support them, more than 6 months I was earning just cents and I am posting everyday on steemit and there are peoplethat are here much longer time and keep earning cents.

We need balance in sharing rewards and we need also limits in earning , it's not good when someone earn hundreds and others cents. If it will be limit in earning it will motivate people to write more and do their best to wriite good quality posts.

We need also bonuses for people that write a lot of posts and comments a lot, this @steemitboard just showing us how much we did but there is no reward for that !

I agree with your idea that there should be balance here on the platform. It's discouraging for new users to see their posts go unnoticed while others make hundreds. I am now learning about the selfupvote's downside for minnows from reading this post. I need to learn all I can in order to utilize the site at optimum level and get the most out of my time here. I would love to see an incentive for those of us who actually do read the posts and take time to comment.

I agree. I think if someone is adding thoughtful posts on a consistent basis they are adding to the community in a meaningful way. Incentivizing that may not be as important as incentivizing content production, but the two really go hand in hand.

I feel you brother/ sister. The current reward system is horrible designed to make the rich becomes richer, the poor becomes poorer. No different from the real world actually. At least in the real world you can go to the authority if someone is trespassing your civil rights. Here, you'll get down-voted by a whale because he doesn't like your content and you have nothing to do but lose your sense of identity.

I think that is why we have to think about being whales and to make such friends, a lot of people now are talking about downvote and I will try to not write things that offend someone, I'll try to be useful for the community.

Well said

"The obvious solution would be a change in culture of Steem from greed and hubris to one more appropriate for a social platform. This can happen with whales and influencers supporting the right message" ....and than you woke up with your feet in the fridge :)

These are not bad ideas. I am still learning as a minnow but I am not entirely sure I like the idea that I won't want to vote on my favorite author more than 1-3 times a week when they post every 3 hours. Then again I'm not guaranteed to like everything they post. Then again, that's what curators are for anyways right? To find the quality content, so to stick to just a handful of authors you're not helping with "new quality content". As a minnow and new to steemit I have little argument against the idea, however I do see the positive in it. There have been quite a few posts that I was done with in less than 10 minutes but I was reluctant to upvote when I was done. After 10 minutes I had already moved on and forgot to go back and upvote as the post got buried in the feed. So the 5 minute rule makes more sense to me because yes, I do believe it only takes about 5 minutes before I or any competent reader can decided if they like what they are reading.

In regards to diminishing returns on voting for the same authors, I understand how this could alleviate problems with botting, but doesn't this diminish the value of Steemit as a social media platform? It's not incorrect to say that many users follow a few "favorite" people that may post things that they like, and upvote just about everything that author posts. Naturally, this shouldn't be for the sole purpose of making money, but I feel as if it's unfair for users to profit less from voting on specific authors again and again. Perhaps a more efficient way to alleviate the problem in a similar, but fairer, way would be to check the actual quantity of authors that a user commonly votes on versus their votes on authors that they may not have upvoted before. This would allow for a better analysis of how diversed someone is in their voting, however I must admit it sounds pretty difficult in terms of developing this method, it's just an idea to be thought on.

There shouldn't be a major issue here, the diminishing returns will only kick in if someone uses a vast majority of their VP to vote on the same people. They are either a) extremely lazy and ineffective curator or b) abusing/self voting. In both cases, penalty is valid. For most people, this wouldn't matter much, while incentivizing the proactive curators who go out and actively seek a diversity of content.

Or c) trying to support a content creator.

I vote for people regularly who without my meagre vote get $0.01 for their posts, should I, and others like me be punished for trying to encourage a poster to carry on?


A majority is 50+%, a 'vast' majority? Gimme a number. Something to work with here.

I enjoy some prolific authors that serialize content here, and on days when I catch up on their work, most of my votes can go to them.

Thus the time frame considered for a penalty is also relevant. Is this per day? Per week? Month? The only week for which I have data, last week, I hit over 150 unique accounts with upvotes.

This idea may be more complex in practice than in theory.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@liberosist many users are being cheated by many boots, many users who bid for upvotes from boots end up getting less value of votes relative to their bid value. There are several instance of them and indeed Voting Abuse is real, Ineffective Curation is a problem here it calls for a proposal for blockchain-level change

@liberosist that is a great idea, we need there to be even more incentive for the whales finding content that is quality, maybe someone needs to design an AI thats measures the quality of the content and makes those posts automatically worth more to vote on...

this was so helpful.

I don't really understand some of these things though but it's great to know that you guys have steemit @ heart and want to make it be

b) diminishing returns on voting for the same authors over and over again.

This. I suggested something quite similar actually, where curation rewards were calculated separately from the post rewards, and where posts that earned the author larger than that authors average payout got a proportional multiplier on the curation share, whereas those that earned less than that authors average payout got a penalty multiplier.

to call it greed is absurd. there is literally no other reason to be here besides the money.

There literally is. Content.

i expressed myself in an unclear way, i apologize. my point is that there is plenty of content, most of it better, elsewhere on the internet. The key differentiation steem has is the money aspect.

Of course, there's a slight difference for folks wearing a watch, or rings. We know what happens to metal in microwaves.

I appreciate your honesty. However, there are plenty of people here to create and consume content.

I think his point is that people need/want money, and to call that greed is somewhat disingenuous, especially coming from someone who does very well out of Steemit. I know you do amazing curation work for Curie as well, however I'm sure you can see how it might frustrate, to invite people to Steemit to make money, and then call it greed when they do.

I'm pretty sure you were talking about a particular set of people, for instance I have seen big accounts that pretty much only vote for themselves, and that does seem greedy.

I guess we will always get these issues where money is involved, if you took the money element away I think we'd lose about 75% of the platform, so I guess the rewards debate will rage on and on :-)


Earning money and greed are entirely different concepts. I'm sure we can easily differentiate the two. You gave pretty good examples for both above.

Either way, my statement about greed was clearly in jest, something I clarified explicitly in a later comment.

Ah, I didn't catch the later comment, it's getting harder and harder to navigate comments and replies on Steemit. I read something this morn about Chainbb being better for that. :-)


It is, particularly on comment rich posts, like this one. Clicking on a reply used to take you to that exact reply. On this post, it takes me to the post where I am currently searching for a specific comment.

It will literally take hours, because I keep getting sidetracked like this =p

This is one reason I developed the SteemSwitch plugin. Easy to switch between steemit, busy, chainbb, steemd and steemdb for viewing same content. At least on Firefox.

If the system allows self-voting, how is that greedy? It might be more altruistic to spread the wealth, but it's no more greedy than picking up a $20 bill you found on the ground and putting it into the pocket instead of donating it. Sure, it would be very good to donate it, but greedy not to? Why?

Then why did you bother to comment without self voting, and buying a bot vote to bump up your rewards on the comment?

NM. If money is the only reason you're here, you won't be here long.

Nice to meet you! Have a nice life =)

I didnt mean it the way I said it, I apologize. My point is just that the only thing that distinguishes steem from any other platform like it is the fact that you can earn money with it (there is a side benefit of not being censored, but that is tangential and certainly not the motivation of almost anyone to join).

Thus, to call people greedy for using the system legally and in the way that it is currently set up is not accurate in my opinion.

I'm sorry if I upset you.

I'm not upset. You just won't be here long if you came for a flood of riches. That doesn't anger me at you, as I understand the motivation.

And, I literally came here to escape the censorship and propaganda I could no longer tolerate on Fakebook and Youtool. The only reason I care much about rewards, is that it's a powerful motivator for people to interact civilly.

The potential and prospect of gaining - or having flagged away - some cash transforms trolls into polite interlocutors.

However, just because code exists doesn't mean it works how it was supposed to. The white paper reveals the devs expected ~30% of rewards going to ~90% of the community. While this is alarmingly skewed, it's not even close to what is actually the case.

Less than 1% of rewards goes to 99+% of the community - orders of magnitude worse. Call it greed if you want. I don't. I see no point in a pejorative term.

I look at it as financial prudence, where foregoing potential income is contrary to the skillset that gained the stake to begin with.

It's short-sighted, and killing Steemit, however. We need 'Helicopter Ben' up in here to create a market that can make Steem a nominal currency. Not flowing rewards adequately to those without Steem fails to create more users of the currency. Median payouts of $.01 is not adequate flow.

Votebots help a given post gain rewards. But profit concentrates Steem even more via votebots, and actually makes the GINI (a measure of financial disparity) of Steemit worse, even though the bots may be intended by their authors to disperse Steem more broadly.

These kinds of unintended consequences have convinced me that ever more complicated mitigations to the unforeseen problems of stake weighting VP are flogging a dead horse.

The problem is stake-weighting itself, and the cure is rep-weighting.

Rewards work. Greed is not good, and profiteers eventually demonetize those that play fair, destroying the market itself. This is what is happening to Steemit, as the GINI continues to get worse.

Be well, and my your fondest dreams pale beside the amazing actuality of your future joy!

I dunno how I upvoted this comment. I didn't mean to, and only now have discovered this, too late to 'unvote' it.

For anyone that cares, or finds this to be probative I am unprincipled in my frequent rants against self voting and bots, I will welcome any flags that reference this example of self voting, I am not presently capable of fixing.

I am actually glad I found it, as I saw some days ago that self voting had somehow occurred, and I have been mystified as to how that happened. At least the mystery is solved.

Apparently, the tangled complexity of this post and it's replies has either confused me when I voted on another comment, or the UI/UX somehow.

I dunno.


I wrote about this, especially "b) diminishing returns on voting for the same authors over and over again."
The article is here and some numbers here.

I know this is an old post, but some fundamental ideas need to resurface and maybe fine-tuned.

b) diminishing returns on voting for the same authors over and over again.

This is a really good idea that would solve a lot of the curation problems, self-voting and circle jerks that are plaguing the system. This is an idea that should be popularized!

With the diminishing return on same author, perhaps a cool down like we have with voting power. We don't want to long term fans with a hard diminish. But other than that it is a great way to at least slow people's roll. Since you can never stop cheating outright, that is the best we can do. I think That one aspect would have an ENORMOUS impact. Honestly... how are changes like that even made here? A witness vote or a user vote?

I'd agree with this one:

diminishing returns on voting for the same authors over and over again.

Even though I upvote my own posts (not spamming if I only post 2 times daily... right?).. and certain people posts/comments a lot more than others. I think it'll be in the favor of the system to encourage curating different people each time.

Hmmm, how about increased rewards for finding new ones? I just think if I've found someone really good and they are not that well supported, why should I be punished for continually supporting them?


This is good too:

how about increased rewards for finding new ones?

Well, I just hope the Devs find the optimal solution...

I'd be far more supportive of increased rewards for finding new ones. Sort of like a bounty bonus? But as someone who may work for a week on a single story I post to Steemit, not to mention going through editing to try and get it polished like a professional piece of writing, if the day comes when some whale takes a liking to my content and wants to stop by​ and upvote me every time I put something out there, I'd really hate a system that acted like I needed to spread the wealth and stop hogging all the rewards. I just don't see a problem with someone upvoting the same person a lot. It's something I hope to get, not something I want to take from those who have it.

I mentioned this elsewhere, but figured I'd take a moment to write a reply about it as well.

I'd definitely support changes to the 30m window and am all for exploring ways to maybe create a level playing field in the first 5 minutes.

What I don't think I'd support is just hardcoding the system back to 50/50. I'd much rather see those values turn into a configurable amount that can be decided by the platform it's being posted on. On a site like Steemit - being about curation and content discovery (both needing work), 50/50 might be a good number, but it would be a hinderance to platforms like chainBB where curation is effectively meaningless and votes are only an expression of wanting to reward someone.

A configurable amount (set inside the comment_options operation for a post at the time of creation) would also let the community experiment with every imaginable range of values, from 0% to 100% for both authors and curators, and the market will decide what to vote for. Some platforms may flounder if they choose the wrong values, while others may succeed by setting numbers we would have never expected.

I hope we can get some action around this (and a number of other issues that have nagged us for ages) early in 2018 - there's a lot to do still to make this platform rock solid.

I think this is a really important concern that @jesta mentioned. For DSound, in my experience as the developer of it, and by analysis of the last 4 months of it's live alpha, it is also not interesting to have 50/50 back. Maybe in DSound it would be even better to have it entirely as 100/0 in favor of the author, as the listener is already having the benefit of listening to the track... And that would mean more author rewards for the musician which is who technically needs them in the first place, as the curators are already having their fair share as free listeners. So, having this property customisable would benefit all and it should be only settable in the initial post and not changeable, to avoid different apps to mess with it...

Really happy you chimed in as someone else building a platform on Steem.

These types of considerations have to be accounted for, if Steem is for all platforms, and not just for the website. What works for one site might be detrimental to another.

Changing reward budgets per post could be problematic.

First, there is the issue of user education. Currently, users know that they get paid for posting and curating. The math is publicly available in the source code, but doesn't need to be advertised to everyone for them to understand how to use Steem. If we added such an option then it would need to be reflected in the UI so users knew how much of the rewards they could earn.

Second, while this might start as a way for different interfaces to incentivize different content, it would not stay that way for long. Savvy users would see that a configurable percentage creates a market for potential voters. If there are identical posts, one with 25% curation rewards and the other with 75%, which one will most people vote on? The answer is both, but at some ratio defined by the curation rewards curve.

This would turn curation into a market. How much of your rewards are you willing to give to curators for votes? This a slight change from the intended mentality today that curation is budgeted for rather than authors paying curators for their votes. The difference is subtle, but the perception of ownership over tokens is a powerful one. This is why many users get upset when they are down voted. The rewards are not yours until payout. But that doesn't prevent users from feeling like the rewards are theirs as soon as they receive an upvote.

the perception of ownership over tokens is a powerful one.

It's powerful but is it beneficial or detrimental? I think it's the latter, the general entitlement mentality is something we want to get rid of.

This would turn curation into a market. How much of your rewards are you willing to give to curators for votes?

It's already a market. How much SBD are you willing to pay to minnowbooster for votes?

Configurable rewards will encourage real curation instead of vote buying/selling.

To provide a response to each point:

  1. The premise here operates under the assumption that people care about curation rewards, which most likely the vast majority of the userbase would not. Those who are playing the curation game should absolutely know what they're voting on and at what ratio, but most users won't care.
  2. Those savvy users should have the right to do so, and use that as a tool for post promotion or alternate content types. If they want their post to be highly visible they should set the curation rewards at 75%.
  3. Is turning curation into a free market a bad thing?

"Is turning curation into a free market a bad thing?"

Ackshually... It is.

A society is more than an economy. Given the existence of folks that literally care about nothing else but money, creating a market for free speech inevitably causes freedom to speak to become treated as a commodity - and this demeans freedom itself. Monetizing freedom results to some degree in slavery for profit.

OTOH, it's preferable to being demonetized on ideological grounds, or being forced to listen to the speeches of Marvin Bush at gunpoint, until you pray for that sweet, sweet release only death can provide.

The market is unavoidable, so making it as free as possible is the best possible option for human freedom.

tl;dr Nope, it's the best answer.

Dear @vandeberg ;

I need any help to stop @grumpycat hurting innocent people.
We have to show that Steemit is bigger than any bully who is trying to impose his own rules by using his high SP on innocent people.
The post below is the summary of the situation :
Thank you for any help to stop the actions of @grumpycat.

Best Regards.


A configurable amount may end up with a race to the bottom. Big players may decide not to vote on certain posts based on this parameter and the content itself will not drive curation (not that it does right now but I feel that this will create the same problem but in the opposite direction).

They might decide not to vote on something - but not everyone cares about curation. I know I'd vote on things regardless of the percentage.

Would it make sense to bring votes from others (by sending them notifications of recommended topics) by referring them to mentions?


I like a specific content I found on STEEM. Then I know certain users will likely like to read and curate that content, but some other that do not give a shit.

So, what should the platform be able to do? if you mention people in a post and those people actually value the post where you commented on.. then you had some value in doing it... and you should receive better curation for it (aka more height). But on the other side if the mentions do not vote, then you should be removed from winning any rewards for any votes on your comment, and likely loose reputation, based on the amount of reference you are doing.

To prevent bots or bad users here is quite simple... let's make the weight of your rewards based on averages... make too many references to several others using bots and creating a wave effect, would be stupid, because, the higher the number of references, the same average it will create... and therefore not so optimal the advantage. If on the other hand, a very powerful wants to put some value on the post and for some reason, someone had mentioned lots of users to try to win some bucks, that user will actually lower the average per user... by being mentioning everyone.

Likewise, if the same user tries to mention only big users... and the content get's only validated by a single user. then the average will be catastrophically low!

The concept...

These mentions I am referring should be different from current mentions. They should be some kind of "recommendation" and should be seen as the user receiving the recommendation, filtered (highest to low rank) so, the useful recommendations are taken into account first. Also, the longer it passes without your mentions taking action, the less your curation should be.

This will likely solve, BOT auto-voting problems, thefts trying to impersonate people, SPAM, and too greedy readers that wish to strategically promote content using big references.

Does it need more detail? the idea? Shame I am not a good coder like you guys. otherwise, I would be creating my own commit already.

While I confess I am confident I don't fully understand the ramifications of your idea, I will say that this is exactly the kind of out of the box, original thought I most admire, and that makes Steemit to me like Heroin to a junkie.


Yah @jesta Your information is right.Thank you for your feedback.

Your argument, whilst certainly credible, is similar to arguing in favour of the minimum wage because not having one causes a race to the bottom among desperate workers, and thus output quality will suffer. This is possible, but I think in practice some natural equilibrium might be found if we allowed it to be, where the overall dynamic of the platform improved.

To manage the transition, perhaps we could initially limit the curation to a 75% maximum for example.

Unlike some proposals, this doesn't look to be too difficult to implement from a blockchain perspective either.

I agree that supply and demand will eventually reach an equilibrium. However the asymmetry in the distribution of Steem Power may push that point in favor of the large accounts at the expense of content producers.

There may be other business cases that are not centered around content production that could greatly benefit from a totally flexible allocation of rewards. In the end this may outweigh the possible negative effects. After all the Steem blockchain can be used for much more than social media or blogging.

That's true enough. The distribution could have a negative influence on where the equilibrium settles. The recent trend in greater whale delegation may reduce the impact of that too though by somewhat equalising the effective vote power distribution.

Yeah, a race to the bottom is what I worry about as well. I think allowing it to be configurable is a good idea, but between reasonably confined limits, not 0-100%.

I agree. 25-75% seems like a fair range to me, 20-80% at most.

This is also a fantastic point; I think everyone who provides their .02c on the solution need to consider the fact that isn't the whole enchalada. These proposals are to the steem blockchain. Meaning it will have an effect on every platform out there; dtube, chainbb, dsound, steemiz, utopiaio, busy, zappl and tons more. Those are just the most popular of the many platforms that have sprouted during the beta phase of STEEM (a beautiful notion by the way. Think of all the ideas that have been born and dev teams STEEM has helped bring to together.)

That, and once SMT's are a thing there will be countless more interfaces using STEEM tech. So if we are to put forth our ideas for UAHF/SF's they need to consider the direction of steem's future as a blockchain, not as an interface.

Don't forget the underdog handicap we would be losing by replacing the 30 minute window with a 5 minute one.

Why do you upvote your own comments all the time? It's kind of distasteful.

This is my self voting percentage for the last 3 weeks.

I vote for myself only for visibility. If steemit inc includes a UI for declining payout on comments I would use it.

Thank you for explaining yourself. It seems you care a lot about Steemit so I thought I would ask why you were pumping your own comments.

I get it now. Whoever has the most money that's who's comment should be first. Right?

I don't have the most money. I pay for the delegation so in my mind at least I'm paying to have the comment seen, yes.

I personally feel that it takes away from perhaps a really good comment from a user who can't afford large personal upvotes that's all. Not a lot of people will scroll the entire comment section and read everything where the gem comment of this entire article may live.

It is self defeating to expect people to invest in steem and even powerup to steem power (a min 13 week commitment to the platform) and then criticize writers who choose to use their steem power to promote their writings.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Read the post attached to the comment then tell me it wasn't an important point to be made and seen by readers of this post.

Noted on the gem comments. I'll read from the bottom and try to bring up some constructive comments.

@beanz believes his contribution tl be valuable.

Ha, I'm new here but I am one of those who will read through the entire comments! I know, I know! What am I doing with my life? Growing the steemit blockchain with my time on the platform... (smile!)

Ummm... can I ask where to get a pic like this for my own upvotes? (It seems website generated, that's why I asked)

  ·  7 years ago (edited) has a lot of useful stats like this.

I do like your idea @jesta. And for the sake of trying to solve a problem, opening to more options might actually reveal how to solve the problem. Just like open source decentralized blockchains. The rule for the 5 or 30 minute, could also be something interesting... and I would even put another TWO versions on the table, which are, 1st "random times for each curator" (within a min and max, implied by hardcoding), OR count how long you are reading a post and save that locally, that would be used when issuing your upvote. The locally saved time can be easily used like some other effect of "proof of work".

count how long you are reading a post and save that locally, that would be used when issuing your upvote. The locally saved time can be easily used like some other effect of "proof of work".

I wish that can be possible, but I don't think that can effectively be done on the backend... And thr blockchain has many different front ends (,, that would mean all of them should willingly count the time the window is left open...

If this idea can be made practically then I'd be the first to support it!!

Calling it for a challenge! =) I would be happy to propose it on utopia, but I would need some additional thinking to make it worth others spending time on it.

But I am with you, "if it can be made practical, I am the second to support it"

Good luck, if you posted it on give me a link.

I will copy -paste just a few sentences, telling about the roots of a problem:

  • “good posts” aren’t rising to the top of the trending page and topic pages like they should
  • one of the advantages of Steem was the additional of a financial incentive for good curation
  • the current blockchain rules favor self-voting over effective curation

Changing 30 minutes to 5 minutes....I don't know if that's going to change anything, as most bots are already set to vote after 20+ minutes after post is published.

You're right - the problem is much larger than just this, and this won't solve that larger issue.

But the 30 minute rule for curation rewards is just an unneeded complexity in the system that needs to be made less complex. Each part we make simpler, the easier it'll be to solve the entire problem.

"Each part we make simpler, the easier it'll be to solve the entire problem."

So this!

I think this is a good way of thinking...

Each part we make simpler, the easier it'll be to solve the entire problem.

This would make it easy to find the problems in it after simplifing it... and make it easier to find problems in other parts of the system since making one part simpler will decrease its effect on other parts.

Just changing 30 minutes to 5 minutes would probably have little impact at all, I agree. The more important part of the change is to eliminate the transfer of rewards from curators to authors when the curator votes during the window.

And what is the possibility, whales will show any interest for this kind of change? If this is going to be processed at all...

Of the whales I've talked to, most seem in favor of the general idea, at least as a first step towards improvement.

Many good ideas to think about.
Here are a few more that might help simplify things:

  1. Why not make all posts automatically self upvote to eliminate negativity?
  2. Self upvote rewards can be set to be the same, according to Steem Power, for all by steemit to pay the same (or not pay) curation rewards to the self upvoter (author). I understand that some whales and dophins use self upvoting for a good return on their investment, and a good return on investment encourages investors to put more money into Steem Power, so a steemit wide automatic self upvote could help reduce negative accusations and simplify things.
  3. Should upvotes that don't even open the post be eligible for curation? Maybe the length of time a curator-upvoter spends on a post (up to maybe 5 or 10 minutes or ?), the more curation % he/she can receive from said post.
  4. All upvoters could share the curation equally regardless of who upvoted first and how many minutes after the post up to 7 days, except for the amount of time spend on the post. This might help reduce the advantage of bots upvoting.
  5. Maybe to help minnows build Steem Power, all posts can receive a small minimum participation reward of Steem Power, like maybe 1 Steem Power (or?), limited to 1 post a day or ? Of course great posts can still receive great author rewards.
  6. Of course junk posts should not be encouraged, and negative votes should not be encouraged. It appears we may need a volunteer board of trusted judges to determine if a post that is brought to their attention is junk or not. And if a poster continually posts junk, he or she could be kicked out or lesser punishments as the judges determine.
  7. Please combine Math, Maths, Mathematics to default into one subject as there aren't that many posts there to require 3 separate subjects for the same thing.

Thanks for reading these suggestions to ponder.

Saya sangat senang membaca komentar anda, luar biasa, ada solusi yang disertai analisis yang kuat. Sebenarnya kita semua sedang menunggu solusi dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan profesional sehingga semua pihak dapat memahami kesimpulan ini dengan nalar terbuka. Terimakasih atas konstribusi profesional yang telah membuat semua merasa lega.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

How about you stop spamming?

Currently a very large percentage of voting is done automatically, without the curator taking any effort to evaluate the quality of posts..

The main game of 'curation' in it's current form is to try and upvote the popular authors before others do. With the change to 50/50 rewards, wouldn't this behavior still continue?

There may be some small incentive to actively find good content, but I worry that we will just be paying more money to the users who are not actually spending the time and effort necessary to actually curate, and are just upvoting the same authors because they know that all the other auto-upvotes will follow.

I'm not really against voting bots or auto-upvote trails, and I don't necessarily disagree with your proposal, but I also struggle to see how it is going to solve the root problem of curation. I don't know if throwing more money at it is necessarily going to incentivize better behavior.

I'm hoping you (or someone else) can make the case that it would actually incentivize a behavior change.

It cuts both ways, though.
Clever bots selectively upvote posts knowing the author will self upvote either manually or with bid bots (often 6 days later).
Making curation more profitable relative to self upvoting will undermine this author behaviour and introduce some more ambiguity for bots.
As to consistently great authors, if the quality starts to slip, those manual votes aren't going to arrive, and the curation bots will be pointed elsewhere.
It'll just take a while to lose momentum.

changing to 50/50 may well end up being a disincentive for content creators. Why should someone who places a vote get half when it is the creator that has put the time and effort into it?

I really think the bigger part of the problem is that the Trending page leans more on the monetary value the voting has created than any other measure of quality.

Surely an algorithm could be devised that reduced the monetary influence and factored in number of views, votes and comments on a post. I know there are a lot of spam comments but with the complexity of algorithms that can be devised these days some method of weighting the comments to factor out some or most of the spam should be possible.

The end result would be the more engagement a post gets, the higher up the trending list it would get. No amount of self-voting or vote bots would artificially inflate the result. It would bring the trending page more into line with other social media sites.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Why should someone who places a vote get half when it is the creator that has put the time and effort into it?

Think of it as a partnership. Without votes by SP holders there is no reward for the author (and without SP holders collectively there are no rewards to give to any authors). Conversely, without content there is nothing for SP holders to vote for, and further no content or engagement to drive growth of the platform and STEEM/SP value. And, finally, without engaged voters investing time and effort into curation (the point of this post really), there is no way to determine which are the excellent posts that most deserve to be rewarded.

As @timcliff explained, curation rewards are split between all of the voters, but even in the extreme simple case of a single voter, it is still a partnership and both partners are critical to success. Recognizing the importance of both posters (and commenters) and voters with a more equitable split (and one which better compensates putting in actual effort to curation than the status quo) is good for everyone. I don't know whether 50/50 is exactly the right number but it is probably closer to the right number than the current 85/15.

80/20 or 75/25, even 70/30 may be okay but the 50/50 diminishes the value of the labour the content creator does.

If a content creator deems his/herself too good for that reward layout, someone else will happily step in. And, if that much higher curation payout makes owning SP sufficiently attractive (and it WILL make it more attractive to own SP), then those content creators that opt out will be very disappointed in their decision to do so.

I hear people talk all the time about "what if Steem reaches $10, $100, $1,000... what would these payouts look like then?", well, I don't see Steem reaching those types of prices with the current parameters, but making it far more attractive to own SP (buy and lock away Steem) is certainly a step in the right direction.

People aren't going to be complaining about "only making half of the rewards" as content creators if Steem does a 10X price move based on SP becoming a more valuable commodity.

If a content creator currently makes $100 at today's Steem price (call it $1.50) and today's payout parameters (85/15%), they will be making ( { [100 / 0.85] x 0.5 } x 10 ) $588.24 if Steem 10X in price (to around $15) and the parameters are changed to 50/50%, all else being equal.

you'd make a wonderful fiat publisher as they do their best to drive the proceeds to the writer lower and lower while their intake of proceeds goes higher on the backs of the creators.

What I say is true. If curators make roughly nothing, then how is Steemit any different than a site like YouTube (only content creators earn)? What's the point in holding SP?

If you want Steem to be an attractive investment, make this so called "Steem Power" actually powerful. Right now it's more like "Steem Weakling", if you ask me.

If, on the other hand, you're glad with a flash in the pan, short time window to cash out on your content before this all collapses in on itself, by all means keep curation as being paid in peanuts for holding a boat-load of SP.

You gotta realize that holding a high amount of SP is a fairly risky thing and it's those very people that have taken this huge risk who're making it possible for these content creators to be paid (in anything more than mere pesos) in the first place! Don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Should all these high SP holders get fed up enough and they all start to sell, guess what happens to the author payouts? Don't be too myopic in how you view this.

The curation rewards are not being given to one individual. They are split among the hundreds (or thousands) of users who upvote it.

The problem with the type of algorithm that you proposed (views, comments, etc) is that they can all be easily manipulated by bots.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Often enough, the curation rewards do all go to one individual, if it were a whale who voted first. Bringing the 30 minutes down to 5 might encourage whales to vote manually if they have a better chance of getting in before curation gets donated to the author. The 50/50 rewards however, will be a huge disincentive for good content creators. They would no longer have that 30 minute handicap, they would only have 5 minutes for minnows to get in and give the author some of the curation rewards which would mean we no longer have the underdog handicap where it's better to upvote an underdog (undiscovered but soon to be popular) than a "popular" (already recognised) author.

If you do change the ratio to 50/50, I would argue that the time for curation donation be INCREASED rather than decreased, to increase the incentive of finding hidden gems and DECREASE the incentive of voting the same posts all the time.

I agree that the 50/50 split would be a big hit to content creators. I would be OK with that if I thought it would mean that we were doing a better job aligning upvotes with quality content, but personally I am very skeptical/doubtful that this would happen as a result.

The 30 minuet limit primarily benefits established authors who already have a voting trail following them.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In this comment you say the 30 minute limit primarily benefits established authors. In the next comment you say a 5 minute window would encourage finding undiscovered quality content.

These comments seem to contradict one another.

Not really. One end favors established authors. The other favors undiscovered authors.

A longer "curation donation" window favours established authors who have inevitable support. This incentivises curators to seek undiscovered authors instead because the curation reward won't be donated.

A shorter "curation donation" window favours the curator who can vote on ANY post that was not recognised within the first 5 minutes that it would be a hit. This incentivises curators to vote for @sweetsssj, @timcliff, @blocktrades, @acidyo, and any other established author who is almost guarenteed to make it to the trending page.

That will inevitably make new authors see the game as rigged.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But don't you think the 30 minute limit (or curation donation window as I call it) should benefit the established author? This actually discourages curators who seek curation rewards from voting for the same authors all the time, because once they become established the curation rewards are harder to catch.

Meaning it's more profitable for a curator to find hidden gems, which means new authors have a chance at growing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Right now the incentives for curation are not very high. The 30 minuet window benefits the author at the expense of the curator. If we want to provide better incentives for curators to find and upvote undiscovered quality content, changing from 30 minuets to 5 will help with that.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think it will increase incentive to vote for the same authors all the time.

Can you at least explain, where the incentive to find undiscovered quality content comes from?


:) At first I was amazed, how many of bigger fishes were also doing that. Now I don't even comment any more. It would take too much time...

I purpose self upvoting on comments to be removed. Let the blockchain decide who's comments are more important.

Nearly every big account holder owns several accounts which can upvote each other ...
I described the concept of 'diminishing returns' which could discourage self-voting, multi account self-voting and circle voting here.

Apparently it's for visibility as I've been told. So if you have lots of money then your comment is more important. So you upvote it to the top of the list so everyone can see it. It doesn't even matter if the rest of the blockchain thinks it's a good comment it "Deserves" to be read.

That's what I've been told

"Just for visibility" is again, something that bigger self-voters mentioned now and than, why did they do that, and continued with the comment due to the article. What you have been told is pretty accurate :) And I 'd also upvote your comment but I delegated most of my SP, so my upvote is not worth even a cent

To prevent bots manipulating the view count is a simple matter, a 3-5 minute page timer, That is short enough time for picture people to get a real view and plenty of time for a medium length post to get a real view. And would cut down on the ability of the bot to jump from page to page. The views are mostly unique visits so a bot viewing the same page every 3-5 minutes would not effect the view count.

The votes are made at the blockchain level. There would be no way to implement a page timer that a bot could not get around by just posting their vote directly to the blockchain.

Took me a long time to read all the comments, I saw further down another reason this would not work, and that is because some places like and do not use the steemit views, and do not increase the view count on steemit.


what more than putting the weight on the monetary rewards that the trending page now reflects being manipulated through circle jerking on the voting? At least their ability to manipulate becomes more diluted than the ease with which so many get on the trending page now for often rather questionable content.

changing to 50/50 may well end up being a disincentive for content creators. Why should someone who places a vote get half when it is the creator that has put the time and effort into it?

I feel exactly the same way, especially when spending an hour+ or more on a post as I typically do.

In the end, it will encourage larger users to vote for more content and likely to smaller users. This would be a great thing. It will also encourage more people to vote in general. Is it perfect? No, I don't think we will ever see a perfect balance on a platform that provides financial rewards for creating content.

The goal is to encourage manual curation meaning good authors and content providers should be seeing higher rewards. If this happens, the value of Steem will rise via loop of attracting more great authors to the platform and viewers following them with a want to support their favorite authors. We all agree curation isn't working right now? It's not worth it for those with small SP and curiously same applies to whales also it seems.

We have to start asking what those who decide to not join Steemit think and how can we fix it? Main reason probably is that currently we are not rewarding the best content with highest rewards or even trying to find it.

I suspect curation bots will likely continue to upvote popular authors as their main strategy, because I think it's challenging to create a bot that has enough intelligence to do much more. I do think these rules will put human curators on a more even footing when competing for the rewards on such posts. But nowadays the root problem of curation is related to the small number of actively working human curators with enough SP to impact a post's performance and I think this can directly be traced back to the fact that it is not very profitable to curate.

I think once curating becomes more profitable, more users would put effort on the manual curating. But then again, this can also lead to new bots with more complex intelligence.

If Steem incentivized the creation of bots able to understand the quality of posts as well as a human, Steem would become instantly famous in the world.

I sort of don't want this last comment of yours to go unnoticed. It may well be the most important, more so even than your suggestions.

If there were significant incentives for bot creators to compete to make bots more and more effective at content curation, that would be an unimaginable have changer!


Well, @ned made several delegations of $500k recently, IIRC, and but one of the delegates didn't begin self-voting or selling votes, and kudos to @surpassinggoogle for that.

So, he withdrew the delegations to all but @surpassinggoogle, and is now considering (so I hear) making more, but smaller delegations.

[full disclosure: I was nominated for a delegation in that post. This may make you suspect that I am biased. I have not received a delegation, so you can dispel that suspicion.]

Such small delegations might reward a self-voter with up to $5/day, far less incentive to self-vote than the $500/day @ned's original delegations made possible.

One of the recipients of these $5k delegations has voted over 1000 times in the last week (nearly 1200 IIRC). If those votes were worth $.10, then since the median post payout was $.01 for the last month, each of those votes was potentially ten times more than the author might have generally expected from a post.

That such small votes are an order of magnitude larger than most people receive for their entire post is telling that the problem of distribution is terrible for new users.

It also shows that moderate delegations to the stake of many curators can deeply impact krill, and perhaps affect retention.

$5M in such delegations would allow 1k curators to impact up to 10k accounts with 100% upvotes each day, with up to 50 times the author rewards krill receive currently per post.

This is a significant improvement over current distribution, and would be likely to strongly impact user retention.

However, @fulltimegeek and @stellabelle did not make these delegations for a fee. They are perhaps not seeking anything other than to improve the platform. If this effort improves user retention, then that should put upward price pressure on Steem, potentiating capital gains for investors.

I reckon this is an effective and promising experiment.

Glad you are still curating manually those who are on the bottom and not using a curation bot.

There may be some small incentive to actively find good content, but I worry that we will just be paying more money to the users who are not actually spending the time and effort necessary to actually curate, and are just upvoting the same authors because they know that all the other auto-upvotes will follow.

Agreed Tim.

Like the account you made for your wife @jerryscamfield where you resteem yourself from and upvote with your bot lol. You're the worst witness this platform has.

Why don't you create multiple witness accounts and buy witness votes for those as well so you can be the greatest Steemian Ever!!!!

Jerry said he hadn't seen the posts and it's possible......He now delivered his promess so my "case" against him is finished

You translated some of scamfields posts into Portuguese and then he didn't pay you like he said he would?

worst...he didn't even upvote it as he said he would...pathological lier...he is a has a pathological problem delivering his word,'s pathological since this time it wasn't cost him almost anything...just upvoting....his mother should have burnt him with fire when he was little and used to do those things psychos do when they are young like burning cats alive or removing the wings from the flies.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

^ This here is exactly what's the problem, not rewarding people for manual curation. However I am kinda curious how this 5min change is gonna play out.

I wonder if having a randomised time after posting, instead of a set 5 (or 30) minutes. In fact, if it was randomly set for each post by the blockchain, but advertised at the bottom of the post, then human curators could decide when it was best for them to upvote, but bots couldn't automatically game the system. That would encourage more human curation over bot curation.

How would the website be able to display a value from the blockchain, without a bot being able to read it too?

Yeah, I thought of that just after I posted. ;). Perhaps it could be in picture form.

But maybe just randomising it between known limits and not advertising it could be enough to disincentive the bots a bit. And maybe not having the author:curator ratio at 1 initially. Maybe 0.8, so the human curators can still get something out of it.

I don't know really. Just chucking ideas around.

I have an idea to chuck out there, the blockchain recognizes the vote, can the vote not be tied into the page view. Human curators I assume go to the page they are voting on or thinking about voting on, so before the blockchain accepts a vote it checks to see if the voter is on the page. If nothing else this will make the page views skyrocket when those 1234 votes need to be on the page for their vote to count.

I ask as an Inexperitse of course. What if an Authenticator code could be under each post to give the voter permission to vote? That is a way to check the real ones from fake voters. Or is it huge mistake? :)

this idea got shot down as the bots do not need it anyway. They interact directly with the chain, not through the interface. From what I have heard, there is no way to identify a bot from human. I keep pushing this point though.

Ive now understood the complexity we are dealing with.

There is a technical challenge to making this happen because of the way the voting system works. When votes are placed, they are done by calling the blockchain API programmatically. The blockchain cannot tell the difference between a human and a bot.

But when you place it there is a door that leaves you place it. Let's assume the Authenticator is the key to open that door. To let you vote. Same problem?

Sorry, I didn't understand. If the blockchain needs to authenticate, it would need to present the token to a UI that would display it to a user. The same token would be presented to a bot. Both a bot and a user would have the same ability to solve it. I don't know how technically you would be able to implement one that woud only work for humans, considering it needs to be implemented at the blockchain level.

I'm understanding it like key encryption. The post delivers a public key to the blockchain, and only having that key allows a vote for the post.

The key is accessible only through the post, via, say, a captcha, which would prevent bots from getting the key, and then voting.

This would then prevent bots from independently transacting with the blockchain, because they wouldn't have the key.

It would work.

Unless my meager understanding missed something important - which wouldn't suprise me =p

got shot down pretty quick by @netuoso -

captcha is easily broken
all it would take is a month or two to get a human driven team getting paid pennies to solve captchas
then you have an even more lucrative system for some hackers since they can get around the block others cant
shitty captcha is broken easily with OCR. quality captcha is outsourced to humans

plus, having to solve a captcha for every upvote would be a huge burden to place on users.

Well, I agree about captchas being totally unwieldy, particularly for every vote.

But, there is a part of the answer, because there is a way to create a portal to the blockchain that necessitates first viewing the post.

Imma think on it more.


That's not even the worst thing. Adding a captcha to a post, which would have to be as some kind of link to a service, introduces a third party service into voting access to a steem post. That is absurd.

quality captcha is outsourced to humans.

Great!! then, that.. would provide humongous free advertising & promotion for the Steem token and the Steem blockchain. And definitely, would means that new flourishing faucet based Start-ups & bizniz models would start growing up everywhere like worms all over the internet to earn easy Steem. (same as when the beginnings of bitcoin)

What undoubtedly would attract a bunch of hungry people out there who can't or are unable to write a single phrase as to save their asses, but even so, would contribute to sky-rocketing the popularity and demand of our precious Steem/SBD/SP holdings.

Well, ¡Yeah! at least these new exclusive pauper captcha eaters and prolly also illiterate actors interacting with the Steem blockchain in this way, would be Actual Human Beings milking humbly the system to be able to eat & fill their bellies and not Dumb/Blind/Greedy bot rapists fattenning the already obese asses of the greasy owners of the bots. }:)

plus, having to solve a captcha for every upvote would be a huge burden to place on users.

¿Burden?, Ha! only for those Lazy Asses sort of users who are not willing to READ or aren't interested on consume good content and/or also refuse to Consciously Work for their rewards.

I mean, I think I've already talked too much. I better shut up now and I start working immediately in the programming and creation of a brand new Steem Faucet Website..... :p

It's an interesting proposal. I'll pass on the idea to some devs to bounce it off a few more people.

Anyway we can implement a captcha on the blockchain where verification is needed before voting?

I am not aware of a way this can be done (technically). If it was on the blockchain, a bot would be able to read it, right?

Well until I saw a comment below reitterating that the bots interact with blockchain and not the UX so this may not be possible.

Quote from tarazkp:

this idea got shot down as the bots do not need it anyway. They interact directly with the chain, not through the interface. From what I have heard, there is no way to identify a bot from human. I keep pushing this point though.

The only other solution I can think of is randomly changing the voting period for max reward per day using voting information from the previous day.

I wouldn't recommend it. However all information on the blockchain is open we can have guidelines for bots.

What if there was a top out threshold that when hit, erased curation rewards and sent all rewards to the author, say $100, that way hoarding and piggybacking on one author could be lessened to some extent, and auto voting would have to be more strategic. It may also help with distribution problems.
You're my witness voting delegate, so I trust you may have a good answer.

The purpose of curation rewards is to incentivize users to vote on the best content. The threshold proposal you suggest would be counter to that goal.

Curation rewards have proven to incentivize gaming curation for rewards.

This is the widely recognized problem that is the reason for this post, and that almost no one will disagree with.

Do you agree that curation rewards incentivize financial manipulation?

I am not convinced that curation rewards incentivize ‘good’ curation.

That appears to be a qualified yes, or at least a probably.

Let me try again.

Are you convinced that curation rewards incentivize 'bad' curation?

They don't vote on the best though, only the most likely to make the most, some times inspite of lack of content. By capping how much is force funneled into larger accounts, would it not allow for the excess to be spread elsewhere. $100 being arbitrary, it could be $200 or $50

It is not that simple. There are 'good' and 'bad' curators, where 'good' ones are the ones that are actually taking the time to search out and reward good content.

If they are finding it consistently at the top of the trending page, how hard are they truly searching? I have no doubt there are random votes that find there way to the netherlands of steem, but most votes are precast amongst a select group ad infinitum, I'm as guilty as charging in some cases, there isn't always enough hours in a day to seek new, and your favorites will always get the best of you. My idea in no way punishes good content creators other then removing some lazy votes perhaps, it punishes curators who become to complacent in riding the trending page and pop topics like 'steemfest'

This is why I referred that, one of the options could be including proof of work as "READing posts". I mean.. we have already all the tech to make it work. It's just adapt it to the greatest blockchain in question. STEEM it...

Now serious, if people can't really fake the reading and "curation" of something. What better value can we give to it?

Leave you guys to bring me a better reason.

I don’t know if what you describe is technically possible to implement. Also, I don’t think the goal is to eliminate the use of bots. They aren’t necessarily bad in all cases, and they can serve a valuable purpose.

Yes your right about bots. I meant not ending them, but instead ending their possibility to cause bad behaviour, falsifying humanly good curation.

About The idea... the challenge/idea is on the table. I confess it might make little sense to launch ideas that are technically too complex to be implemented in short time or without refactoring the great portion of the code. But my focus was to try seeing or solving problems by allowing more creativity in the options that support human behaviour.

Maybe some one is already experimenting with AI systems and learning with STEEM network, to provide a better bot system.

Thank you for your well thought out post. I think your proposal, indeed, would impact the use of upvote bots to increase payouts on "bad" content. As a content creator who appreciates the need to reward the curators on the site, I am all for going 50/50 on the split and reducing the window in which I take rewards from curators on my content if they vote too early.

However, I think this proposal won't address people purchasing delegation in order to upvote their own "bad" content. In another comment you indicate that you spend a lot of time contemplating the long term value of STEEM, not just the short term value of payouts. I am very happy to hear this. You also say that people renting delegations when they have low SP is something you encourage. Great! You say that you used to negotiate a split of curation rewards, but found that not enough users were doing so, therefore you created an automated system to allow more users to access the product.

If more users were willing to negotiate rates, would you consider going back to a curation split? Would you consider monitoring how people are using the delegations and remove it from those self-voting what you would consider "bad" content? Self-voting can include 2 or more people that purchase delegation and vote on each other, and can probably get as complicated as it needs to in order to avoid discovery. Would you watch how your delegations were used to prevent harm to the long term value of STEEM? I am a genuine person, and not intending to be combative, though reading what I write it sounds combative. I am genuinely asking how much of your time you would put in to make sure your SP was being used for good. Or would you be willing to hire someone to do it?

I am behind your proposed fork. I know now that you see harm being done to your investment, and you want to protect it. That reassures me that STEEM will be here in the future, and won't become a shitcoin. @blocktrades Please consider taking this idea another step - and make sure that the curators using your SP are able to use it in the fashion that you want them to.

I think delegations can potentially help new users have a curation impact quicker than the traditional method of buying SP directly, because there's a leverage factor (it's cheaper to rent than to buy). But this only works well if curators can get enough curation rewards from the delegated SP.

My motivation for delegating my steem power was to lower the impact of my own votes and to increase the number of curators that could give meaningful rewards since I don't have time to read all the posts that are made. With my manually negotiated deals, I generally gave up 50% or more of my potential curation rewards, but with curation rewards as low as they are right now, this wasn't a major loss.

Originally, I negotiated deals with about 6 or 7 people for good sized chunks of SP (160-500K SP if I recall correctly), some for a split of the curation rewards and some for no profit (free delegation). These are all people that were all pretty well known on Steem (popular authors/curators) and that I had personal chats with over time. Despite this, I had to deal several times with conflicts between just those few delegates, which really surprised me.

But more importantly, personally negotiating delegations just doesn't scale when you have as much SP as I have. I can't personally negotiate enough such deals to get a good spread of influence. The other possibility for personally negotiated delegations becomes to hand over the negotiation to trusted proxies who could negotiate and manage such arrangements. Several people seem willing to step forward for such a role, but I don't really like delegating that much power to people anyways and while most of them are probably well intentioned, I don't always agree with their rationales for where they would award the SP.

Ultimately, I decided that a capitalistic system for awarding delegations would allow for the most scale and least cronyism, provided I put in a couple of safeguards. The primary safeguard was to make sure that the cost of purchasing a delegation was more than it's possible to make back in income just by self-voting alone (so you might profit if your self-vote gets you more attention that leads to upvotes from third parties, but you won't profit if just end up with the money from the self-vote).

As a backup safeguard, against someone who just can't do economic math and doesn't realize they are losing money by self voting bad posts, or against someone who doesn't mind losing money if they can multiple their ability to troll others more than they could by directly buying SP, I added terms to our delegation agreement that allows us to drop a delegation without refund if we feel it's being abused. The terms include what we consider abuse and instead of monitoring for abuse directly, we investigate reports of abuse by the community. The penalizing aspect of providing no refund for abusers seems to be an effective deterrent so far to the purchase of delegations by abusers. I think we've had around 4 or 5 reports of abuse, 2 of which resulted in the delegations being dropped.

I very much appreciate this candid discussion of your struggle to design appropriate delegation arrangements.

Given that such contracts can be standardized, can you not offer contracts that depend on curation split, designate self votes abuse, monitor those users, and pull the delegation if they self vote?

I realize this would be but marginally improved over pro bono delegations, and would diminish your ROI. However, if such delegations to manual curators resulted in upwards pressure on Steem, then the losses on the front end might be more than made up on the back - particularly if this became a model other delegators followed.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yes, I tend to at least scan-read most any post that makes it on trending or hot page related to a suggestion or attempt for improving steem in some fashion. Seems like a commendable way to try to delegate a moderate amount of Steem. But I don't see any method like that impacting curation results of the blockchain without changes to the code itself.

Not even if there were an order of magnitude more delegates?

The median payout is dismal. These moderate delegations deliver from ten to fifty times the median payout in one vote.

1000 such delegations would potentially reach 10k authors. With only ~20k posts a day, that's significant reach.


Good point made!

Thank you.

As interesting as it would be to overhaul the flagging or dislike mechanics on the blockchain itself.. I'm not sure we would be successful in coding against what is essentially a tribalistic genetic memory or human nature. A balancing or removal of the penalty or loss of curation rewards for flagging is something I'd certainly love to see tried though.

A large portion of my voting power gets used combating spammers. Creating incentive or making it profitable to engage in defending the network from asshats, scammers, spammers and the like seems a no brainer, but entirely sure how it plays out in the long run or if it's going to end up automated or what.

As for the curation side of things it's certainly possible that the way content is ranked, served and displayed certainly leaves room for optimization. One may argue that curation of new posts is nearly like finding needles in haystacks so to speak and that the majority of users have so little SP that it basically nullifies the ability of the average joe to decide what is trending.. Leaving it to a small handful of individuals whom are either early adopters, large investors or sponsored by one of the two.

As someone who's been here since nearly the beginning its certainly been noticed how the site has evolved and changed both in content quality and post counts. Naturally it may be that good posts end up slipping through the cracks as more and more posts flood in from users trying to stand out, even then "good" or "crap" content in posts is subjective.

Good post, certainly thought provoking to read your thoughts on the matter.

Your point about having only a few curators with effective voting power is one of the potentials I see for the delegation purchase business (if and only if the blockchain rewarded good curation to a reasonable level).

If someone thinks they are a good curator, but can't afford to sink a lot of money into SP (or just doesn't want to risk too much before they know how it's going to turn out), they could purchase a delegation and see how it goes. This creates more curators with the ability to move the needle on a post. But under current rules, it's not profitable to do that.

Thanks for he reply. COmpletely see the potential you see in regards to users being able to purchase or lease SP. Granted my speculation is that you'd still have to have deep pockets and or whale friend backup in order to even make a dent in the curation game. Making it more profitable to curate could help with this but may favour early adopters over newcoming authors, hard to predict fully how that would all pan out.

the early voting on posts and calling it curation is a misnomer. While it's intended to churn good posts up, we now know from experience that it doesn't necessarily do so.

Real curation is people putting their actual eyes and thoughts on the post and making a judgement call if it is a quality post or not. Those actions don't get a direct reward on the system and that is what would actually churn good posts up if those actions could be captured.

you basically stated everything i wanted to say, but far better than i could've stated it. particularly:

  • "As for the curation side of things it's certainly possible that the way content is ranked, served and displayed certainly leaves room for optimization."


  • "Naturally it may be that good posts end up slipping through the cracks as more and more posts flood in from users trying to stand out, even then "good" or "crap" content in posts is subjective."

it's that last caveat that ends up being the sticking point. what's considered "good" in terms of curation when we get rid of the spam, the scammers, and asshats? it's a hard thing to quantify on that side of things.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Glad to have been able to write down how we feel / think.

At least someone read my comment, and that is half the magic of the interaction here. :)

We'll never be able to rid of all the shady spam and scam types, but we can certainly fortify ourselves against them both with technology and vigilant users.

Holy shit, something we can both agree on. I begrudgingly support @blocktrades suggestions above. I doubt anyone at STINC will bother taking any suggestions since @ned generally knows best, but it's worth a discussion.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

After getting the TLDR from blocktrades, I agree with the proposal at a high level and I expect many on the steemit team would. These types of specific changes also happen to be something any devs (even @blocktrades) can code and make pull requests for (or even fork into a new repo for the Witnesses!) - and even be compensated for (e.g. thru Utopian). In my eyes the proposed parameters corrects some of the last overeager engineering choices of the past. That said, there are many solutions to better curation - this simplification is one, and many are needed. At blockchain level (SMTs; SMTOracles; STEEM tokenomics); and application level (Busy/SteemitChainbb/etc) controls (Communities/Sorting Algorithms). No silver bullets.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In my eyes the proposed parameters corrects some of the last overeager engineering choices of the past

Could not agree with this more and I would more specifically suggest that every quick workaround that was added to try to micromanage the system despite it being in a very unrefined and questionably-designed state in the first few months be simply removed (and then new, better, solutions be devised to deal with actual problems that occur on a more mature platform with very different overall rules and usage).

Most of these, thankfully, have already been removed but a few remain. Off the top of my head: a) 30 minute voting penalty (including the somewhat bizarre idea to give the extra rewards to the author); b) the arbitrary time-limits on posts and comments (especially comments on the steemit interface, but this is UI-dependent); c) some aspects of the bandwidth rules; d) nearly all, if not all, of the rep system; e) the 'SBD stability' patch.

Amen to that, but only if I can keep my negative rep.

Yes please!

hi i m new here can you please help me to grow here

i hope you will look more into curation system , for example: pay more curation reward % if person upvote new account whom he didnt upvote for last 2 weeks , and pay less curation reward for same person upvotes (so people will not upvote only friends and as example: if blocktrades upvote same person 10 times in month he start with 50% and goes to 0% for curation reward because he upvotes same person) . Also about visibility of posts : its better to have more than 1 algorithm to be able to come to trending (right now its who got more money goes there) may be something like reputation,comments, amount of upvotes and so on .

There would have to be some sort of time constraint to the diminishing returns. Otherwise won't we be discouraging people from voting on their favorite authors? What if an author only posts infrequently? Should someone be penalized for always reading and voting on a poster who posts once every month or two? Or should this be more focused on high volume content creators?

There would have to be some sort of time constraint to the diminishing returns.

Yes, of course!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is similar to the idea of 'diminishing returns' to make it less attractive to upvote the same authors (including oneself) again and again. I summarized it like that:
"How about if after each vote on a specific account (including ones own account) each further vote on the same account would lead to significantly less curation reward for the voter and less profit for the upvoted account? Thus, when upvoting an account which I had already upvoted before, my voting power would be smaller than in case I upvote an account which I didn't upvote before."
It should also apply for downvotes to make it less attractive to downvote the same person again and again (the idea of downvotes is not to lead personal battles).

The "curation donation" window actually already has this effect. It is not as profitable to vote early on an established author because there are so many front running votes which donate part of the curation rewards to the author. Unfortunately 30 minutes is not long enough to have made a meaningful impact. It should be longer instead of shorter if we want the type of curation that retains new users on the platform.

Hear, hear and well said. Especially the part about no silver bullets.

The most important thing is that we all acknowledge that things are currently not working near their optimum or ideal level and begin to experiment in order to ask the question 'what could make things better, how can we improve?'

I also like the subtle hint that is time for (non Steemit Inc) devs to yap less and submit more. Or at least submit as much as they yap.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great! Now a lease of SP from @blocktrades and the like will only result in a 70% loss for the week should I use this power to curate 🤷🏼‍♂️

Yes, spend on delegation and then curate the bots who hire delegation and return to receive 50% curation, rather than 25% from the pool.

I still feel my solution would be equally beneficial without needing any coding skills/change to the system, whilst still financially benefiting the vote-selling whales and every minnow out there to a far more substantial degree than currently possible.

The two ideas could work in tandem since they don't cover the same grounds, but both serve to defeat the same disease.

I need to give some important suggesion regaurding steemit scam.control . In a day i will post about scaming control i want all guys there feedback in comment i will not post for make upvotw but i want the big user to be agree with me .i am not an expert but i have some thing special in my mind to keep the steem alive and much safer and people feel secure here and they donoy loss there money like zeartull gone away . I hope ned will like it also . .

Hi @Ned, there are some very simple solutions to bringing curation to new heights and I tried to distill these ideas as best I can in a proposal.

If you do have the time, please take a look, it isn't a very long read.

Curation Lists : Curation with The Power of The Swarm

Glad to see you here =)

Hi ned, i am working at a way more simpler level solution and it will be fun when it is out and i doubt this requires blockchain-level modification cos the solution is quite simple and does allow all parties to win really easily. My mum lost life days ago but she has been buried now and i am using the sadness for more drive, so in a month or so, i hope that this solution is ready to go. Stay awesome

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Advertising your unrelated blog/post is considered spam.

As you see, some people find that worthy of suppression by flag.

If you don't stop, you will end up with negative rep, and all your posts and blogs will be hidden from Steemers.

I'm sure that isn't what you want to achieve. @dragosroua has posted some useful information for new users, as have others.

Good luck!

Don't spam!

Now let's throw this flag away together & live in peace and harmony :)


this is the one that i understand a simple English ...with truly deep meaning..haa cheers

This is a conversion to audio of this post I did not made the speech I just added voice

i upvote as to be more visible

One thing that ned will agree on is to dump his freemine and generally do nothing to help the value of the platform, not because it doesn't matter to him, but because he has no clue what drives value.

Does anyone really know what adds value ?

Value is subjective.

Exactly, which means, we drive it.

Till we run out of gas / VP. :)

lol, well I meant in the more general world not just on steemit lol.

labor theory of value

labor has no intrinsic value.

I should know, I'm a laborer.

My god, they are flying


Flying pigs have frozen over!!!

To: @BernieSanders & @Blocktrades - now I believe in miracles! 😂

I'm FLOORED by this agreement between @berniesanders and @blocktrades.
These are Definitely some improvements that STINC should look into but they won't...


They do have an official account called @steemitblog, but they could definitely give it some prominence on the steemit web site (e.g. a top-level link like Steemit News that just links to the blog).

I've seen the "Official" accounts... You add up all of the activity from those accounts and it's abysmal. I don't know if these guys really "Get IT." They've got the Best solution to every other Social Network out there and yet... Never mind...
I'm just bitching!

But I think all of these "Fixes" wouldn't be necessary had the TEAM not imbalanced the WHOLE ECONOMY by pre-mining the living F%&K out of their own Chain.

When almost HALF of the entire supply of Steem is in the hands of a few Doods who BARELY use their own network, then discussions like this one become completely pointless.

M'just sayin...


Very good idea. We need more interaction with Steemit here on Steemit. There is much room for improvement

@berniesanders and @blocktrades getting along... could it be true?? I feel all squishy inside just thinking about it!! :D :D :D money_2831511_1280

Um, well, you ARE all squishy inside.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The 5 minute rule might be better. But content is king. And the 50/50 rule won't encourage better content imo. There is an important benefit to the 30 minute window you didn't mention, which is it's more profitable to vote for an underdog than it is to vote for an already popular author. That incentivises people to join, because anybody can be a winner.

If you do change the ratio to 50/50, I would argue that the time for curation donation be INCREASED rather than decreased, to increase the incentive of finding hidden gems and DECREASE the incentive of voting the same authors all the time.

Neither solutions make self voting less profitable than good curation. The only way to make it more profitable to curate, would be if there were the potential to lose voting rights. The downvote is the negative of the upvote and serves a purpose. The problem is people use it more often as an emotional reaction and so when most people get one they take it personally. When it comes to delegation, we're talking about people renting stake, which means they don't actually have the incentive to grow the platform and they can be selfish without risking capital losses. To prevent that you need a counter for delegation, and that is vote negation. Another negative like the downvote except instead of downvoting an author, you would be downvoting the curator and the author would never see a difference in payout.

2 stakeholders, one with 100k SP the other with 80k SP. One doesn't like the way the other votes so he negates their SP. So the first whale is left with 20k SP to vote with and the second only has the power to power down, or negotiate what behaviour needs to stop to get their voting permissions back.

It was suggested this would be "abused" when the code was written, but the cost is a lot more than the downvote which is already heavily abused by emotion.

"'s more profitable to vote for an underdog than it is to vote for an already popular author."

Perhaps in theory, but the ease of finding and curating popular authors more than outweighs any increase in rewards for curating unknowns. This is what the market shows, at least.

"...instead of downvoting an author, you would be downvoting the curator and the author would never see a difference in payout."

This is actually a brilliant idea. Particularly for those that neither post nor comment, leaving no vector of susceptibility to flags.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

the ease of finding and curating popular authors more than outweighs any increase in rewards for curating unknowns.

True, that's why I would say that that "curation donation" window should have actually been made LONGER in the first place, so that it is obviously more profitable to find hidden gems that it is to vote for the same old same old.

I would say it would be OK to divide the rewards 50/50 iF the curation donation window was increased to 200 minutes. This 5 minute deal will just make it easy to chase curation rewards without doing any work (such as with a bot).

And it is the people who seek out these hidden gems who help retain users long enough for some of them to invest their own money into steem.

As for the vote negation, the code was written over a year ago and rejected by the community. I believe this is one of the few reasons the designer left the project.

Everything you said here makes sense.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)
  1. 50/50 is not solution, we've been there, authors complained about it. We should not go in circles.
  2. 30 minutes or 5 minutes - does not matter, because in worst case curator still loses. The point of this time period is to reward popular authors (which is fair), actual time parameter is secondary. I would not touch this one. It is working ok.

I like the proposal for 2018 roadmap where rewards split are set manually by author. Let market decide which proportion is good for any particular case. I would guestimate that something like 10 to author, 90 to curator will be natural choice for non-popular authors.

Well obviously the most important thing here is the original post, but just as we consider "ineffective curation", I think it is valid to dwell upon --if for an instant-- the mess these comments have turned into; I mean, part of the curation process obviously includes useful and insightful comments, right? Well, how the f* can that be achieved with this post at least if all we see are "please don't SPAM", hidden comments, comment chains too deep to even fit in the page...

I mean, after all, what really matters is that @blocktrades got the money for the authorship and that the rest got the curation rewards, but, really, if comments were to be seriously be taken into account, THIS would definitely NOT be the way to do it... I for one made about 10-15 attempts to find a comment (a reply to me) by @valued-customer, but it was useless. I desisted, and instead he gave me a full text of what he referred to by his comment... Bottom line though, stuff as this should not happen to a community devoted to authorship and curation.

  1. Downvotes should be welcomed equally as upvotes are. The code change wouldn't do much, we need a mental state change on this. As @lukestokes brought up recently, UI flag representation of downvote carries a negative connotation, and often taken as a personal attack. I think the flag should be changed into a downvote in a UI level. People should welcome downvotes as they do upvotes, and use them a community feedback on their posts. If this matter is not made a big deal of, downvoters usually get tired of using their SP and move on.
  2. 50/50 author/curator reward sounds interesting. That probably will encourage a lot more curating activity, however, in my opinion, they will be whales setting up bots to maximize their returns. The 5-minute limit also would be beneficial fot that purpose. I don't think it would increase manual curating. I do agree though, even if authors will get 50% since more upvotes start coming in they end up with higher rewards.
  3. Vote selling/buying, SP delegation selling/buying, etc are in my opinion short sighted doings of whales/investors. While I have no problem with their existence, and I agree they do serve some purpose and there is demand for them. But in a long-term goal point of view these services don't do any good for investors/whales, they make the platform less appealing. Whales/investors should be more concerned with the long term increase in Steem's value. That is where they will get their handsome returns, not with little profits of selling votes, renting SP.
  4. Long-term handsome return will come if whales/investors change their focus on making this platform work for everybody, and make it appealing for outsiders to join and make it an attractive investment for future investors. This cannot be solved with code. This can be solved with change of focus. I suggest instead of selling votes/renting SP, why don't you guys support existing curators, curation guilds etc. Hire your own curators, share the curation rewards. I will make an offer right now. Delegate me your SP, I will give back 60% of curating rewards. I can promise not to use on self-upvotes, and only curate on posts that actually bring some value to the platform. Better yet, create some rules and guidelines for what kind of curating you expect. I bet there are ton of experienced curators out there that would make similar deals. This is called partnership, this is called long term plan, this is called make it work for everybody. If more of whales/investors embraced this kind of approach, I bet they wouldn't regret when their investments increased in value 10 or 100 fold.
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That probably will encourage a lot more curating activity, however, in my opinion, they will be whales setting up bots to maximize their returns

It'll be both. The thing is that whales already set up these bots or sell votes or delegate for pay. It makes sense to do on a whale scale even with smaller rewards. What doesn't currently make sense (as evidenced by the relative lack of people doing it) is humans spending time on careful curation.

Increasing the curation reward split might have a small effect on increasing incentives for bots, but it would have a large effect on incentives for real, careful curation. So the relative shift is in favor of the latter.

Whales/investors should be more concerned with the long term increase in Steem's value

That's good wishful thinking but you can't really change how people think or act just by making statements about what other people 'should' do. What we can do is change the rules of the system such that it encourages better behavior. This post is an attempt to propose some such changes.

Yes, you are right. It is easy for people like me make statements. I am glad this conversation is happening. I am excited of possibility of something positive coming out this. Hey, Steem price is rising already :)

Thanks for a thoughtful comment.

"People should welcome downvotes as they do upvotes..."

I think we can agree that anything that costs people money isn't going to be welcomed, except as it adds value. Most folks don't care much for criticism, at least not anywhere near as much as they do money.

"This cannot be solved with code."

I think it can. Code can incentivize any desired behaviour, or disincentivize it.


I have had the rather serendipitous opportunity to receive my very first flags evar since I first replied to your comment.

I confess to first feeling some shock, as no matter how inflammatory my bloviations had been, I had not before been flagged.

However, I did actually come to view it as a positive thing - which is really, really weird and counterintuitive. I was flagged by a 'professional flagger' who was trying to censor my views.

I consider it a badge of honor =D

Anyway, just here to eat my earlier words =p

I think your proposal: "Change the 30 minute Rule to 5 minutes and restore 50/50 rewards"

Let's face it people that invest here don't just give away their money . They want to make as much profit as possible. Therefore people turn to self voting or leasing of SP.

The only real solution would be incentive like in your proposal. I think it would definitely be the best.

We need to get the money circulating again otherwise what's the point ? Everyone making their own post and upvoting it? Doesn't seem to be a social platform in my mind .

Great you bring this up and let's hope things will change soon :)

Let's face it people that invest here don't just give away their money . They want to make as much profit as possible.

Yes... conditionally. I think part of what gets overlooked in this discussion is TIME HORIZON. Maximizing profit NOW doesn't always make sense if it causes a long term loss.

It's great that people want to make money from their auto-upvote, auto-curate, delegation schemes, but if the RESULT of making a few thousand dollars a week is LOSING 50% of the value of the Steem token because it earns a reputation as a shitcoin on the shoulders of it's flagship front end being a pit of spam and plagiarism, what good is that?

Let's just take our original poster here @blocktrades. It may be very profitable to delegate that $5 million to various "programs," but if the USE of those programs means the original principal of $5 declines in value to say $2 million over 18 months... that's not so clever.

I spend more time thinking about the long term value of Steem than most I suspect. I didn't decide to get into the delegation business without plenty of thought. But not every user of Steem is heavily invested in Steem for the long term, and the system needs to be designed to prevent them from damaging its long term value.

That is what I respect most about you. Unlike other exchange services, you are heavily invested in the platform. It is great you are starting this conversation. I don't think delegation business would be a good long-term strategy though. I have thought about it, and for me to be able to buy SP delegation and break even I would have to spend it mostly on self-upvotes rather than on curating. As you have already said that would just encourage more self-upvotes and second-hand vote selling.

But I am sure you have thought more about these matters than me and you would be more knowledgeable.

Part of my idea is to make it profitable to buy an SP delegation. Since a few whales currently have the majority of the voting SP, there are only a few ways to get a reasonable number of curators who can impact votes: 1) have the whales sell off most of their SP to new curators or 2) have the whales delegate SP to new curators.

I think 2 is the most feasible route in the short term, which then just leaves it down to what method should whales use to delegate their Steem: they can either directly negotiate with a curator for a split of the curation rewards or they can use an automated system that new curators can purchase from.

Originally, I was directly negotiating such deals, but that doesn't result in a lot of new curators. With the automated system, we get a lot more potential curators. But for this to work, such curators need to have a blockchain where they can profit from it.

...Or maybe work with successful curation guilds who have a reputation of giving back value to the steem ecosystem through manual curation, supporting them to replicate their similar models for better reach. @curie comes top of mind, having distributed over 1m SBD (~5% of Steemit total) to quality creators, and a lot to active curators.

See the post from @stellabelle with her menu of potential curators for whales to delegate to. It has met with great applause from minnows, but only she and @fulltimegeek seem to be interested in participating as whales.

Maybe there is something in her idea that could work for you and others. Here's the post if you haven't seen it:

"But for this to work, such curators need to have a blockchain where they can profit from it."

This is only generally true.

I would pay 100% of curation rewards, and neither sell votes, nor self vote, for such a delegation, because I am not here for rewards.

There are others besides myself that would do this too.

A society is more than just an economy.

@fulltimegeek and @stellabelle have proved this.

Automate such contractual arrangements, and I will be the first in line, and I will not be alone.

Maybe you should talk to @ned about that one. Are you aware of his plan to start selling upvotes and downvotes? Do you realize how many accounts are auto-posting shit using your own delegation services or services you've delegated to? Yet you bring this up because of a few posts and comments you don't like... Open your eyes, you're part of the problem.

I also want to note here that you haven't provided any data to back up any of the claims you've made about harm to the system, but that's typical around here.

Respectfully, don't you sell SP delegations and votes yourself as well? If so, by your logic you would be in the equation of this problem too.

Also, I made an open offer to all whale down below. Delegate me some good SP, I will return 60% of curation rewards. No self-votes and SP will be used on posts that add value to the platform. Or you can come up with your own rules and guidelines for curating. If not me, I am sure there are a lot of experienced curators out there that would take this kind of deal. I believe this kind of mechanism would make Steem work for everybody and in a long-term make investors rich. Encouraging adding value to the platform will add significant value to Steem itself, which will mean huge returns on the investment.

"Maybe you should talk to @ned about that one. Are you aware of his plan to start selling upvotes and downvotes?"






Hello, I have a question/observation as do others who do not wish to write it out on here. When you are delegating to some who as you know have used the power you delegated them for bad, do you take that into account when continuing to delegate to them. Basically, there is no vetting or did you have any conversations with some of your larger SP holders on not weaponizing the SP you are doing biz transactions with. Let us propose a scenario: You are aware someone is actively paying/supporting violence/criminal activity or such (again this is just a scenario ;) ).........what do you do? Are you going to establish any type of ethical basis or not so much? Asking for a friend, thanks so much for any insight you have into this.

for anyone reading this curious as to who someone is getting their delegations from here is a nice and handy tool to see. Have a wonderful and extra special day (for the ecosystem)

"Maximizing profit NOW doesn't always make sense if it causes a long term loss."

somebody needs a lesson on how markets work

OK, I'll bite. How DO markets work? And I mean real markets, not just market theory as contained in economics textbooks...

People all have different concepts of morals, all have a different set of abilities and short-term goals. The problem with a market is that it can pit these two groups against each other. One group might want to stop starvation, while the other might want to stop climate change.

Both could easily be achieved with our level of resources, but due to markets each member of society can only do a small amount. Investment is often the best way to increase this amount. The problem is the most profitible investments also tend to be the most destructive.

To be the most effective to save those starving I must invest in something very profitable, like big oil. To stop climate change I would have to investment in something that creates the horrible labor conditions that causes the starvation, like mining.

If I wanted to help both, I would make less profit and be unable to help what I care about most. That creates the situation where even if I don't do it, others will. So all I can do is put myself in the bad position and try to make the most of it.

The same situation applies to stuff like the curation rewards talked about on the post

Thanks for taking the time. I appreciate your perspective... I am often an "odd fish" because I don't approach problem solving like many people tend to.

I have always been a long-term thinker, and when I encounter something positive my first thought tends to be: "How can we turn this positive into 5-year, 10-year, 50-year benefit?"

It is an approach motivated by seeking safety... I will forego maximum profit NOW in exchange for moderate profit in perpetuity.

So getting back to Steemit and the curation rewards issue, my approach tends to be motivated by "Let's take the approach most likely to ensure there will still BE a Steemit to offer curation rewards, 10 years from now."

Thanks again for the explanation.

"maximum profit NOW in exchange for moderate profit in perpetuity."

then you will never be as powerful as those who seek it now. The only way to beat them is to destroy the system

That's a very good explanation of markets.

"One group might want to stop starvation, while the other might want to stop climate change."

"Both could easily be achieved with our level of resources..."


Starvation - maybe. It isn't resources, but policy, as you point out, that causes starvation.

Stop climate change? Not in our lifetime, probably not until we can build a Dyson Sphere.

Maybe we can mitigate, or even fully eliminate, human contributions to climate - if we can even figure out what they are, which we sure as hell haven't yet.

E.g. What is the impact on climate of increase in detritovores in the deep ocean, resulting from definning sharks?

No one has any idea.

Of course this is only true if your investement is 'loyal' to the vehicle.

But, if investors are only here to milk short term profits, then no matter what strategy we devise they are going to be a long term detriment to the platform.

The investors that care only about profit, and not the manner in which the profit is earned, might as well start mining organs in war zones.

I reckon investors in Steem invest here for more than just profits.

This is exactly right! If we allow shit content to be the rule rather than the exception, then the value of STEEM will fall off a cliff and no matter how many you have in your wallet you are not going to be doing very well.

Great point denmarkguy!

You make a splendid point ! Indeed if we would just all be on the same page then Steem would become worth much more if we share and don't self upvote.

Right now many might join Steemit but I have a feeling that the number that leave is even bigger.

The newcomers are what breaths new life, if we don't find away to take care of them we might soon be self upvoting with SBD SBD worth a few cents

Of course, the inverse of that is also true. Even if an investment entailed reduced ROI, or losses, if they resulted in nominal upwards movement in Steem, they'd be profitable.

It's sorta a prisoner's dilemma though, because one investor's lossy investments that caused the tide to rise would cause his competitors to attain better ROI, because they didn't undertake the initiating lossy investment.

This is why cash is king.

Good point!

I did do the self UPvoting until recently on my original post. I stopped and have seen about the same UPvotes from others, so I don't UPvote myself. I'd rather give the UPvote share to someone else.

I guess self UPvoting was a test or experiment.

You make a splendid point ! Indeed if we would just all be on the same page then Steem would become worth much more if we share and don't self upvote.

Right now many might join Steemit but I have a feeling that the number that leave is even bigger.

The newcomers are what breaths new life, if we don't find awaybtontake care of them we might soon be self upvoting with SBD SBD worth a few cents

So this whole time i look like an ass for upvoting myself? I looked at it as getting the ball rolling, becuz it seems like people vote where votes already are, if that makes sense. I might stop now though. This post got me rethinking my whole time here on steemit

I don't think there's anything wrong with self-voting posts if you think they are worth what you upvote them. But there's certainly no universal agreement on this point (and probably never will be). But what most people will agree with is that it's wrong to create a post you think is crap, then upvote it for rewards.

I agree with that last statement 100%. I post music that my friend and i make,worked hard to make, so i'ma keep upvoting my post. I think there worth it, thanks for the feed back!

Generally it's fine to upvote your own posts. Why would you post it if you think it's crap?

Generally, it's not ok to upvote your posts (COMMENTS- edited) because it drains the pool of rewards and it's very easy. I can make dot (.) comments and upvote it. It's ok to upvote coments for visiblity and it's ok to upvote whatever the heck you want if you are a minnow because there is no impact of that anyways. Go have fun and stay on Steemit! Basically, do what pleases you until you are a mature dolphin or a whale.

"Why would you post it if you think it's crap?"

For money. Buy a bot vote, or self vote, and you have earned rewards.

There is a common perception that self voting is scamming.

In August 2017 the two highest paid authors on Steemit were @mindhunter, and @tamim. @mindhunter paid for all of @snowflake's upvotes, and @tamim just upvoted verses from the Koran he posted.

So, self voting, as does buying votes, associates one with scammers, in many eyes.

agree, some people are just here to make a buck a guess

Do you think that people that create posts they think are crap should flag themselves?

Well, they won't.

They commonly self vote, and purchase votes, to gain rewards, because most people won't upvote crap.

If you find your posts are undervalued by the market, then either you are a poor judge of post quality, according to the market, or the market is out of whack, or both.

Either way, when you self upvote your posts, you are associating yourself with those scammers by emulating what they do.

Money should be around as you say. And good content should be valorated too. But one of the first thing I knew when I came is that Steemit is not a Social Network, there is the mistake. it's a blogging network that twisted in that, cause has some social components and people is a social animal so twisted one thing in another.... people naturally have been interacting and this seems to be social but it's not. So there is a problem as I see (and not the main topic form this post) in here that not belong to this Network has been done. So I hope, we are nowadays in a new Twist mode. Turning in social, something that is not.

Just to share I found what Im talking about the NO social network and the Twist. This is one of the first thing I saw when reserching about Steemit. THis is from @andrarchy and I assume you know who he is. I dont belong to any side of nothing... but this man explained this before and he is from the inside. Im not here expecting the SOCIAL thing as a must.. I love it?.. yes! I want it more social? OF COURSE but reality is what it is.

I've already mentioned before "50/50" initiative started about 2 month ago on Golos, when some authors started to use cahsback-bot with the goal to provide 50/50 author/curarors split.
After one month about 10% of total revard pool were distributed for those posts.
Now, after 2 month, it's more then 30% of TRP already.
So, definetly it's some option people are ready to use.
If you check out my Golos wallet you'll see a lot of transfers mentioning "50/50" in memo.

I'm responding before reading the comments, so I apologize if I am repeating something said below. I have taken on curating as one of the major pieces of my Steem existence. Waiting out the 30 minute timer is painful sometimes. And often I forget to go back and give the upvote I meant to give.

I am curating new authors for the most part, and I know that many of them will not see too many votes on the posts I am digging up. They just aren't popular authors yet. So I want to be around that 30 minute timer so I maximize my curation reward.... I kind of see that as my "salary" for curating. I'll vote early if I think the author needs the reward more than I do, or if I just forget to check how long it has been. But the 30 minutes is a deterant more than a help to my curation duties.

On a personal note, I want to thank you and your wife for the couple of upvotes I got from your account in my first few months. Especially the post I made about my business trip to Virginia. Those rewards really helped me feel like I could find success here, in spite of all of the fog. Other people are allowed to agree or disagree on what any person thinks is a quality post, quality is subjective. I, for one, am glad you do take the time to go out and do some curation and find things you appreciate to upvote. I've not seen any of the other exchanges doing such a thing!

Thanks! Have a great night!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

First of all, it took me a lot more than 30 minutes to read the comments on this post. Probably longer than any post ever. But I still agree with reducing this penalty period. :)

Second: thank you. Finally. This thread is EXACTLY the adult discussion and open conversation I've been hoping to see. @blocktrades , thank you for starting this thread. <3

Overall, I agree that steemit lacks a "proof of brain" enforcement mechanism for up and down voting. Which sucks. I need to think about it some more before I can suggest anything actionable.

My favorite idea in this thread: hiring curators. I curate A LOT. My VP is rarely above 70%. Most of my curation is manual. I trail steemstem because I know their curators are awesome and I support the initiative, but I also make sure to invest the time in manual curation and commenting. So... anyone wanna hire me? :)

What I'd like to add: An interesting concept would be somehow connecting comments with post payouts. For example, if the post author could assign some of the payout to a particularly useful comment on the post, it would encourage people to provide insightful comments.

(shamelessly self upvoted this comment for some visibility in this lengthy discussion)

Heh, I have to agree with you on the 30 minute to read the comments: I've spent many hours reading comments here. But remember the 30 minutes only applies to my post: the other comments can be upvoted based on when they are created, not based on the time of my post, and I think they can all be read and voted on in less than 30 minutes.

It's an interesting side issue that comments just don't tend to get rewarded much (look at all the high quality comments on this post, for example), despite the fact that most human curators would probably make more by voting on comments under the current rules than on posts . But since most people simply don't know this, it doesn't happen much. It brings out another problem with the 30 minute rule of reward shifting: most people, even experienced curators, often don't understand all the the consequences and optimize accordingly because of its complexity. So even a potential benefit of it such as encouraging voting on comments doesn't come to fruition.

Hiring curators is one approach, and several whales have employed it in the past, smooth's team being the one I recall most clearly, as it was probably the first one (at least the first publicly disclosed one that I read about). If curation was more profitable, I think we would be more likely to see whales hiring curators again.

My idea is a bit different, but certainly related, and is probably driven by my passion for self-employment. Instead of me hiring curators, I prefer to offer delegations for pay and have the delegatees run their own curation business, where their success or failure is in their own hands. In my experience, many self-employed people are the most motivated to succeed. But, I'm not saying it's the only path for delegating to curators, it's just the path I'd like to take. It's understandable that many worthy curators couldn't accept the potential for income variation with time that often occurs with self-employment, although I suspect that variation wouldn't be too high for a curation business.

For your final idea, the post author can always directly payout some of his own reward for the post to commenters. In a similar manner, an author with a lot of SP or a SP delegation can directly reward commenters on his post. I usually do that on all my posts, although I've refrained from it for now on this post as I didn't want to influence the results too much of a public discussion of a change in blockchain policy and obscure the sentiments of other stake holders. I'll upvote my own favorites near the end of the post's lifetime in this particular case.

It's an interesting side issue that comments just don't tend to get rewarded much

I came across some stats post today that puts me in the top 50 comment upvoters on the platform. Going over the list, I am pretty sure I am one of the only humans there. I treat comment upvotes like they're Facebook "likes". I can spare a 1% vote to acknowledge having read someone's comment, and usually more if it's a really insightful or amusing one.

Instead of me hiring curators, I prefer to offer delegations for pay and have the delegatees run their own curation business, where their success or failure is in their own hands.

How is that different from offering a percentage of the SP earned to the curator doing the work? For example, I got a delegation from steempty cause he's nice and awesome and we have mutual RL friends. Wouldn't it be cool if he got, say, half of the curation rewards I get thanks to his delegation? We would both earn and it would depend on how well I curate. If I didn't do a good job applying the SP delegated, we'd both be making less and I'd eventually lose the delegation in favor of someone doing a better job.

I am in love with this idea.

I'll upvote my own favorites near the end of the post's lifetime in this particular case.

Yeah, I totally get it. Smart move. Let other people agree and disagree through upvotes first.

And once again - thank you for starting the most interesting thread on steemit in a long time. Even though the sheer volume of comments is too close to crashing my browser.


"...if the post author could assign some of the payout to a particularly useful comment on the post, it would encourage people to provide insightful comments."

This is done. I have been recruited to comment my heart out on posts because of my radical views, and I have also just been tipped afterwards, just as contest winners are paid, for comments authors found relevant.

I've been waving the 50/50 banner since self upvoting became a hot topic 4 months ago.
I'd lean more toward a 10 minute rule, but otherwise; I agree with every word.
People expect a return on their investment.
They can get it upvoting great posts from others or crap from themselves.

5 or 10 minutes is certainly subject to debate. I'm a fast reader and I tend to know what I like quickly, so it's just my personal preference.

I can see authors hesitant to post longer pieces, knowing that their readers, (once decided the piece deserves some love), might be rushing through the rest in order to upvote early.
Shorter posts may be an unintended consequence.

I don't think someone's liking to avoid voting on a post just because it's long. But I suppose it could result in authors breaking up such posts into multiple posts to maximize rewards. I've done that once or twice myself, just because I didn't want to spend but so much time writing one post and wrote up the remainder later as "part 2".

I would say this only serves the content creator. Do you want quality content on here or not?

If someone is taking an hour to put a post together, which many do, why would they only get 50% of the pool?

In an effort to solve a flawed curation system, something that was abused by more than a few, you screw the ones who are providing the most needed piece to steemit, the content creators. What are we, the US Congress? Screw over the ones that are producing in favor of those who manipulate the system.

And this does nothing for those who are gaming the system by spending more of their votes on their friend's posting a picture of their latest bowel movements. Boom $100.

Create a curation system that disincentives people voting for the same pool of people while incentivizing them to spread their votes out. Vote for more people, the higher the reward....

Just some quick observations.

This is what I was saying as well. Why take more away from good content authors.

It seems really counter productive.

People complain about spam and garbage posts getting upvoted. I agree with that. Of course, if there are not people writing quality content, all that the site is left with is spam and garbage posts.

I mean, honestly, I can post cat memes with the best of them. I am well schooled in google search and can type that in to find a number of sites with thousands of them. I could post them from now until John McAfee is either rich beyond belief or is eating his d**k on television. But what purpose does that serve this community or site?

I spend a fair bit of time posting what I feel is quality content. Even if some dont see it that way, it is content that takes a while to put together. Fortunately, I had a few whales hit my stuff up...few and far between, but a few. I get a few dollars off each post which is more than I got on other blogging sites.

That said, would I like more? Sure. But I can tell you I dont wan it to be lessened so that the curation pool can be fixed.

I have a second proposal after reading @timcliff's comment. We could also try to make a second type of delegation, where rewards are split. This could allow me to effectively hire a curator. I'll delegate steem, you get 10-20% of the rewards, and I'll get the other 80%. Something like that may allow for better curation without a whale having to be entirely philanthropic about it.

If you want quality curation you will have to be a bit more generous than that. I would say along the lines of 40/60. Delegator would get 60%, and curator would keep 40%. Delegators can set up their own rules and guidelines what would constitute as a quality curation, which could even include downvoting abuse/plagiarism/etc. This kind of movement just might make the platform work for everybody.

This could work! I think @geekgirl already requested to have some SP delegated to her for curation purposes somewhere here in the comments. I believe she'd be up for this, an probably many other as well.

I think curation is the single most important factor here on the platform going forward. The rewards, the tools for filtering and the incentives probably all deserve still a lot of development to reach the goal of really rewarding quality content.

This is a great idea.

That's pretty brilliant. Hiring curators. YES!

I've had the same thought in the past and totally agree it's a worthy change: as a delegator it quickly becomes obvious that a system for automating the curation split would save both parties some headaches. Probably the biggest headache with currently splitting rewards is that the curation reward is in SP which isn't immediately transferable by the curator to the delegator.

Sign me up, Boss!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I mostly agree with your proposals although:

  1. I am doubtful we will ever get substantively better curation without more downvotes. The feedback mechanism that makes early upvotes on crap a bad idea is downvotes, especially in a linear-rewards system which doesn't rely strongly on consensus to build significant rewards (by being superlinear). That is, if you vote (including a self-vote) on garbage and no one ever downvotes, the worst thing that happens is you get some sort of 'fair share' of rewards based on SP. If someone downvotes, then you get less than fair share (or nothing), in which case your vote power was wasted, and you would have been better off voting for something else (non-garbage) or selling your votes to someone who will do so. Or more to the point if the problem we are seeing is self-votes and other votes on content that is garbage, the system (indeed any conceivable system) needs some sort of input that identifies said garbage i.e. downvotes. Without such input we will likely continue to run in circles on the issue.
  2. I would try simply removing the 30 minute rule altogether. The nature of the system is quite different now than when that rule was implemented, in at least two ways: a) far more posts total, so it isn't possible to vote on anywhere near the same fraction of posts nor even all of the posts from reliable authors (with full power); and b) linear rewards mean that voting on most popular authors' posts is far less profitable (because they don't receive approximately all of the rewards). Yes, bots will vote early on some highly-reliable authors posts, and I think that is okay. Identifying and rewarding the most reliable authors posts is an uncreateive task well suited to bots, but that doesn't mean those authors don't deserve their rewards (see above on how to deal with it if they don't). Human curators can then focus on the other posts and avoid competing with the bots (which from the perspective of good curation is a waste of vote power). Once we see how things work without the rule, if there are still problems, we can consider a new rule better suited to the current (and future) state of the system.

Do you think that you're helping the community by selling millions of Steem in lease agreements for your own personal SBD growth? That was a honest question by the way.

Do you think that all the people who purchase leases from you don't just upvote themselves with it? I mean come on, I can do math like the rest of us and the only way people are getting there money back is if the only upvote themselves until the lease runs out.

I suppose once curation goes back to 50/50 like you're requesting then you could stop the lease delegation and go back to curating.

Please put your head back on the drawing board and come up with something that works for everyone not just whales.

I'm pretty sure that purchasing a steem delegation from me and just upvoting poor quality content written by the delegator is simply not profitable. If you look around, you'll see plenty of people who've experimented with it and reported that it wasn't.

My proposal is to increase curation rewards so that leasing a delegation would be profitable for real curation. This would also create more curators. There's simply not enough time in the day for me to personally read all the posts that are out there and curate them nowadays. The delegation leasing system "potentially" allows other people to lease my SP and profitably curate for themselves, but not under the current rules.

I'm looking for a system that works for everyone: I stand far more to gain from more happy investors in Steem than I ever will through delegation payments, author rewards, or curation rewards. Most people curate far more than they post: my proposal is also aimed at making those people happier about curating.

Thank you for replying. I will continue to monitor the status of this. I am onboard for a better Steemit just like everyone else. There are definitely changes that need to be made I just want to make sure we are doing what's best for the average users.

I'll reply with a radically different idea. Not that I would really want something like this implemented, but I think it addresses some issues in a more effective way.

People look for profit. Thus, you need to create systems that incentivize particular behaviors. The current incentivized behavior in terms of curation is to vote early on popular authors / whales. We can all agree that curation should focus more on the content rather than the status of the author.

So, you need to discourage this behavior in order to achieve more desirable behavior. So, instead of giving curations rewards to all voters, let's give it to only one voter. We pick the winner randomly but give the earlier voters higher odds in the curation lottery (although we would punish those who vote too early (random 5-10 minute penalty)). The winner wins all of the curation rewards. The author would be ineligible for the curation lottery.

What does this achieve?

  1. Curators now compete for curation rewards. Thus, big voters will be encouraged to find smaller writers in order to lessen competition. They can still vote for their friends, but the minnows are going to compete for those curation rewards on these bigger authors too, so they probably aren't winning.

  2. Steem Power is now more decentralized and distributed more fairly. Minnows can now become effective curators and can actually get a tangible reward given that they vote enough.

  3. Quality authors are discovered more quickly as there is an incentive to find unknown authors. Why? In order to get curation rewards with minimal competition. Vote stacking simply isn't profitable anymore except to minnows.

Now we don't have to fully commit to such a proposal. We could split rewards 75-12.5-12.5 where 12.5 is curation using the current system and 12.5 is shifted to the curation lottery. But if we remove the guarantee of rewards from curation and encourage curators to find content that has better odds that is still worthy of an upvote than we find a win-win situation.

Also the minnows and new users will stop complaining about being able to earn money. Wouldn't that be nice too? But perhaps this proposal is too radical. It makes centralization of power much harder, and the whales wouldn't like that.

There's at least one missing factor in your idea and that's what is the impact of the voting power used by the curator on his chances to win, so this would need to be worked out, but I guess there's some obvious ways to do that (although they might make the whole idea less appealing).

Also, I'm not sure that vote stacking is really profitable today for curation rewards,but I think most people just aren't aware of that (or just don't care enough about their rather minimal curation rewards enough to modify their behavior).

Your idea is interesting, but it's a bit complicated and should probably be given more consideration after trying some simpler tweaks first. The gamification effect of a winner-take-all system might encourage people to care more about the reward, but only if it didn't always seem to end up in the hands of a whale.

So, I forgot to consider that. In order to achieve the effects of decentralization and avoid spamming the network with small .1% votes, you would probably have to use VP% as another weighting factor when calculating odds.

One could also consider adding the actual voting strength to the calculation, but I worry that this would not be able to achieve the decentralization of rewards given the massive disparity between the votes of minnows and the votes of whales.

The more I think about this, the more I fear it is flawed a concept given that there will always be those who gamify any system as soon as they find a loophole.

The loophole here is that somebody will just create a farm of upvote accounts. And of course, there’s voting trails. Long term a whale will not be interested in discovering the good stuff anymore if they see that their search for quality content written by less popular authors (sorry, there’s so much not popular enough quality content on Steem that the game isn’t all about minnows) is constantly rewarded by zero because of voting trails diluting their possible chance to win. Which seems a core idea in the reasoning behind this idea.

Why wouldn’t a whale just delegate away then? No matter whether for profit or to other curators.

Make it a game, fair play. But don’t overreason it because the more you try to reason things, the more obvious loopholes become. This won’t fix voting guilds/trails, only if the original upvoter gets a higher chance to win. But that’s hard to determine. Not every app can be obliged to open up an API, and any pattern recognition algo may be too resources hungry. Whales will still have their trail because they still open up the highest rewards, so the argument that they will want to find less popular quality content because of less competition is an oxymoron, almost.

Of course, there’s always the option to devaluate the value, and rewards, of automated votes by implementing a dual citizenship structure in which apps must identifying as such,. Failure to do so may result in a whole account (with whole wallet) being frozen, locked, and eventually deactivated.

To be honest, the evolution to such dual citizenship structure is the only way to ever possibly start tackling whichever form of automation is loathed. At the same time it would also introduce an option to completely freeze an account, something which as side effect may become handy a tool for bodies such as steemcleaners. But that also requires rules.

While you're right that lotsa folks making bank curating wouldn't like it, I don't like it for another reason.

Just as it would encourage curation of unknown authors and obscure posts, there's no preference for quality. In fact, it would encourage curating total crap, because the crappiest posts would attract the least curator attention.

That's not the incentive I think we want to create.

Good, original thinking though!

Yeah, I was thinking about this after posting last night. People could create bots that simply seek out posts that have few votes on them. But the rewards are more decentralized.

The biggest issue is that there is no quality discovery mechanism build into Steem that cannot be gamed. Squared rewards were initially intended to reward quality discovery, but were easily gamed.

The biggest dilemma in curation rewards is how does one fool a machine when the task is as simple as clicking on a button at a particular time and place?

The biggest issue is that there is no quality discovery mechanism...

The biggest issue is that this continues to be the elephant. But it’s a fallacy because it assumes that everybody wants only quality. If that were the case TMZ, Perez Hilton, daily soaps, shopping channels, and so much mor would never have become popular.

But the reality is that everyone is free to fork an interface and implement their own additional layers. The fact that Steem Inc believes in open source doth not necessarily equate that it is ours to totally play with. Unless of course, we are fine with a lower degree of popularity. Which Steem Inc. Most definitely is and which is one of the reasons why condenser and all other libraries used on are open source.

But, please, stop trying to enforce quality as a metric. What to you is quality may be exhausting to somebody else. And that’s a pedestal of elitism one needs to come down from.

Or fork into.

Even poor quality content can find an audience. There’s hundreds, thousands, millions probably, of content/news regurgitating sites online who have enough of an audience to continue operating viably. Quality? Not to me because I prefer HackerNews over PCWorld. But apparently good enough for their audience.

I do prefer manual curation and do not use any form of autmation in that area. The sad fact is automation is the best way to optimize your profits in this case. Original content and quality are secondary when profit is concerned. The best way for manual curation to be rewarded is by content posters to upvote comments that are relevant to the post.

The last point you make is interesting. As a large SP power, it's not really true for me, but I can see how that makes total sense for most curators that aren't whales/dolphins, especially if they are commenting on posters who have a lot of steem power to throw around (like me). I generally do exactly that, although I decided to withhold my voting on comments to a little later in the post's lifetime on this particular post.

Consistently, 2/3 to 3/4 of my rewards are from comments.

I know of no one else in this situation, but I also read all comments, and I don't now anyone else that does that either.

It makes a world of difference for new people trying to get established and known by the community.

if we agree that curation on Steem isn’t currently working well, it seems that one obvious potential solution is to reward curators better for curating better while at the same time reducing the incentive for authors to self-vote bad posts.

Well my esteemed @blocktrades, in my not so humble opinion, I say: curation on Steem isn’t currently working well, simply, because no one here READ a flying thing beyond the headline of the posts. Especially, if what they primarily are hunting for is Profits from Curation Rewards. Yeah! that's the flip side of the coin when what prevails here is the "Money Talks" slogan.

That slogan only encourages the blind and illiterate ¿Curation? of those who claim not to have time to create content and they also flaunt large & deep pockets exclusively.

but then we would be left with the same problem it was meant to prevent: immediate voting on new posts by bots.

I've written about this problem many times before. And from my perspective, the eventual solution could even be much much simpler than it may be seem at first glance. In my view, there is no need whatsoever to replace the 30 minute period with a 5 minute period. Or for that matter, not even establish any waiting period at all to vote a post. Nor restore 50/50 rewards nor anything like that.

In my not so humble opinion, all that is needed for the platform to flourish and survive, is to have more people who actually READ. That they are forced, reinforced and obliged to READ before they are able or can take any other further action.

For example, it would be enough to establish that there was no way possible or procedure available for someone to vote a post. Unless they first click on the title of the post, wait until the post to unfold completely in their browsers and only after that, have they read the post or not, only after that, that's when the damn vote button will appear at the bottom on the post. I mean, that there is no voting button available anywhere outside of the body within the post. In this way, at least a large part of the problems would disappear. Like the meaningless votes casted by blind Trails, Guilds, Bots and all those nefarious species of AI automatisms from outside.

¿Do you wanna make money? ¡YOU HAVE TO READ! ¿Do you wanna Curation rewards? ¡YOU MUST READ! ¿Do you wanna make any sort of rewards? ¡YOU MUST MANUALLY AND HUMANLY ACT ACCORDINGLY!

¿Steemit is not about a social network? With Living Human Beings participating within it? Then, ¡You Have To Read!

I have no doubt, that only then would we see a similar figure between the Amount of Views vs the Amount of Votes.

"We need to stimulate Organic Human Interaction and systematically disfavors Automated Behaviours"

This, obviously, still does not solve the problem of the self-votes applied to their own shitposts of those in jerk circles with High SP and Deep Pockets. But in any case, if applying what I mentioned before, it will always be easier to identify those who do so and flag/downvote the crap out of them If necessary. At least, there will be fewer problems to solve and from somewhere we'll have to start to alleviate this ill-fated illiterate illness... }:)

If Steemit were to adopt this mechanism, then all the other interfaces, like ChainBB, Busy, etc., would no longer have access to the blockchain, unless they also conformed to the exact protocol.

Bots, like platforms, interface with the blockchain directly, rather than through the platform.

However, @leotrap suggested a key system, whereby, much as you suggest, you obtain a key that allows you to vote on a post, and without solving a captcha, you cannot get the key.

AFAIK, this would solve the problem.

All platforms, including SMT's, would have to implement this protocol for it to work.

Whaddya think?

unless they also conformed to the exact protocol.

Yup mate. I reckon implement my proposal would means some annoyance modifying the code a bit and arranging a few adjustments here and there on some of the other external interfaces like ChainBB, Busy, etc. by their respective Devs. Even, accept some collateral damage on those who refuse to act quick and help with this important issue.

But that's exactly the whole thang here mate. All external platforms associated with the Steem Blockchain would have to collaborate adopting the precise and appropriate rules that help fight and solve the big problem of these pernicious blind and illiterate alien automatisms asap.

However, @leotrap suggested a key system, whereby, much as you suggest, you obtain a key that allows you to vote on a post, and without solving a captcha, you cannot get the key.

Oh! that's fine. I've also suggested a few possible and similar key systems before to try at least combat blind AI and relieve a bit the uneasiness. ¿Would you care to direct me toward that post of @leotrap where he suggested his solution? :)

@leotrap made the comment here on this post, in conversation with @timcliff, and I jumped in too.

@timcliff said he ran it by @netuoso, who said captchas won't work, and sux0rz. I may be paraphrasing a bit..

Oh! ok thank you for the tip mate. I guess I'll pinpoint that conversation later to see if I can throw my two cents in there too. Because now, I'm kind of fried already with some sleep deprivation. LoL

As a REAL manual curator for @ocd it is highly unlikely that I will see a post the second it comes out and even if I did, most quality posts would more than take up 5 minutes of time to go through thoroughly. And in the meantime you would not see the myriad of other things being posted. 30 minutes I think is still needed personally.

How many times do you read to the end of a post and decide you would give it different rewards than your initial thought after the first few paragraphs? I'm mostly just curious on this point, but I guess you can see where my thoughts on this are headed: post quality can generally be judged without reading in it's entirety, unless it's just someone being malicious by taking a quality post, then inserting something obnoxious in the middle for laughs. And this really only applies to long posts. One potential solution I've already suggested is that authors could break up such posts into multiple parts. This wouldn't always work, but it would for a lot of long posts.

Haha. Its funny because I actually do change my mind sometimes. Typically it is to vote it higher than I initially was going to because it surpassed expectation and was GREAT instead of good. Its a rare case to change, but my point being, as a curator I try to read majority of the post before voting as often as possible.

Thank you for your honest efforts to bring to the foreground people that may have been overlooked. I know I have found a few people that make excellent post through OCD.

Well, I read posts because I wanna know what they say, not so I can toss a vote off and move along.

I have spent hours reading all the comments and commenting on this post.

I thought that was the purpose of posts? 0_o

I think we need to work curation on another aspect what if you upvote "new" user then you receive lets say 50% of curation reward, if you upvote same person many times u receive less and less ( like with ) up to zero . ( with cooldown reduction around 2 weeks) Then people will look into new users and content and not support only circle jerk . Just change 5 minute and curation reward only good for investors and not good for writers , think more deeper into this and dont be so greedy

I agree with this ^^^^^^ a great way to stop the Dutch Rudders

I am 100% for changing the 30 minute curation, and I would like it to be shorter than 5 minutes, but I am even for a compromise.

I wouldn't fight the change in curation as I think it would help move the conversations to the comments and we might end up with less, higher end posts. I am game to give it a try.

Replace the 30 minute period with a 5 minute period
5 minutes is enough for a competent curator to normally determine if he likes a post, in my opinion. Let’s change the period to something that fits the time to evaluate most posts, not just the longest and most complex ones.

If a post takes 20 minutes to read, how would a curator know in five if it's good or not? How does reading a quarter of something show competence? Also within that 5 minutes just how many other posts will the curator miss? How many posts are actually made per second on Steemit? Doesn't this give an unfair advantage to people who write short, simplistic posts?

Actually isn't giving curators a shorter time more likely to make them less competent at actually choosing quality over content produced by popular or favoured users?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Did not know it was originally 50/50. I think a lot of an author's material should be credited the bulk of the post earnings because they originated the discussion. Give it more importance. What comes out are people who simply click a upvote button once and get some credit if in fact others do the same. When a curator also posts a response often times readers will upvote those responses which in turn is a bigger reward for the curator. In short the 75 to 25 between author and curators seems fair.

Regarding the 30 min to 5 min upvote steemit I have no feelings about either choice. As long as there is some time delay so that upvote bots don't come in first and snatch most of the curator awards it is okay. I think steemit should have a better way to identify this timer to the users. Maybe have the upvote button be a different color until the time limit is up?

In order to have more curators, posts need to have more time and exposure to a wider audience. I suggest to increase the number of tags to at least 15 tags.

I agree there should be more tags, but I believe they should be chosen by the curators instead of the authors. Too many new users are punished by curators for using the wrong tags. On any other website that wouldn't happen. If we as curators want better control of tags, that should be built into the code.

There is always different way to get to similar results. It can be done by curators if they don't abuse their authority to control tags. We don't have to use all 15, but we will have more chances. I always wanted to add at least 3 or 4 tags more.One more thing , we should be able to vote on new features where the most voted ones get propriety on the steemit IT team.

"...they should be chosen by the curators instead of the authors."

Very interesting! I have actually encountered this idea before. I am under geas to say no more...

I will say that you have clearly been thinking about Steemit and how to improve it.

For that, I thank you.

do you REALLY think there are actual curators?
95% of all voting is by bots.
on my post I'm lucky to get 30% views compared to the number of votes.

the solution to the pollution is to ban all vote bots.

I honestly don't trust the view count much, I think it's just wrong, numbers always seem too low to me.

There are real curators, I'm sure of that, but we'd get a lot more manual curators if they didn't tend to get rewarded better adding their SP to a curation bot. Just the 30 minute delay alone will lead a lot of users to think that bot curator rewards are better, because the bot will tend to wait till near the end of the 30 minutes and the guy testing against his own curation won't realize he's been throwing away his curation rewards.

your milage may vary.
from what I can tell the view count MIGHT overstate reality.
based on comments.

I read a lot of posts that I don't comment on, regardless of whether I like them or not, and I guess a lot of people are probably the same way. An upvote is easy: writing a thoughtful comment beyond "good post" can sometimes be mentally taxing, especially if you're an introvert like me. And, I rarely feel compelled to comment on a post I don't like, unless I really don't like it a lot.

I agree with this entirely! If I don't have anything to say, specific to the content, I will happily upvote or not and move on.

View count is only on Steemit. There are other platforms that you can view posts on.

what are the percentages?

I think no one knows.

yeah, I don't know. I'm sure I saw someone a few weeks back that had statistics about relative use of the different platforms. Can't remember who it was or how they worked it out. Initial posts, at least, store the platform it was posted from in the json metadata.

So I guess that answers the question about tying the vote count to the page view. Only votes done on steemit then would count. Bummer, I thought it was a good defeat the bots idea.

That was probably me. You can get it from the json metadata or the beneficiaries payment field.

Totally true! And if that is not fixed is because somebody is getting benefit of that in some way. So much have been done and that little details could make a great difference.

They'll still be rewarded better by bots.

Exactly @everittdmickey. Thats the simple solution to a complex problem. Let's relate with one another as humans again. Voting bots should be gone except those that have been proven to bring value to the steem economy eg @utopian-io. Thanks!

You can't selectively ban bots though. What's the criteria if you do that? And who is the judge of what is a good voting bot and what is a bad voting bot? In a "decentralized" platform, where we can't even get the top 20 witnesses on the same version, what is an easily agreeable set of rules to become a "good" bot?

Even if we were able to ban bots entirely, there would be a next thing that defeats the intent, and a next thing after that. People are always willing to work their asses off not to have to work. It's really strange. Of all the crap posts out there, if the people doing them would take the time to create actual useful content, they might find it less work than screwing the system.

VOTING bots...all bad. Only people should vote.

"People are always willing to work their asses off not to have to work. It's really strange."


I'm so lazy I work my ass off just to get some rest =p

Utopian is not a voting bot. It votes only on varified posts.

Even if it only votes on verified posts, it's voting.

I agree and support your words....bots are the real cause...and my second strong argument is that STEEMIT is a social platform then how can emotionless bot be part of it

You'd ideally use the bot to pick out posts that have certain minimum requirements set by the curator and formulate a list of them.

This is how I find new content.

Throw code at a SQL server to list potential goodies, then go manual and use my eyes n stuff.

in an ideal Steemit..the way it was intended
(based upon the white paper and stuff)
one account.
people read, curate, and maybe vote bots


I agree with you...Many mafias and interests will be affected !!

I agree... ban all bots. All regulators should be coming from developers. Bots have no place to real social media platform

I'm a manual curator!

The ONLY kind.
all else is plastic.

How can bots be banned?

I can only think of ways to create disincentives.

apparently they can NOT be banned. Not with out a complete overhaul of the blockchain code.
That might very well do a LOT more harm than good.
Unforeseen consequences is a bitch

I agree that something needs to change for both bidbots and curation to work more effectively.

While the 30 minute rule is unnecessarily long, the five minute rule is a bit short. Right now I am constantly waiting on the best time to upvote, usually at 25 minutes.

A better compromise for curation would be a 15 minute rule. As a curator, I know that I could easily get 3-4 votable posts come in within seconds. Five minutes barely allows time to read quickly, make a severely limited comment and vote.

It doesnt allow one to effectively check sources, look at the author profile, or attend to more than 1-2 posts. The five minute rule would encourage people to vote for the sake of early rewards rather than giving time to actually reading the post and make a well thought out comment.

Also, 30 minutes is too short. I think the rewards should be given on a gradient. Too much stress is placed on the first half hour, to the point that people just dont vote much after 30 minutes unless they like the post exceptionally. Rewards should be higher for at least a 2-4 hour window, so the general audience is more inclined to look through the feed

I don't know if this will work overall but I am also willing to give it a try and since the platform is still in experimentation mode, where is the long-term harm? It can be rolled back or another option tried. The long-term harm of doing nothing is ultimate however.

As a content creator here, I personally stand behind my work and try to provide value for the curator by providing decent content for the platform. The vote bots are destroying the community aspect associated with these symbiotic relationships by being insensitive to the content it votes upon.

The curation teams out there lose revenue (compared to vote selling) and ability to pay their manual curators, as well as the pool being smaller due to the high votes on nothing content.

About a month ago I wrote a post about introducing a secondary slider for curators to shift more or less rewards their way up to the 50% mark. It is a closed post so will post it here in case anyone is interested as I think it is relevant to the discussion.

The idea you've proposed has been discussed by others as well and I know several proponents. It's one proposal for avoiding too much disagreement on the subject of changing the rewards back to 50/50. I see it as a reasonable possibility, although it does add some extra complexity to the user interface. That could be good or bad, hard to say without experimentation.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A little complexity but if introduced like the normal voting slider after a user has earned x amount in Curation Returns, it shouldn't be too much hassle or take very long to get the hang of it.

Perhaps before one gets the slider, their CR is the same as now (or lower) to deter abuse from alt accounts.

Edit: It could also be tied to REP so that way they also need to maintain a high enough rep to get full Curation.

It may be middle ground to lower the barriers for some on the fence to try different.

I agree with the 50/50 split but not on the 5 min rule. It's too short a window. I feel that 15 minutes is a good number (maybe 10).

I have been reading trough the discussion. And I think we can tackle one problem at the time. Number one is bots that upvote content while being paid for. It can be a massive disturbance of the economy within in the blockchain. This can be solved by simply having real guidelines for what an usefull bot is. Such as @Cheetahbot where other bots that are just simply put there to earn steam by being paid to upvote are considered a disturbance. This may require some changes in end user policy.

Yes, I think this should happen. I've been using bookmarklet scripts like this to vote at the 30 minute mark, but that's just kind of silly (and requires you to keep the tab open). I think this makes a lot of sense and I think 5 minutes is enough time also. If the post is good, and you haven't finished it all the way yet, you can surely scroll down, vote for it, and scroll back to keep reading.

One thing I think will come up with this is the often repeated concern about "the rich get richer." The reality of curation rewards is that only those with a lot of SP enjoy them. The vast majority of minnow accounts won't earn much with curation because their vote doesn't mean anything. Some may see this as a way to shift 25% more rewards to those who already have a lot of SP and will dominate the curation rewards already.

Do you have a concern about that, as a high SP holder yourself? Do you think people will consider this just another attempt for the power holders to increase their power?

I'm not sure much can be done about that, either way. If the 30 minute time is silly or arbitrary, let's adjust it to something that makes sense. As to 50/50... do you think it might make sense to make many smaller changes over time and evaluate the economic impact as a whole on the blockchain? Maybe start with 70/30, then 60/40, etc?

The unscrupulous rich can already get richer in the short term sense just by upvoting shill posters and taking most or all of the author rewards. For a long time, there seemed to be endless scandal posts on that topic. Increasing the curation percentage will blunt that behavior.

I do think improving curation results on Steem will raise the value of Steem itself. Similarly, I believe making Steem power more valuable to Steem power holders will also lead to an increase in the value of Steem. So, I do think this will make long term investors richer in a proportionate manner to how much Steem they hold. But I also think it will like lead to more wealth for content producers who produce popular content even if they don't keep the Steem they get, since author and curation rewards are basically proportional to the market cap of Steem. In this scenario, the holders of Steem will definitely get more than those who don't hold it, but I think that's fair.

Well said. Increasing the value of the STEEM token may, ultimately, be the best way to spread more real value around to the most number of people. I also think it's important to make it valuable to power up STEEM because DPOS relies on powered up STEEM to make it expensive for someone to come in and take over enough witness spots to push through a fork the community doesn't want. It people aren't incentivized enough to hold Steem Power, that would mean it would theoretically be easier to attack the network (I track witness voting engagement on my monthly report which relates to that as well).

but I think that's fair.

As a massive holder of Steem Power would say... hahah! ;)

I've never powered down since I've been here, so I would certainly like Steem Power holders to be rewarded more as well.

What are your thoughts about phasing something in over time instead of jumping right to 50/50?

Something I'd really love to see is more big data type analysis on the STEEM blockchain and how rewards are being distributed. Ideally, I'd love for us to have simulators where we could replay the blockchain under different rules and see how distributions change. Obviously, user behavior would change as well when the economic motivations change, but I still think it might give us some hints about how changes may impact things overall.

"I also think it's important to make it valuable to power up STEEM because DPOS relies on powered up STEEM to make it expensive for someone to come in and take over enough witness spots to push through a fork the community doesn't want. It people aren't incentivized enough to hold Steem Power, that would mean it would theoretically be easier to attack the network..."

This is the first time I've heard a witness discuss this. I bring it up, and am brushed off. At least I know there is awareness of the issue amongst competent witnesses now. Thank you.

"Ideally, I'd love for us to have simulators where we could replay the blockchain under different rules and see how distributions change."

That would be amazing!

Is there a possibility that communities might be able to vary parameters? I expect that it will be done with SMT's.


I'll be looking at how rewards are being distributed, probably at some point in the next few days (although not with simulations yet!). I'm slowly trying to build up an overall picture of the Steem financial environment based on analysis of the blockchain data.

Wouldn't a more simple concept be to set the rewards at 50/50 and curators who upvote content would split the 50% rewards based on the time you found content, with a trickle down affect with late voters getting the least? And I agree that vote bots should be eliminated entirely. The voting process should be manual.
On the leased curating if one is leasing SP they should have rules so they are NOT upvoting just their own content or their friends, they should be required to find so many new content upvotes to prevent the abuse from some who are leasing SP. When I'm looking for new content I agree with @blocktrades, I can determine if it's good content in about 5 minutes.

schwieriges Tema

What if there was a top out threshold that when hit, erased curation rewards and sent all rewards to the author, say $100, that way hoarding and piggybacking on one author could be lessened to some extent, and auto voting would have to be more strategic. It may also help with distribution problems.

I agree 100% with 5 minute rule. I believe 30 mins. does not work.

But what I would like to see is a sliding scale the author can choose on what % to share with curators. If I share 80% of my post rewards with curators, then I am likely to get more views and votes because the curators have more incentive to read my posts. Then after people realize I have good content and like what I post maybe I can then change my rules to 50% or 60% or whatever I feel like giving curators.

So to end with. I like the 5 min. rule and also a sliding scale that gives author choice on what % for rewards

I'll raise you right up to 99%. I want engagement, so I might even go higher.

This is a very interesting and relevant topic and I am happy to see that it has been picked up by someone who has a lot of skin in the game.

I very much favour the proposal that @snowflake made in one of his/her posts which is a slider that that would allow the poster to decide how the post rewards are distributed. That way human curators and bots would have an incentive to upvote new users who choose to give the majority of post rewards to curators.

I'm personally leaning to implementing it that way at the blockchain level, with a default setting of 50/50 to not force existing front-ends to immediately add support for poster control of it.

I think we should ask Steemit to put some of their stake into professionally run down vote accounts liek steem cleaners, and give them a narrow focus. This is a bid bot abuse flagging bot, this is a plagerism down voter, etc. And have some extremely transparent rules about it. it'll return rewards to the reward pool, and discourage the use of bots on shit posts and 6 day old comments.

I think I prefer the idea of a slider that authors can use. You can set the level going back to the curators on your own posts. So, rather than witnesses hardforking in what the rule is just leave it up to the authors themselves and let the market figure it out.

My idea is to implement it at as a settable value at the blockchain level with a default value preset. That will avoid breaking existing front-ends and let them enable the slider at their own pace (or not at all if they don't wont it).

Close enough :)

I'm on board.

This proposal is definitely worth a try (it's a pity that we cannot experiment with this rule in a separate testnet or sth...).

I agree with any means to increase human curating (while I am not against bot voting either, but they need to be made less efficient), without human curating and reading, this place means nothing.

Lately I've been thinking about how curating should improve, but it is really difficult, not to mention the limitation brought by the blockchain. So I am happy to see any new trial. This one seems doable. But of course it won't solve all Steem's problems.

Is there some reason why voting bots can't just be banned? Is it logistically impossible?

There is no reason why someone with a considerable amount of SP can't spend an hour a day curating, considering the rewards at stake. If you want to set it and forget it you can still delegate your SP to a manual curator.

In terms of the pay for upvote bots I think one big factor is that the promoted section seems to be fairly ineffective. I have used it a few times with dismal results. It looks like you would have to spend at least 20-30 SBD to get noticed which is hard to scrape up if you are a minnow. If you have a quality post and throw a few dollars into a black hole you should at least get noticed by a few people. This of course wouldn't solve the problem completely but many people use paid for bots to get their post on the trending and hot pages to get more views and followers not because it can be immediately profitable.

I haven't followed the argument closely, but I believe it's generally considered difficult to stop bots from voting.

I agree that the current promotion section isn't effective. As you cogently point out, it's much more effective to get noticed by paying a vote-bot for a vote, because you can get attention on the lists that more people actually look at. Obviously one potential solution would be to have promotions promote in the normal lists and I'm sure I've seen that suggested before.

A solution for making promoted section work more effectively could be adding the money spent for promotion to the curation reward of the promoted post, instead of burning it by sending to null. That way more people would be incentivized to visit promoted section.

I understand burning Steem can be beneficial for all, but since it is being promoted, those who are willing to view the promoted content should be incentivized to do so. Or maybe burn half of it, and add the other half to the curation rewards for that post.

This actually might increase the use of the promoted feature.

I like that idea. As it is now there is no incentive to even look at the promoted section. Something needs to be done. Either as you are suggesting or the promoted content needs to be treated more like an ad would and displayed in other sections of the platform so that many people will at least see them.

@bitopia has an excellent post regarding how to improve the promotions feature, about 10 days old now.

He includes that idea, of slipping them into relevant tags.

I will check that out, thanks.

I will check that out, thanks.

That is an interesting idea and not one I've heard before.

Since it caught your attention I would like to elaborate on that idea. Making promote work might be a big part of Steem success economically speaking. This topic might even need its own thread. Sorry for going off the topic.

First, if 50% of it is burnt it would reduce the supply of Steem which will increase the value. For this to happen both authors and curators should be incentivized in using promote feature​.

Second, if the remaining %50 percent is added to curation rewards, more curators will be visiting or setting up bots to upvote promoted content.

Third, more and more authors will start using the promoted feature. Because now they know regardless how much they spend curators are incentivized to go through the promoted section. This might change vote buying behavior. Instead of buying votes authors could use promote feature.

Fourth, if more authors use the promote, more Steem is burnt, which again decreases the supply of Steem and increases value of Steem.

Fifth, this can become a great way of advertising on Steem and can attract companies to invest. Currently, there is no straight-forward advertising component of the platform that works. Obviously, traditional ways of advertising will never be accepted by the community. We need a mechanism that works to attract companies to spend their ad money. This will have to be figured out at some point.

Lastly, I want to thank you for starting this conversation. This post might be the reason Steem price is going up since yesterday. Last time this kind of Steem price rally happened when Ned announced SMTs. Market seems to like when leaders of the platform are discussing improvements on Steem.

"A solution for making promoted section work more effectively could be adding the money spent for promotion to the curation reward of the promoted post, instead of burning it by sending to null."

That's an excellent idea!

Thanks for the reply and for bringing the issue up for discussion in the first place. After reading many of the comments it appears that the bot problem is quite complicated. I did not realize that the bots interact directly with the blockchain. I will have to do more reading on the matter. There is almost always a solution it just needs to be figured out.

I think we could eliminate the autor rewards and we would still have great content generated by those who curate. Curation could be the main activity. Creators my come interested to get quality curators. Voting could be used only by those who want to curate. Those who are here only for the rewards, could get the rewards. I made a post related to this here:

Even though my rewards are usually crazy low for my content, I can't imagine why you would want to eliminate them. What incentive at all would creators have to spend time on posts? Right now, my incentive is a couple of fractions of a reward and the hope that I can slowly build followers.

Without creator rewards the system would be more simple and those who create content just for the money will stop. Good creators create because they like to create and theyr creations to be seen by many, and voted only by good curators.

Well, you have a point. I participate in Quora and Reddit just because I enjoy it. The current system somehow doesn't generate that joy here for me. I appreciate your perspective, really. I'm still new, so I'm trying to figure this out. I remember being new on Reddit and being totally confused before it somehow clicked.

I still feel like that on Reddit. Not on Quora though, I love that system (note that it is above the community; I've even had my share of trolls and haters, but the fact remains being able to ask & answer like that is kind of priceless).

Agree, I also spend plenty of time on Quora just because it's interesting.

It is also well thought out, there are no loose ends anywhere to be found --that's what I think at least.

pardon me, but that sounds kind of awful to me...

i mean, why would creators & authors even come here for in the 1st place? :(

for the quality people, votes and curation maybe. OK some autors need to invest more than their time to create. Materials, tools... cost money.

Come here for votes... Well it if earns them, sure; otherwise, not too sure...!

I completely agree with your assessment on downvoting! Nothing to add there.

As for the curation debate, I don't have a problem with curators making a bit more for doing good curation but I don't see how this will solve the problem of poor curation. It's hard for me to debate policy because a lot of it goes back to ideology, and I am in an ideological minority here...but I think we are just carrying over the problems of society at large and experiencing them in a microcosm and therefore able to experience how it all plays out at lightning speed and in great detail.

I think @liberosist hit the main point of the problem in his/her first sentence. It's a issue of culture. People go where the money is, they go where here is the most to gain for themselves. So we are trying to patch up the main issue but it will always still be there unless we hit it head on.

Some people say this is just human nature but we can only fairly say that it's human nature in a given set of circumstances. If we trust in the system and in others and trust that our contributions will be rewarded fairly, the motivation to be entirely selfish nearly disappears and we all start working together.

That trust is broken, which is way pay4vote has become such a big thing, it's why there are probably more autoupvotes than real reads, and unless we work on the culture, nothing is going to get better.

Your suggestions may help a little but I don't see a way to really fix the issue of trust when here is such a huge disparity betweenness whale votes and minnow votes. I know there are all kinds of reasons for letting whales have more weight but it make sure a vibrant community unsustainable. At the very least, autovoting needs to be strongly deincentivized.

I don't have the answers but this is the debate we should be having if steemit is anything more than a tool for investment and money making game.

Just thought I'd put this out there, again.

BTW thanks for your service, I used it to buy my very first $20 usd worth of Bitcoin, I know I'm a bit late. I'd like to turn it into a million and reinvest half in steem power if we can get our collective shit together. :-P

There's no perfect solution. I'd just like to see the whales helping to keep the good minnows engaged by sending some rewards their way. That could be via delegating to ensure that it's real content. My issue with voting bots is that they get abused. Even some of the top trenders are buying big votes and self voting. That leaves less for the minnows. I'm delegating and not self voting. At this stage we need to grow the platform and not just our own wallets. I do flag spam to remove rewards

This comment will without a doubt never be read as it is in the bottom of a great post with lots of opinions.
On the downvoting issue, downvoting something because you don't like it is not the way to go and I have seen posts downvoted because of that. Is that not why we have a comment section to discuss issues and not just downvote because I am bigger than you. On upvotes if the post I read was a good post and it gives me an idea or helped me with something I was looking into I upvote it. I have had some whales come to my channel and upvote and it was nice to see a whale reading and commenting and upvoting my post. We definitely need to do something with the curation system here on Steemit. That was the purpose of the whole Steemit thing was to communicate with each other, share ideas, reward good content. Not whine and fuss because you think that that author should not have that big of a reward for their work. If I get something out of their post and I reward it I do not want someone coming it that thinks they know better and take it away. Have a great day!

I read this through and it made sense all through.

I think people are now voting on posts based on familiarity too. It's no more about the quality of the post or the value the post adds to the reader. We know eachother... Let's vote ourselves even if our posts are meaningless.... That's trash.

I agree with reducing the 30mins cool time. Anyone can read 7 eight thousand worded articles in 30mins. I spent less than 2mins to read this long post. Not to say others are fast readers than i am. I'm just sayingless.

Everyone should check any post they're about to upvote and be sure it really impacted something into them one way or the other.

My two pence though

A common theme in a lot of the comments here is to look into ways to reduce to automatic voting on well known authors, when the quality of the author's post may not merit the upvote. By automatic voting, it may not be by a bot, it could just be as you indicate a knee-jerk upvote for an author you know to be popular. I think it's worth exploring ideas that have been presented for changing this behavior, but it's likely to be a more complex change than the relatively simple one I'm proposing (with some potential amendments based on input here). So I think it would be best to implement any such idea in a separate change at a later date. I'd prefer to not make too many changes at once, otherwise the effect of each change can get difficult to measure.

Yes.. I've been thinking of a way to curb sinister flaggings though. I'll be sharing it in a post too. I hope steemit community will like to hear something concerning flagging from a minnow....


Ban Self-Upvoting - everyone is always complaining about it anyway
Ban Upvote-Bots and Services - pay for vote is counter to the purpose of STEEM
Ban Auto-Upvoting - This is the Devil in disguise

How? Even if we all agree (and many do agree that bots are bad for Steemit) how can we ban them?

I agree what you proposed but I'd also make one more change. Make it so that curation rewards are also paid out 50% SP 50% SBD so that curators can also earn tokens which are faster to withdraw and swap for other coins/fiat. Also, why not limit the amount of SP that an individual can possibly use to upvote themselves and incentivise them to upvote a range of authors and not always the same ones. That way it would be more difficult to cheat the system by using multiple accounts. The hardest thing with all of this is to do it in a way that not only retains but also increases the value of owning SP

Hey Buddy!

Great meeting you at SteemFest. Wish we got to talk more. I can tell you are HYPER intelligent and I also got a strong feeling that you really care about the long term success of Steemit and those contributing to the well being of this community.

Because I am not a big investor and mostly a content creator I don't like your proposal but if its really better for Steemit then I am on board!

Fulll Steem Ahead!

Thanks for the vote of confidence and I'm definitely looking for a result that's a win-win for curators and content creators. Hopefully the only "losers" will be the guys looking to abuse the platform.


Unfortunately there rae a lot of those, but we as a conscious and responsible community can come up with solutions for the majority of it over time. Then Steemit will just keep getting better and better weeding out the dishonor and nurturing the authentic contributors to this platform!

Full Steem Ahead!


I also think that 5 minutes is enough. It didn't take me any longer than that to determine that it's a very informative post!

It's crazy because as of late I have been receiving upvotes with little to no reward. I would have like ten likes but 0 reward count not to mention I also posted something I felt was quality content and got no air time here. Which is why I hesitate to bother doing it at all anymore. I just stick to mostly pictures since that and the conversation of steem is what gets traction. I post different things once and a while but to get my most when it could just go down the drain like that is too much of a risk here. I value my time 'F' that man. Videos and pictures from me until they fix this little glitch going on which was something minor when I first started and now turning into this months later.

I don't know...

in Short, to the point. I've been on steemit for a while and i dont use it, mainly because i dont understand it (steem power, steem dollars, steem, savings, apr. and i think something like you're not allowed to withdraw funds before 2 years or something) Theres so much stuff that a new user can get lost pretty quickly,

This seems like a reasonable assertion (that if surfacing good content is currently a problem, then paying curators more is a logical fix).


Never used any kind of voting bot, and wonder… since it is not possible to ban bots, is it possible to make a captcha system for voting and eliminate them that way?

I vaguely remember the idea of captcha's being considered and discarded early on by the steemit team when they were working in my basement. I didn't participate in the discussion however, so I don't recall the rationale.

I don't know about the rationale then but the rationale now would be that we now know that 0% of bots use the UI and therefore none would be affected by captchas. The captchas would inconvenience only human users who would then interact less and/or quit.

I suppose this is totally a question of implementation. (May a correct my typo, I wrote capcha in my comment from two days ago; yet this is as well innovation on my side to now write captcha. Totally not a bot. ;) )


So it is true re: Steemit in the basement 😁

I posted about this in utopian and the post got shot down. The bots interact directly with the chain, not through the interface. From what I have heard, there is no way to identify a bot from human. I keep pushing this point though because if identification is possible, so is a separated pool or reduced reward structure.

That's actually a brilliant idea.

Truth is that there's no single thing that will solve ALL our woes. Starting with the fact that the core issue here is "human nature," and specifically the way selfishness and greed tend to manifest in some people when there's money on the table.

I believe we will always get further with "carrots" than with punishments in situations like these. The best thing would be to look at (and try to reach consensus on) what we WANT Steemit to be... which I think you touched on quite well by pointing to "a place for content discovery." As such, redoing things at the CODE level to reward whatever behaviors support that make sense.

The 50/50 split predates my time here, but a lot of content creators here whom I respect and like seem to think it's a good idea. I'm also all in favor of the 30-minute clock going away, because it feels mildly nonsensical when you're a manual curator... who's going to go away and come back 25 minutes from now to get the best results? Not I... I'm just going to read, comment and vote. Which-- to date-- has felt somewhat like it was to my detriment.

Anyway, thanks for adding yet another voice to this discussion.

(Semi-related footnote-- this semi-lengthy comment took me about 8 minutes to put together)

So, what I tend to do is drop 30 minutes into the 'new' section and start looking for posts that have low rewards on them and open ones that grab me. Yes, I am voting with all of three cents, but if I find something like a "gem" - I vote, and start telling people about it. I will go on discord and find my friends and say - hey - I found something - check it out.

If I don't like what I read, I pop out (it used to be easier to do this - now I try to remember to open in new tab) and move up the list - toward the newer content. As long as I occasionally open a post - I remain somewhat close to the half hour mark. I can do this for 20 minutes or 3 hours, I find it very valuable and a great way to find new authors. I leave comments when I find something I really like.

I am around 70 days on this platform, but only got into curation about 40 days ago. I had the benefit of a 500 SP delegation that I won at "Sliderfest," a 250 SP delegation gifted me by a generous user and I am active in a bunch of discords. In all my time here, I think I earned about 6 SP from curation so far. This adds up to about 1% a month on my delegated SP (the 500 was for 4 weeks followed by the 250 which I have now).

Presumably 50/50 would bring that up a bit, and the 5 minute window wouldn't change anything for my technique except how far down I go in the new tab. Maybe I could find more gems, maybe not. Maybe I am not supposed to curate as a minnow. I have definitely heard that. I create content too, but I like curating. Anyhow - I am rambling. As to your footnote - I have always taken my time with comments on social media, and I used to feel like I was the only one who did. At least here I am in good company.

Not I... I'm just going to read, comment and vote.

That's pretty much how I do it, and my curation rewards indicate that, most of my votes are on hours or days old material.

"...redoing things at the CODE level to reward whatever behaviors support that make sense."

This is exactly true.



There is a way way simpler solution to this without a blockchain-level change and it is in the first obvious simplest solution. I am hoping to pull the solution off in a month or so, cos it is indeed very simple and its model is being perfected with reaction to the #untalented curriculum. The solution will be utmost more fun too

I don't know about anyone else, but I am very interested to hear what @surpassinggoogle has to say when it comes to curation. He is probably the most prolific curator on this site, so if he has a solution - I am all ears.

Hahaha how nice. It will be ready soon. The steemgigs interface may have a small preview but the main tool will be on

@surpassinggoogle, I would like to hear about this proposed solution as I have found out most times the simplest solution is just what is needed to solve the most difficult of issues. Thank you.

Very true in this case


Well ....steem whales should rightly be called SELFISH WHALES. ....With greater position comes greater responsibility but that's not what the case is with whales. .....Dismantled and disassociated....

Upvote bots are stupid, as they only vote based on name, but not actual content.
I'll give you an example. One of my favorite content creators posts about 4-6 posts in a day. Of those 6, 3 are fiction content, and the rest are varied posts about politics, steemit, news of the day, etc. Of his 3 fiction stories, I manually only vote on one. Of the other five, I might vote on one of the political posts and one of the news of the day posts, but never all of his posts.
I consider this my manual curation, because I actually take the time to read and comment on those posts. Then, i move on to other content creators and vote only on the things that interest me.
In my opinion, this is how it should be done. Based on quality of content, not on the creator's name only.

I knew there was a reason I liked your stories, you seem to vote the same way I do, if I read it, I evaluate if it is good, if it is I comment, if I comment then I upvote the post> I was engaged or entertained by the post so it deserved an upvote. I am not sure about the down vote thing yet, I have been downvoted, and I have pissed some people off, and others have pissed me off, but I have yet to downvote, at least I don't recall casting a downvote.

I understand both sides, it almost seems like a war between investors and content creators. Both are vital to the success of steemit! Can't we all get along?

I don't really think there's any war between investors and creators, per se. There is certainly some disagreement about what change will work best, but that's only normal. We're just going to need to experiment to find a solid set of rules. My plan is to propose simple changes that look to have the most impact as the first steps in the change process.

That would discourage good content creation. Author rewards must always be more than curation rewards. I recently suggested 40% curation rewards. As for downvotes, a social network like steem needs to always have that mecanism.

The percentage for author/curation rewards is a contentious issue, and one proposal to get around it is to leave it to the post author to decide (and have the UI clearly display the split the author selected). I think either 50/50 or the settable split will improve the situation.

Also, I'm not proposing removing downvotes, I just don't think changing downvote rules is going to solve the curation problem.


In most cases, curation rewards take too much percentage as voters vote with minimalistic votes, just to get a part of curation. It is not about...showing what is a good content but taking a profit. And mostly users set auto upvote system. So the writer (specially small fishes like me) has sometimes a feeling like he is writing for almost nobody, or maybe just for those who would like to take some curation profit.

What many who join this platform want is only have a space to post what more quality can post and be rewarded for it. I believe that the change of anything here goes through the personal maturation of those who have the power to give those rewards (witness, whales etc)

The auto vote is a "sin" here, but look: When we write a post there is the option to be able to score and so when we launch a post on the platform there goes our self vote in it. Would not it be better for developers to remove this option than the people here are feeding on flag wars without notion that only checks the credibility and seriousness of the platform?

I believe that nobody here is a child, so we can and we have this duty to act as adults that we are.

The arbitrary 30 minute period or 5 minute suggestion in my opinion still encourages bots because no matter what limit you set you never get it right, and when a human curator finishes reading a post they will not wait to vote till the time is up.

It may be possible to include a dynamic time period based on the contents of a post? For example Zapps could be 30 seconds, feature length articles could be 30 minutes.

I recall BF19...
admittedly it fixed a lot that was broke.
but it caused some breakage itself.
draining the reward pool if I recall?

I go by the adage 'if it ain't broke (too badly) don't fix it"

it seems like a lot of people want to keep fixing what ain't broke until it is.
let's don't do that.

I'm reasonably satisfied with the way it's working now.

Alles wird seinen weg gehen!

I would suggest 10 minutes instead of 5.

The biggest argument I can see levied against this proposal will be that content creators will get less rewards than they do now.

I'm not sure this would be the case. I think these two changes can lead to quality posts reaching the hot and trending pages easier.

Curation should be something to be looked at more on how it can be improved. I don't think neither the users or the Steemit developers pay enough attention to it. Most attention to improvements go to author rewards and other aspects of the platform.

Sizin paylasimlariniz benim ilgi alanımda. Bu degerli bilgiler icin size gercekten tesekkur ederim. Turkish

How about a Capcha to disapprove of automation completely? It will certainly give captcha-hacking incentives to improve as well, yet could leave to even better innovation.

First I want to congratulate you is a post worthy of being in first line is clear, honest and very positive for the creators. I also want to apologize in advance if the content of this message is not clearly understood (we will blame the Google translator 😂) I am very clear that we creators strive to give something new and interesting to the audience and many times it happens to us that a good article with very good content ends up lost if seen for several reasons which you explained clearly in your post. On several occasions I have had problems and I felt used by bots as for example I made a post in which it is clear that my article has less votes and less profit than the comments made in the post. Yes sir that's the comments had a few votes for the bots and ultilizavan my publications to generate their own profit. To finish again I congratulate you great post

Can't we have an algorithm implemented on the blockchain which changes the curation period for maximum reward rather randomly based on some modeling of human behaviour. Sometimes it may be , 6 mins or sometimes 10 , 20 up to 29 etc. (Between 5mins and 29mins) . It may have to take into consideration average voting time per 3/4 of the day, run through some complicated formula and give a voting period for the next day.

I love it!

your post has been enlightening for me where sometimes I also buy a vote from friends steemit because my post is empty from upvote.terimakasih@blocktrades for the information.

This makes a lot Of sense but can it be achieved? There are cabals everywhere you go to in this world. No. Matter the measures developed, people will still find a way round it.

Hey guys I notice is hard to read all the posts effectively and I wanted a better way I will try to convert the text to audio for more people to be able to benefit from the good posts

You so right!
The bots help me gain profit, but as social network steem is no good.
The quality of post and payout not correlate.
For people to see your post you should send money to some minnow booster etc, and better send 10$ at least for it to be noticed.

In such way people who have money ,make more money...
I'm making money on steem myself, but I would be glad stop earning it in favour of steem being more fair, and work more natural.

This might be advantage to those who are receiving good/huge rewards but what about those people who are receiving less to nothing, they will have nothing/very minimal left for themselves. I think it will also slows down their growth in the platform, way slower than they used to be.

More people == more competition == harder to get noticed

Unless you've already got a following or absolutely amazing content found by a whale type it's a bit of a challenge to have your voice heard over an ever expanding amount of users trying to do the same.

Persistence and quality content will always be king though,

The white paper envisioned ~30% of rewards being distributed to ~90% of the users. Currently 99% of rewards inure to 1% of accounts.

If distribution were actually what the white paper envisioned, there would be 3000% more rewards available to most folks.

Cash is king, sadly.

Sounds eerily similar to society already

I believe this will spread the rewards to more users across the user base than the current system. More of the users are primarily curators rather than posters I strongly suspect.

Like you said, still we could not be so sure about it. The competition is huge, huge enough that curators (whales) won't be able to see them all.

I talked about this in more detail in another comment, but I believe paid delegations could be used to "create" more curators that can actually impact a post's ranking, but it's only viable economically if curators get paid more than they do today.

Like a skilled craftsman renting a workshop.
He can't afford one, but he knows his productivity increase would more than cover the rent.

Lol, I'm way too dumb to set up a bot program to like and give my posts views, I can't believe people do that...

I think one of the biggest problems with steemit is that it is driven by money and greed rather than creativity and interest. I think that this is likely because very few people know about steemit. IF steemit grows in popularity the quality of the content will dramatically improve.

Just one suggestion though, messages! Why can we not send each other messages? like with youtube, facebook, twitter, and even online allow you to send private messages! I think steemit is a bit cold and creators are a little isolated. I would like the idea of sending private messages. Just an idea :)

I believe most curators are competent enough to uphold the 5 minute rule you're talking about, but what about curators who consistently vote for the same members. Is there a system in place where the curators are limited to repeatedly voting for the same people?

Do curators, or are they expected to, find newer members with good content?

Auto-UPvotes also don't follow the 30 minute rule. They are usually immediate. So are those members or curators losing their power sooner because of the system they choose to UPvote?
Hope I expressed my comment well enough.

While I can see that ONLY voting for a clique would discourage new users, why discourage voting for an author regularly, when they produce content you like?

I do this. The authors I upvote regularly are prolific, intelligent, and devilishly handsome. I think my votes encourage good content, and benefit the platform.

Is this the kind of curation you think should be discouraged? I should note that last week I voted for 168 unique authors, so it's not like I only vote in a small clique.

In my statement above I was gearing it towards the "clique" as you said"; not necessarily voting for the same person just because they always out out good quality posts. It is the "clique-y" curation.
I agree with continuously voting and curating a member who writes reliable, well-thought out content, because I tend to lean that way also.

if the auto upvoter bot votes right away, yes, it's my understanding that the curation reward is given to the author instead. I can only assume that such bots are just written by someone who doesn't know that rule or is intended to reward the author more instead.

Or they set the rule so long ago it predates the 30 minute rule. From an outsiders (as far as whale behavior goes) perspective it seems like there are a lot of absent/sleeping users with big stakes that autovote certain members. they wouldn't have adjusted their auto vote rules to account for the 30 minute timer.

There's not a system for that as I know in here.. .that's the cure in some way. But you know.. so easy to make more and more accounts. So once the law is donde the cheat is already running

I don't think there's any easy way to prevent curators from consistently voting for the same members. You could put a rule in place to prevent repeated voting for the same people by an account, but the curator in question could delegate his SP to multiple accounts and round robin has favored authors. So it wouldn't be simple to implement in a way that's effective, not saying it's impossible.

Seems like too much favoritism.
And delegating to other accounts in a round robin effect is not a positive way to grow the community. Makes me think that many here could or would feel like the "red headed middle stepchild ". Disregarded for someone else; but not necessarily better.

I think you misunderstand me: I not saying delegating other accounts and round robining to get around the rule you proposed is a good thing, my point is just that it is an easy workaround for any "bad actor" who wants to defeat the point of your proposal. Bad actor in this sense is someone who is not very invested in the long term potential of the platform, but is just here for quick rewards for doing little.

Ok, thank you for clarifying more. I understand it now.

Not all Auto upvoters vote immediately. The systems have been build so that you can choose when your vote is placed automatically. If you want to vote at 29 minutes, you can set it up that way. See my comment below on where I think the immediate upvotes come from. :-)

As to this question:

Do curators, are are the expected to, find newer members with good content?

It depends on the curator, why they are curating, and what their mission is. I am currently a curator for Curie, which has very specific rules and is looking for newer authors. I am also curating for the new #promo-steem which is a more loosely defined curation effort, but still goes to finding unrecognized authors.

But Everyone on the platform is a curator. Every time you hit the vote button or flag button you are curating. So you have to define for yourself what kind of curator you are.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for this @mikepm74. I knew I, as well as everyone else on steemit, was a curator to some degree... but you have a more defined system of who you curate for and what the responsibility details.

With large incoming users, there will huge number of spamming, gibberish, and low quality contents there. Yes, flagging is not encouraged. However, similar to @spamcleaners, @chitah, @bernie, we need a community account that will fight with low quality content getting high payment by gaming the system. However, it may be hard to make one, but gibberish should be identifiable at least with some form of consensus.

Wow! Nice suggestion!

It's all about the visibility. From the 4 menu buttons on Steemit, 3 promote self fulfilling prophecy - the most viewed get more views. Making it impossible for any other post to be objectively valued, positively or negatively. Unless you have friends to always vote you up, or enemies to always flag you, no matter what the content is. has solved this in a very elegant way. There are no "Trending", "Hot", "Promoted" buttons there. You get to see random posts. You have three choices - like it (reward), skip (neutral) or flag it (negative). Simple and understandable.

Why should "Promoted" even exist on Steemit? On top of all the countless voting bots.... What does "Hot" serve for in addition to trending? Why there should be strategies for getting into those lists (Hot & Trending)?

Aren't these pages too strong of incentives to play the "being smart" game instead of posting honest content? Aren't these pages a temptation which is too difficult to resist?

If you don't have friends to vote for you, and bots (paid or unpaid), the chances are that your post will remain invisible, regardless of its quality.

"New" button is OK, even though not perfect. How about this:
Somehow, give each post equal (or nearly equal) visibility on a random basis. Depending on the votes (up, down, neutral) this view ratio will be adjusted and will follow the vote profile.

"Trending", "Hot", "Promoted" destroy any reasonable proportion of the content distribution on the system. The algorithm plays the role of a chief editor, and the result is a snowball effect growing into avalanche. In contrast to the vast desert of dry unseen posts into which who knows how many hours of work have been put. And almost nothing in between.

Let there be some hills and even mountains. Some lakes and even seas. Some caves, deserts and ocean depths that no one ever sees. Some valleys, roads and highways. A colorful bouquet of post and authors.

Same author can write a good or a bad post. Authors can grow or corrupt. Why all the post of a good author should be necessary good? And why a far from perfect writer could not grow and improve? Ever heard of "one hit wonders"? Give them a chance to get discovered. Not only in the 3 milliseconds visibility on the "New" page.

This comment was not meant to get that long. Just hoping Steemit will come closer to representing the real life diversity, powered by almost HALF A MILLION accounts as of this moment. Make the stage broader. Build more stages, let more stars shine in the spotlight.

Give each post equal initial views, and from there, follow the long and winding road of the votes.

Getting noticed is quite hard on steemit. Minnows like me, who are experienced writers(not praising myself) would eventually get frustrated and leave. It is impossible to introduce an editorial check up for each submitted post but new users with less reputation can submit posts for scrutiny and then be allowed to publish, which will also effectively reduce spam.

As for curation, I do feel that posts which deserves more do not get its due.

I started to use bots few weeks ago, because I felt undervalued.. I spend up to 3 hours on some posts.. and I dont count the time artwork making take. and then I got 2-4 sbd... I am a teacher of art and piano play in Slovakia.. it means i earn 500€ per month.. its hard to make art for living in not very rich country, so I am happy when someone appreciate my work and it also got its I started with bots to get more attention and it worked.. now I get at least some more upvotes...

but I dont know what else should I do and I am not sure the 50/50 reward would help. it would be great if those whales who created bots rather upvote on their own and didnt get paid for votes like they do now... if the 50/50 rule would work, bots could be turned off, becaause the high price for votes.. if curator get 50% reward he should at least make the work to find good posts..

I'm leaving because of many of the problems you cite. It's become a circle-jerk powered by bots. Barely literate posts by scammers rise up because they have SP, other wales only selling their vote power not curating etc. "Great post mate" spam everywhere.

Purely as a crypto I'm not against large holders having much, much larger staking rewards at all, the problem is that doesn't make for good content.

As someone who's leaving I have no motivation but to tell it like it is.

  • Bots should be banned, it's a robot parade.

  • Steem Power should have diminishing returns to put everyone on more equal terms.

  • The "power down"delay is a double-edged sword, yes it's supposed to bring stability ( I'd argue it doesn't), but also makes people reluctant to put in a large amount, knowing they won't have access to it for weeks. Crypto moves fast, you need to be able to respond fast.

And before "you're just jealous you're not a whale" replies that I've gotten on these concerns before, take a look at Steemit's active user retention. It's grim. Things need changing and I'm giving you a perspective as one of these soon-to-be-abandoned accounts as to why people leave.

Steemit is very strange... some if my best content gets little reward. I'm not sure it is worth it to work a long time writing a post ..

I might have needed more than 5 min to read this but if there is an agreement by many parties to implement them, I’m sure the proper listeners will implement it.

In my opinion, @blocktrades and @ned steem power delegation should be eliminated because when someone is delegating his SP, he is charging for that which forces users being delegated to sell their votes to pay back to the user who delegated SP them. No matter whether the content is good or not they vote for some SBD or Steem. I think it is affecting reward pool. Just think about the user who cannot purchase votes, he will not get votes from them who are selling their votes. And recently, I found that this trend is getting empowered in Steem platform. If no action will be taken against this trend, then the time will come when no one will get vote until he pays for it.

@fulltimegeek and @stellabelle have just made several delegations, and are not charging anything.

Also, IIRC, @ned wasn't charging for the delegations he made either.

Those delegations were simply an effort to improve manual curation, I believe.

Because you're right. If we don't fix this, Steemit will, by dying.

Why not add a captcha or something to discourage bot based upvoting or commenting. I do not see any other rule resulting in fairness for actual curators. Why should someone who is fast to your post get penalized and why should you discourage upvoting for first 30 mins. Your post get buried way down in 30 minutes and you are penalizing authors due to these unnecessary rules to avoid bots.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do you have this on Utopia-io @blocktrades? I really would like to present some ideas, but first would like to evaluate your in, a proper way.

EDIT: This post is MASSIVELY BIG! on comments... you did make it mainstream. =) Wish you can really make a difference...

Not yet, I haven't had a chance to explore it yet. I'm planning to have my team look into the current steem code tomorrow and see what it would take to implement some of the changes that have been discussed, both in the post and the comments. Then it might be a good idea for me to take a look at utopia-io as a next step.

Grand! Waiting for when that comes in... Happy to provide my own opinion and conduct reviews.

Good that you mention this and it comes to remind all users... I think bots are just killing this platform, only very few human interactions.
This should be a social media platform, without real human engagement this is is just another lifeless site.

@valued-customer I've tried everything to find your comment, but no success. You mentioned a "Golden Horde of Bots" and a "Genghis Code"; could you repeat that please? 😐


Posts that get this many replies become impossible to navigate. I made the stoopid mistake of upvoting your comment before replying, and had to find it all over again! 0_o

Here's a link to the comment you requested.

Also, if you go to someone's blog, and click on their avatar, an option to view their comments is provided. That's how I found the comment myself. If for some reason that link doesn't take you directly to the comment (you may need to wait for it to load completely, which can take a few minutes on this busy post), you can find it in my comments from twelve days prior to today.

Fortunately the 'Genghis Code' and 'Golden Horde' is in the first line, so it's easily identifiable from amongst the dozens of comments I made on this post, hidden amongst the hundreds of comments, that, as you have found, make it a labor of hours to find something particular in.

This is indeed awkward. My browser almost crashed. It got ultra slow for about 5 secs. Steemit needs to look into this! If this community is all about posts, content and replies, we can't be spending hours searching for part of that content, can we? ;) Thanks a ton for the links, I'll report ASAP.

Here is the link.

This is my second attempt to reply, so if my answers both show up, sorry!

If for some reason this link doesn't take you directly to the comment, you can go to my blog, click my avatar, and select 'comments' from the menu, which will allow you to browse my comments. The comment you seek was made 12 days before today, and the 'Genghis Code' and 'Golden Horde' bit is in the first line, making it easy to identify.

Crap man I am so sorry, I'll just have to upvote your comment (from the Comments tab in your profile) and move on --I give up, I've seen the title of the article-post a thousand times by now from trying to read that comment! If you can, at least for informational purposes, post it as a reply to this so I can at least read it. 😐 Pretty please!

I also must desist from further search for it here. While I can find it in my list of comments, when I click on it, I am only taken to the post, where I have searched for over an hour for it, to no avail.


Steemit really breaks with posts this replete with replies. Sadly, that is when the direct link to a reply is most needed.

exactly! a direct link is needed but it is rendered useless... if comments are important indeed, something will have to be done about this! SOONish!

At the end of the day. I think what many people are having a problem is with favoritism, where whales are upvoting sub-standard posts. I doubt if a system can be put in place to stop this practice. I would hope that the whales would use their power, as some do, to reward quality and not some of the stuff I see them upvoting @berniesanders pointed that out. That is at the heart of this issue.


I spoke out about this months ago and exposed some pretty major players on Steemit ( But perhaps not surprisingly, I was met with ridicule and was shunned from the community. The problem with Steemit and its blockchain implementation is that, perhaps it models real world interactions a little too well. Power and corruption are all too prevalent in societies dating back to the Roman era - I guess it is just part and parcel. One thing we can look at is having more transparency and the welcoming of those asking questions, particularly when it comes to patterns on the Steemit blockchain!

The fixed time periods are too subjective for my liking.

5 minutes or 30 minutes is pretty irrelevant when compared to a 90 minute video.

Then there's the measurement of "value".

Should a post be valued because its well written, because the reader finds the information personally useful, or the reader sees how the information could be useful to others?

All reasons are valid, yet not equal in value.

Whatever the case, I hope a solution can be found that doesn't muck things up too much.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It tooked me less than 30' to read it and understand it by the way, becasue is a new area but an old problem that people get all over the times ;) I agree with you in your explanations and examples. I think the Blockchain works like humans, because is made by humans itself. So the blockchain has implicit so many problems as people. Trying to do fair things in here looks like Alchemy by the way. Solutions? I don't know. What you are talking about is so, so, so clear, and reasonable too, but humans are in the end who drives the Blockchain in some way. And when power touch some hearts, curruption starts to come around. I pray for a change... because the blockchain soul, is more than some coins.

"... because the blockchain soul, is more than some coins."

Very true. Society isn't just an economy.


Thanks for the reading, man!

Wow! Very informative post. I did not know about the 30 minute rule...oh my goodness! I am going to be honest here. I am frustrated with Steemit. I put in time and want to share but feel only the whales are benefiting. My posts are being lost. Some of my posts will recieve 25 upvotes and only $1 if that. I am still learning as I go on Steemit but there seems to be so much to learn and alot does not make sense to me. Sorry, just on a rant but that is how I feel.

For the last month, the median payout for a post was $.01. If you're nearing a dollar, you're way ahead of most folks, so you can imagine the frustration the hoi polloi feel.

A good point there. I have been using steemit for a couple of months and made 832 posts. Of course, photography is my subject, so curation of photographs is really a like/not like question. I did a short analysis of receipts and classified my posts.

Minnows - less than a dollar, Dolphins - 1-10 dollars, Whales, - anything above that.

Results - 1 whale post. 3 dolphin posts and the rest minnows, the bulk of which receiving 0.

I did get a few SBD from entering competitions but not significant amount.

I have tried curation but I don't see a real path to rewards in that, unless you have already steem power to vote. 0.001 repeated still does not add up to much.

So what do I do? At the moment I just post photos on steepshot until I can figure out whether this is worth continuing.

I note that the photography tag is used for travel and food posts and real photographic content seems to be limited to those promoting contests.

The upside is that I have made some sbd that I would not have got posting on Facebook or Instagram.

So is Steemit dead, dying and is there any hope?

One can predict anything, but predictions are every bit as valuable as they are certain.

Which is to say, not much =p

Steemit is in beta. There is vigorous discussion of these issues at every level. There are a lot of things that can be tried, and many of them might work.

I see no sign Steemit is dead - quite the contrary - but it is vulnerable.

I would recommend you build your following with substantive comments, recklessly investing time and votes on other's blogs, as this is the best way to reach out to folks that might find your own blog of interest.

Also, discord,, mumble, etc., can all be places where you can interact with folks, and generate interest in your content.

When you build your following, you create a larger pool which might upvote your posts, and help you meet your goals.


Haha. So true.

It seems to me that banning the bots would be an easy answer to the problem and open the door to real interaction as social media suggest.


How can you ban bots? It's just code that calls an API on the blockchain, just like Steemit does, or Busy, or ChainBB, or any other interface.

BTW, I have figgered out a mechanism that could be used to prevent bots from voting. It doesn't seem popular.

But then, bots do seem popular.

I am still new and trying to find "my voice". I have found one topic I that is well accepted, but it is not enough (yet) for me to plan on being here for the long run. Anything that can get newbies to the point of getting a tiny amount of income each day (that physically shows in their account) is a good idea. I really think a large portion of new people who join, quit before their potential is reached.

I actually quit using the platform soon after joining because I could not see a way to move forward without putting money I did not have into the system. I could not get it out of my mind however and kept reading and learning till I came back two months or so later.

On the upvoting, I do currently upvote myself because I am still trying to find another "voice" niche to work in. What I get back from my little .03 vote as an author is so much more than I would get as a curator (.0003) on someone else's post. I guess it is one of those "you can't help others until you can help yourself" deals.

I can already see where it is working, getting me to the point of being able to actually help others much quicker. As I find my voice and build my following I will do it less and less. Plus, I still upvote some others every day. I just upvote the 3 or 4 of my own posts each day also.

In my opinion, there's absolutely nothing wrong with upvoting your own posts, as long as you personally think they have value and deserve a vote.

Yes.. I agree. But I also make my own bad reputation when voting them up just because I wish visibility... right?

Since self voting is a vector for abuse, despite being permitted by the code, there is an appearance of guilt by association, at the least.

Beyond that, I reckon my tiny vote is better used as social interaction. I get far more rewards from that in currency I value much more highly than mere money.

I mostly use it to jump higher in the comments. Not that I think it's fair, but because I associate it with the ability for someone to be able to pay to be heard. Just like asking someone to vote for you because you can pay. This is one of the reasons that curation has to also depend on other "values" to be called curation. Not just power. Reputation would be one of them. And I have already proposed other ideas.

Unfortunately, the time has been hard lately. So, I have not been able to continue my efforts around steem. Except for letting the witness node run. Which I am very satisfied with.

I spend upward of 3 to 4 hours on almost every post making sure all my facts and figures are correct. I write about a topic that could make people sick if I tell them wrong information and I don't care how much I need the money, I will not do that just to make a few bucks. I may occasionally make a funny post to keep everyone's, including my own, spirits up, but the vast majority of my posts are about serious subjects and come from living what I write about.

Although I don't care about rewards, I view them as encouragement, so do pay attention to them.

I decided early on that spending my VP on me was irrelevant, and upvoting others gained attention. When I upvote, folks are encouraged, and want to reciprocate.

Before I had the slider, I could cast 10 votes a day, without degrading my VP so much it wouldn't recharge by the next day. Each of the votes was a potential follower, who might upvote my posts.

I found that far more valuable than $.03


Humbly and probably without full understanding, I think that the steemit system of rewards is horrible. Without complex explanations not easy to find, it appears to be grossly unfair and somewhat senseless. Especially, to a new user. Because of that, I think that many good people do not contribute to steemit. I would do away with curation awards and make all votes equal in value regardless of reputation or whatever other complex method is being used. One vote, one reward regardless of who is posting or who is voting. Or, maybe better, one view one reward regardless of other factors. Or, one vote only after one view. Also, the tales about whales or people with huge power makes me reluctant to offer any kind of criticism.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I just want to let you know it took me more than 5 minutes to read your article. I think the window should be longer than it is right now. Maybe it's not productive as far as self voting goes (I wrote an article about self-voting a couple days ago actually), but I think people would feel better if the curation of their posts didn't drop off after 30 minutes, or, heaven forbid, 5 minutes!!! Sure there are charitable souls who still upvote after those times (as you were once to one of my posts), but for the most part (especially for minnows) people will get their upvotes in the amount of time others can curate. Keep upvotes coming in for longer, and give people more incentive I say. Make curation decrease slowly between the time of posting and the seven day payout. It will attract more curators to quality posts and give more hope to the minnow. Likes come in for days on Facebook, many people are coming from there. Your article was up for 26 minutes before I found it and read it, and like I said, it took more than 5 minutes to read, I just wanted to make sure I was soaking in everything you were saying.

Hi, you're misunderstanding the 5 minute rule (don't feel bad about that, these rules probably aren't clearly stated in any one place, and in attempt at some brevity I didn't go into a full description of the voting rules, just the parts that I thought many readers wouldn't know). Votes will still count after the first 5 minutes, both for curation rewards and for author rewards after the 5 minute period passes.

The change I'm suggesting is that instead of curation rewards being shifted to the author during the first 5 minutes as per the current rule in effect, the curation rewards are shared equally between the voters in this period. This means the guy who votes in 2 seconds doesn't get rewarded more than the guy who spends more time to read the post before voting, for example.

Oh, ok! Thank you for being patient and letting me know. There is still so much left to learn. :)