When I was in 3rd grade (if memory serves, but I was definitely in elementary school), I decided I wanted to be a gypsy... a nomad. That I no longer wanted to be at home and I no longer wanted to be a part of my family. So, having no real knowledge of how the world worked yet, I recruited some friends (the neighbors I walked to school with every morning), and when our parents left for work we packed our bags and left for the hills. We thought we were adulting so hardcore! But it's hysterical to think about now... us walking, with our kiddie suitcases rolling in tow, miles to the nearest convenience store to buy slushies with the lunch money we were supposed to spend at school that day. When we got hungry enough and realized we had no way of taking care of ourselves, we decided our "adventure" was a stupid idea and we walked all the way back home thinking we'd be there just before our parents got home from work and they'd be none the wiser... we'd just carry on as if nothing happened. Instead, we showed up to find a handful of police cars and our parents scouring the street. We didn't know the school would call to let our families know weren't in school and a search had been called hours before! The most ridiculous thing about the entire ordeal is that it seemed so innocent! I just wanted to be independent. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone's feelings, it honestly didn't even occur to me that my parents would be upset and I certianly had no idea I was breaking any laws! I would say this is the most stupid thing I've ever done because in hindsight, and as a mother myself now, I realize how potentially dangerous that could have been.
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