Why Your Facebook Friends Probably Won't Join Steemit And Why You Shouldn't Care

in steem •  8 years ago 

I know you might want to help out your friends and tell them about Steemit but some approaches might be a lot of wasted energy and frustration.  In this pool meeting I talk about why a lot of Facebook friends aren't going to come over to Steemit but you really shouldn't give a shit and waste your energy when you could be connecting with the people who are already here producing results.  Now that might be contradictory to what most people will tell you.  They will say don't we want to bring everyone over?  A lot of people flooding onto the platform could have a positive effect long term but I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince people to do something.  I'm going to focus my efforts on you guys who have already signed up and are taking action!  

Note: In the video I was saying I was on Facebook in 2014 and Friendster in 2013.  I actually meant 2004 for Facebook and 2003 for Friendster.  


Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos

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You hit home some really good hard points in there.

One of the real difficulties of on-boarding the facebook friends, and perhaps friends from other networks (wechat and weibo in my case) is that the barrier to entry remains some-what high.

High in that it takes a considerably more amount of time to produce content on here, than it does on other platforms like instagram or even facebook (would you even call the posts on facebook content creation?)

There is a degree of cognitive dissonance due to the misconceptions of what Steemit actually is all about. This I imagine, is due to the platform still discovering it's own identity as a social hub, or a content creation / content consumption platform.

There are few people who would be considered successful on Steemit who behave the same way they do on facebook, or use Steemit the same way they use facebook. Yes, there are people who write lovely blogs, in their notes on facebook, and frequently write long in-depth status updates, as well as share pictures and video, but notice, these are for the sake of interacting with their friends, and not strangers. People do not use facebook to 'make' new friends. They use it to connect and engage with their existing ones.

A sub-group of users on facebook users use it in a similar way to Steemit, and those are the people with public facing accounts which are separate to their personal ones. Content posted there is largely intended to find their way to people they do not yet know or perhaps don't even care to know. They just want the internet to discover it and have their content be seen.

I was recently talking to a friend of mine who I introduced to Steemit (but has largely lost motivation to keep posting) about what their goals are. As you said, yours is to try build a certain amount of following which could lead to an increased amount of rewards and thus Steem Power. Meanwhile, my friend dreams about wanting the prestige, the ability to socially influence, and to be known by millions of people (yes, the money would then become a self fulfilling prophecy in that case). However, In her case, she doesn't dream of making good money on Youtube nearly as much as being a person watched by millions of people on youtube. But here's the catch, it's not because she's covered her financial bases and doesn't require money - quite the opposite.

Steemit is not (yet) a mainstream platform, so a content creator who wishes to be 'known' and potentially recognised by people just by walking in the street will not get here. Ironically, they are even less likely to get that on Youtube unless they have particularly outstanding work.

This brings me back to your point about the effort required, and people's expectations of what they think they should be entitled to for remuneration on their work. If a facebook user comes to Steemit and has to overcome the initial barrier of spending hours to produce content which may not get rewarded or seen, then they would rather spend less time and take the personal victory of posting something that takes no time to produce on their facebook and have it applauded and liked by people they know.

To make the whole process better, there needs to be a gradual maturing of the platform which does not ostracise people for behaving in exactly the way they would on facebook (as well as the platform providing the UI to do so). But then, the site would just be a facebook wannabe.

Typical Facebook users, and typical Steemit users are not birds of a feather, and thus, aren't likely to flock together.

I really appreciate your detailed response and I agree with you. For most people it is very intimidating to get on this platform and try to produce the level of work that seems to get paid. I often wonder how some people are able to get their post up and looking decent. I have a lot of knowledge of web development and have to go to the HTML view to tweak things. I don't imagine that most of the people are doing that but when I look at the way the system is set up when I go to post I would assume it would be frustrating and difficult for the average user. Plus crypto currencies are difficult to learn and wrap your head around the concept. I have a crypto currency background, a web development background, and a content creation background. So in a way Steemit is made for me.

I'm OK with the following not being super huge and people not recognizing me on the streets from it. I've sort of made peace with that being the reality on Steemit even if I become popular on this platform.

I can understand your friend who really wanted the fame. I too have always wanted to be famous and have had small doses of it in my life and I really enjoy entertaining whether it is in an athletic setting or on camera. I have always been upset that I was never able to really commit to having a YouTube channel that had subject matter that was capable of millions of subscribers. I make money from YouTube from smaller niche channels but I wanted the fame as well. I just knew it is an unprofitable thing for a couple of years and a person almost has to be subsidized or have the money to float that process until they get big enough to sustain themselves. My bills are far to high right now to do something that I'm not going to at least be able to sustain myself during the process.

I have always wondered how you found out about Steemit and also what attracted you to it instead of taking an approach like your friend who is more interested in platforms that have the power of magnitude to reach millions?

I think there are cases where people are just slow bloomers but have the right mix of skills, knowledge and personality to make it big. By what i've seen in your really unique pool meetings, you absolutely are one of those people, I didn't even need to know that you were into crypto-currencies, web development and content creation before to see that!

As for me, I found out about Steemit through a friend on WeChat who basically posts non-stop about anything and everything to do with crypto. I largely ignored it until I saw a post about a 'new social network that pays you to participate'.

Actually, I fit into the category of wanting a lot of people to see my stuff too. I was early into weibo, but I focused on using it for my first business which was acting as a luxury goods agent for clients wishing to purchase luxury goods either unavailable back home in China, or wanted it cheaper. So by doing that I basically learnt how to take nice fashion style pictures for clients who wanted the items to be modelled on a real person to see what it would look like.

All the while, I wanted to become a Wang Hong (basically every girl in China) If you wondered what a "Wang Hong" is

I didn't do it for the money, because as you might have guessed, I'm extremely lucky to have been brought up in a family where finances were never really an issue. I just wanted people to take an interest in me as a person, what I have to share, and my escapades (still do).

I realised that timing was a crucial factor, all other things equal (yes I can acknowledge that having substantial float will help a great deal) , for getting traction on a social network. For me, I believe that being at the beginning of something makes the real difference, and I missed out on pretty much every other 'hot' social network for that. Instead, I decided to be the big fish in the small pond, instead of the small fish in the big pond. And hopefully through growing myself both personally and on a platform early on, I could hope to reach a wider audience.

For me, I feel that I have some key advantages on Steemit because of the way content is delivered here :

  1. Despite giving off the air that I might be some ultra socialite that can mix with people at a whim, I'm actually quite a book worm, and I prefer interactions with people on a more one to one basis.

  2. Even though i've studied English since first grade, it wasn't until I studied at University for my BSc and MSc that I ever had the chance to really speak it with anyone. You will be surprised how difficult it is for me to pull together sentences under pressure. With Steemit, I can leverage my strength which is writing, and take my time to think about what to say, instead of having to say things 'on the fly'. (vs livestream , youtube etc.)

  3. Most other girls in my position of relative financial freedom, value their time too much and would never go into the extreme lengths which I go through to share their content in written form, nor spend anywhere near the time to carefully produce more engaging content.

  4. Supplementing the above point, few Chinese girls are willing (or even able) to transfer cultural defaults between languages. Even though my travel / food blogs are probably the more well known topics people know me for, it is my posts about Chinese culture, such as my Idiom series which showcase this ability the best.

I think that right now, China is probably not quite ready for something like Steemit, or rather, Steemit isn't quite ready for China, but either way, I hope that my story (of hopefully success on a foreign platform) will allow me to reach the very magnitudes of millions you speak of in China, if only to serve as an example of how tenacity and hard work can prevail. China often likes to promote people who are able to penetrate into western society and be 'successful' and those who are able, will blow up instantly over night.

I guess I'm hoping that someone important in China will notice me and that day will come.

Thank you so much for that response! I read the article about Wang Hong and WOW! That blew me away what some people were earning. 46 Million. That is crazy.

I understand the feeling you describe of wanting people to take interest in your life and your adventures. I was the same way and started uploading videos to YouTube in 2008. It was very frustrating. I have various levels of traction but it was never good enough for what I expected based on the work I put into some of the videos. I just knew what it was going to take. Grinding 12 to 14 hours everyday to build it right and I didn't have the money to survive if I tried to do that. When you have to chase after the next dollar it gets hard to play the long term game.

Your responses have answered a lot of questions I have had for awhile. It is good for people to have questions. Part of your success along with your good looks is that there are many mysteries about you. Curious people will be pulled in to find out more about you. I was curious about you for a long time but didn't want to be rude by asking you questions that seemed too private. When you first appeared on the site I figured a few things. That you probably had an American or Australian boyfriend who was taking the pictures and writing the posts because you guys figured you would get more attention then if he was in the posts. One thing that was very interesting was when you randomly met @ned in Hong Kong. That made you a lot more "real" to me and I'm sure many others. As you posted more and more it became more apparent to me that you had to be rich. It was all still a mystery because your English is so good.
I also find it interesting that you said most people in your financial situation wouldn't put in this kind of work to produce this type of content. That is actually the case with 99% of people no matter what their financial situation is. They give up too easily and they aren't willing to work for it. I respect the hustle. Most people don't have it

I also find it very interesting your perspective on being first to the platform for people in China. It makes a lot of sense and I feel the same way even about myself. Eventually there will be more people with similar type interest. If everyone doesn't know us on this platform then we have failed in a way.

A smart person once said, "If you aren't first, you are last!"

Was just having this discussion with my significant other. I personally hope the FB crowd never comes over as it would ruin the unique community. But I agree with @sweetssj the barrier to entry needs to come down some to ensure the platform can reach a critical mass for adoption in the long run

I've tried to tell my tribe about Steemit and I get those "looks" oh well, they will remember down the road I mentioned it like you said.

Yeah getting that "look" like you are some shady guy when you have known them for 18 years and don't have a track record of screwing people over in any situation. That is when I don't have time for it for sure. They think it is MLM and we are trying to scam them or something. SORRY...... no time to pitch to them. I will just keep getting Bitty Rich over here with my friends on here that are already grinding away!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Exactly, some of my YouTube peeps are coming over here but I've had a few years of Bitcoin experience. 99% of the people im trying to reach to get over here have no idea how Bitcoin works or anything about cryptocurrency. Thats going to be a HUGE hurtle with STEEMIT

Yeah big time for sure. If a person isn't sure about Bitcoin or that then there is a bigger barrier. If they are past that then there is a chance. I almost feel like someone has to be business minded in a way to be on here. It will organically grow overtime just like all social media platforms but there is enough money to go around if it stays smaller than Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat...etc.

When I talk to my wife about Bitcoin she gives me that look also. I think people who are business minded get it like you said, but generally we are just WOKE!

I had to look up what WOKE means! Never heard of that. LOL

Pretty much people that can see through the bullshit and know what they teach you in school is not really whats going on around us.

A lot of people on Facebook really do not have anything to say. They don't contribute to anything anyway. I only told a select few that might find this interesting who weren't only liking cat videos and memes all day long but actually expressed their opinions on stuff.

Yeah initially I was pretty selective about who I told about it but then I got to a point where I don't tell anyone. Sometimes I say I'm working on my blog to people in real life but I don't try to get them to go look at it. I just don't like spending energy convincing people. It is wasted energy a lot of times.

Exactly. There must some sort of intrinsic motivation, otherwise it's almost always time better spent doing other things.

I understand that people are excited and genuinely want to help their friends out. But I have seen some people on here making it their life's mission to tell people about Steemit on Facebook over and over again. People just want to earn $0 and be average. Let them.
We can concentrate on the people over here who already see the picture.

To be honest. Facebook to me is like a gossipy type place. Not really a place to grow freely. Not many content creators focus their energy there. Even though I have a Facebook page I am rarely there. In the beginning I told lots of people but quickly found out that Steemit is at such a higher level than Facebook.

It is a different environment for sure. Facebook is interesting and I'm sure it will be around for a long time but I personally don't have time for it.

Pool meeting, haha! That's pretty cool 😉
Your points totally hit the nail. But hey: more rewards for us if they miss their chance! Ha!

Yeah I certainly don't care if they miss out. LOL

Nice job Brian, couldn't have said it any better really...

There is pretty much a different mindset on each and every social media channel out there. Some people try to game them all to make money and never succeed and as many before me have stated, others really don't care about their futures and just become gossips.

Social media is supposed to be just that, social. Nowadays with all the noise on FB, BS on Twitter and Youtube just playing catch-up, no one wins anymore but the ad agencies pumping the golden goose of advertising to the brink of explosion.

Until people realize their own value to others do they hold any value for themselves. Coming over to a place like Steemit was actually a relief for me, knowing that now I can focus on what matters... community.

I've tried FB pages, groups, ads, FB Live video, you name it, but the platform really doesn't allow for personal creativity anymore. It used to be that you could actually go thru the newsfeed and read great content, those days of FB are LONG F*g Gone now.

Looking ahead to some more poolside video :) Steem On!

Thanks a lot for your comment! I had a lot of fun on Facebook! Those days are over! Now we are on the VIP of social media!

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Facebook is dead to me, and they can have it. Instagram is where we can really see more converts! There are allot of talented artists, curators, photographers, and just plain attention whores that are building their profiles and followers and having to really grind to get any money out of it. Targeted Instagram marketing could gather new steemit users because, like you said about facebook, most people are one a level playing field. Instagram isnt as equal, You have to be good at taking photos, be attractive, or lead an interesting life to get a following.

That is true. Instagram is interesting for sure. I'm actually going to do a pool meeting about the plyte of the Insta-hotties who are super hot and have 3,000 - 10000 followers on Instagram and earn $0. All this ties back into Steemit. Because they assume that they are hot enough for it to carry them to a million followers. But it isn't....... they have that entitlement. On here some people kind of do to. It only goes so far. If a hottie or celeb get's out hustled on here they shouldn't be surprised. @papa-pepper is a great example of someone who just went ham on this platform. He didn't know anything about web design, graphic design, crypto currencies, programming......etc. He just went hard and didn't stop. $150,000 in his first year starting from nothing but hard work.

I hope The Insta butt models, reddit gone wild, and cam girls dont come on here and get rich off the lonely nerdy guys on here but what if that flood gate is opened?
I don't think they will create any value like Papa-pepper does, but I do think they will find it Steemit and end up loving it. Hell maby their perfect ass could attract crowds of new steemit users

We went through a Hot Girl era last year and it almost destroyed the platform in a way. There was a girl who got paid $31,000 for a makeup tutorial and then $17,000 on her next post. It was really insane. Ultimately she ended up quitting. A few hot girls stuck but they have to work hard. Their looks alone won't cut it on here it seems. @mrs.steemit @soldier @sweetsssj Check them out and you can tell they are putting in a lot of work to promote the platform and create something of value and aren't just riding on looks alone.

I'm finding harder and harder buts fine with me, I think I brought over hundred or more that last couple days, they are confused haha

It's much the same thing as with cryptocoins in the beginning. Many of these people already are trading coins around, but steem is more than a cryptocurrency, much more.

You are right for sure but I feel that when Steemit builds a stronger base in the crypto community then it will have a great chance to really make a lot of sustainable inroads into other areas.

The potential is there, absolutely no question. Steem has some competition coming up now though, ark.io lbry, and there's probably others I haven't learned about yet, that are taking a lot of leaves out of the Steem whitepaper...

Hmmm. I hadn't heard of ark.io . I'm checking it out now.
Did you ever hear anything from Poloniex? I made a meme about them and someone responded that everything was going through fine now. Greed overcame me and I did a test transfer of 0.5 SBD 20 minutes ago and it didn't show up. I was going to see if I could exploit the price difference between Polo and Bittrex. The deposit and withdraw links are active again on there but I still don't think it is working.

After reading the Ark whitepaper, I am convinced that people who were working with @faddat are behind it, EVERYTHING that he described to me in his work before he went AWOL is exactly in their whitepaper. While I was working with him, I did a LOT of research into distributed systems latest papers and concepts, and I reworked it radically, though my design is not yet complete, it is mostly, and I hopefully will start to do more coherent work on it as my health improves with my current program of diet, earthing, barefoot boots, iodine supplementation and so forth.

I am still waiting to see my deposit appear in my @poloniex account. I think it is likely it will appear soon but I'm ditching @poloniex for good after this. Generally I use Blocktrades but I'm going to look into Openledger, @gutzofter just mentioned it in a reply to a comment.

Yes, I expected that they probably are manually processing the backlog. You'd think it'd be easy for them to make a popup that says 'the backlog of deposits is being manually checked and processed and expect (some amount of hours/days) delay before full normal functionality returns'. So we are left guessing.

They should certainly update people for sure.
I used Bittrex last night and got lucky. Sold 581 Steem dollars for $1.87 then busted that BTC into ETH, LTC, BitShares, Monero, STEEM, and LISK. Went to sleep. Got up and did some post. The market started moving up again and then sold it all for BTC again. Snagged over $100 additional. I got lucky though. I got my coins over to Bittrex just in time to really hit a peak on the SBD.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I don't want to touch SBD because the pegging algorithm makes it very peaky. The same thing happens with small exchanges, low liquidity, and high volatility. You can't strategise profit with it. In fact, really, cryptocoins are still not liquid enough, even bitcoin. I tried strategies that worked like magick for 3 months running with EUR/USD back in 2008, and they did not work on BTC at all, in fact I got so heavily hammered during the bitfinex hack that I lost about $3000 worth. Since then I won't go near a crypto exchange for speculation, I'm just a HODLer now.

The thing is that as you make a trade for SBD, you can end up buying it at like $2, and it does not get much higher than that. So it's extremely difficult to make a profit.

Yeah I wouldn't buy SBD unless it was under $1 and was paying out a fat interest rate. Then it could be an interesting play there for passive income.

I agree with you on this stuff being thinly traded. All these exchanges with these small pools of liquidity and being traded 24/7 365.
I totally got lucky for sure last night. I usually don't try to trade at all like that. I want to be a HODLer but right now my expenses are too high for sure. Plus with the recent run ups on some of these coins it worries me. I do want to start building positions. For the time being I'm more interested in hitting it hard on here and taking some reward for paying bills but then building up my following and getting a decent base of Steem Power incase this thing pops up. Ultimately I want to be more prepared if this platform has a bad spell again like it did this fall / winter. I'm more convinced now that it won't fail because the community is too strong to let it. The people who survived that won't let it go down to nothing. We will hash it out and argue but ultimately pave a road forward.

You're right. I like that many of the people here love cryptocurencies and the new opportunities they bring. Making this faceboom juat to have more users would takr away from the platform.

I'm totally find with it staying a small intelligent community where we get the inside track on making mad cash with crypto currencies. If people are catching really solid rides here without there being hundreds of millions of users I'm fine with that.

Im the same. Keep it smart and with like minded people. It'll grow in due time so lets enjoy the smaller community while it lasts.

I agree. It will grow more organically. When people who are persistently asking you how you afforded the Lambo. Then you can fill them in. lol

That would be the dream

I was big into Myspace back in the day lol. I never really liked Facebook, always just seemed like your business is way too much out there. I remember I'd be hanging out with buddies and their gf's would be calling them why are you here doing this and that. I never wanted any part of that.

I'm probably one of the few Facebook holdouts. I'm probably missing out on some marketing opportunies but just never got into it. Got a throwaway account I use for FB ads.

Your totally right about the MLM thing. My girls one friend is pitching some new MLM every other week on FB lol.

Right now I mainly just have Facebook profile with 0 friends to access Tinder and Bumble.

The MLM situation is bad on Facebook and I feel bad for a lot of people who get in them. The pitch seems compelling to them but the stats don't lie. They have been set up to fail by these companies.

I'm jealous, I've been dating my gf for a few years so kinda before Tinder and Bumble and all these other sites came out. I used to use POF and OkCupid and even craigslist at times lol and really enjoyed meetingnew people and dating a lot. I'm kind of jealous I missed out on the tinder thing.

There was a POF and OkCupid hay day back in 2012 timeframe I would say. It sort of stopped working back in 2014 or so. Then Tinder, Bumble, and Coffee meets Bagel rain supreme now. I don't want to talk it up too much but when the regular semesters are going on at U of Arizona the girls on there are so hot. You can connect to so many of them as well. I went on 6 dates last labor day weekend. It was out of control.


agreeeee lol - I tried inviting my friends and none joined till this year haha

Most people on Facebook have a different mindset.. Targeting bloggers would be much easier lol!!

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My threshold is at least 50 cents per post.

That is what you have to earn to keep going?

Yes. I'm cheap.