Yes.... I Will Be on HIVE (I Guess) ....... and on STEEM as well (Here Are My Thoughts)

in steem •  4 years ago 

If you guys didn't hear the "community" here is forking away and starting a new blockchain / blogging platform. It will be NEW NEW NeW nEW STEEM with the same code and same witnesses from a couple months ago when the price was $0.12 and tons of people had abandoned the platform.

I find it funny how many people who had left STEEM many months ago are suddenly back to "Fight" the evil Justin Sun in the name of decentralization. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

It is also funny how so many people acted like Steemit Inc devs were never getting anything done but suddenly once Justin took over everyone is supporting them because they had to quit instead of working for an Evil Tyrant like Justin.

That's Cool, There Will Be A Different Platform

If history repeats itself HIVE will be worth a fraction of the price that STEEM is worth. We can look at examples like Horizen, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum Classic as examples.

It will likely be another chain that people can content dump onto and most of the people besides a very small core group of those in charge will likely just post to both chains to earn rewards on both.

They really don't care about the power struggle supposedly in the name of decentralization.

The funny thing is I proposed a similar thing a long time ago and everyone ignored me. STEEM was fine and healthy.

My proposal was that the chain was getting bleed out by the witnesses anyways and was mainly being used to fund EOS related projects and other things so why not just bleed the chain away and start another project.

I called it the STEEM Exodus concept. This was over a year ago.

I'm just wondering why so many people are acting like HIVE will be so much different than what STEEM was 2 months ago?

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Lol well that's crypto mate, you disagree you fork off, I don't see the point of getting emotionally tied to any chain, I use them all and invested in a bunch and I'm only interested in stacking sats, if something gives me a few extra sats I'm okay with that.

Fiat is going to shit so as long as I can grow my hedge position, Im okay. I think we all looking at this through the eye of a needle and when interoperability is realised exchanges become useless and value can instantly be transferred to where it is most productive.

I hate the fact that exchanges have such a grip still on the market.

I have really been wanting to have atomic swaps for years now.

I despise exchanges, the sooner we can get rid of them the better! I don’t get why so many crypto users are being so oblivious to that fact it makes me feel like it’s just really 20 somethings really thinking they going to lambo using that shit!

The game is a lot bigger than buying and selling on binance! It’s a nice entry point but if that’s where you stop I don’t even call you a crypto enthusiast

I remember learning alot about Steem from your videos when i first arrived years ago. I believe your videos were good then and i still think the information you speak of is good now. Prior to Mr. Sun's arrival i do recall issues with Steem some inherent to the system itself and some maybe from the community.

Whereas i feel its aspect of Steem that are elegantly designed and well done. It's no denying its many shortcomings that some seemingly are going to be difficult to figure out. I do believe the community has the right to fork. However i fail to see where forking will solve many issues in existence with Steem. I would simply suggest taking it even further to the point of a total system redesign. Seemingly in agreement with many of the things you brought out in your past videos. I dont think it will be enough to just fork Steem.

The potential of Steem in my view could have easily been a top 10 crypto. I think i realize now why it doesn't get there. Evenso i still find usefulness in steem and steem like systems. I personally started my own project that uses steem technology but wishes to reach out to communities like bitcoin by forking them. So i think the steem system needs work and could be great, however it would need dramatic changes i don't think a fork will accomplish. In any event i hope for the best for the community. However i do feel steem will continually fall short of its full potential. I hope the prices are corelational in value but it's going to be hard to say how far the system further develops and how vast it can appeal and attract new users. I can say in conclusion if the new chain is anything like the pre Justin Sun chain. I don't think that will work either.

It will be interesting how all this plays out. The pump going on right now is pretty epic and it will be interesting to see who dumps prior to the snapshot. If people are liquid right now that would likely be their best bet and then rebuy HIVE after it calms down if that is what they want to do.

Yeah just the fact that they are forking and won't have the Steemit Inc Share lingering out there won't really change things much. In fact it could make things more difficult because with the Mr Delegation account they were supporting 3rd party projects. With that forked out I really wonder if some of those 3rd party projects will even have as much support as they did on the old version of STEEM.

I find it funny how many people who had left STEEM many months ago are suddenly back to "Fight" the evil Justin Sun in the name of decentralization. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Many truths here dude! But that was the best one 😃

I'm glad someone else sees through what is going on and isn't afraid to voice it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh aye mate, the place is awash with people who fucked off to EOS or just any old project that wasnt steem and now they are back crying dencetralisation and reaping rewards for saying Im for Community!

For sure. I wonder if they believe their own bullshit?

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol, book. They say it for the money. If I have learned anything here is that people will say and do anything for money. Especially paupers.. Lol!


Gubment ........ cure virus ....... give money

This is all to confusing to the average Steemit user like myself. From the way I see it this hurts the platform though!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, it is confusing and it sort of fractures everything to a certain extent. It is mainly jockeying for power and control. Which is fine. Everyone is free to do that

Posted using Partiko Android

We were not in full agreement especially with the latest hardforks. But interesting it takes a lot of momentum to fork, you didnt have it. I can only watch two chains now, I have long ago accepted that I cannot have my own chain...

But I will watch my assets on both chains and continue to think like a rational person!

It is true it takes a ton of momentum to fork and have a chance for survival. They have gotten some exchange support which is one of the toughest hurdles

Posted using Partiko Android

I think maybe it'll just be Sierra-square, Delta-square

Are those two types of drinks?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hhahah, Nice!

It sounds like they fork in order to continue their circle-jerking...

Yeah mainly. They will have the proposal system and feed themselves further....etc.

I think it is a cool thing to have another platform and all that but for the most part I haven't seen anything that is any real difference than what STEEM was 2 months ago and STEEM wasn't in a good place.

Yes, at least we have the airdrops.