@lukestokes distinguishes between rational and irrational beliefs, and suggests that i, from irrational beliefs could clearly hinder short-term and long-term athletic achievement.
The health and vitality of relationships, groups, and the society at large is strongly challenged by social dilemmas, or conflicts between short-term self-interest and long-term collective interest. Pollution, depletion of natural resources, and intergroup conflict, can be characterized as examples of urgent social dilemmas. Social dilemmas are challenging because acting in one’s immediate self-interest is tempting to everyone involved, even though everybody benefits from acting in the longer-term collective interest. For example, relationships are healthier if partners do not neglect one another’s preferences, organizations are more productive if employees spontaneously exchange one another’s expertise, and nations fare better to the extent that they show respect for one another’s values, norms, and traditions.
RE: An Argument for Long-Term Rational Self-Interest Versus Short-Term Irrational Value Extraction
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An Argument for Long-Term Rational Self-Interest Versus Short-Term Irrational Value Extraction