Getting Frustrated with STEEMIT! I AM!

in steem •  8 years ago  (edited)

I'm really getting frustrated with this site. I know I'm not the best writer. I'm an artist and photographer. I have had a few posts that did kinda good. Yet, I feel like my almost month on here, has been terrible. I have noticed bots are doing so many things on here. How is using bots being social? 

I have shared many of my personal and good images here. I get rarely 1 to 3 cents.  I know, if I did the same on facebook, I would get zero. Yeah I know, I have done that and I know I got zero. I just feel like something is off with this platform. The voting just as above, seems automated. It's upvoting the same people , day in and day out. I will keep posting on here. I like the people I follow. I also follow a lot of people on here. I will always follow, if I see someone follow me. No matter what. 

I just believe something needs to change, I'm just sick of the bot voting. It's frustrating and I'm tired of seeing it. If this is a social site, then we need to be manually voting, commenting, posting, and being present. Not being a robotic whale. Be a social whale. Pay attention to the smaller fish in the sea! 

This will be my last post on this subject. Time to move forward be positive, no more complaining, and doing what needs to be done! Steemit, Choooo Chooo! 

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Hello @chadcrypto !! i have some thoughts on what you are saying here. You feel frustrated not to be getting much return. Well it would seem to me that you need to power up in Steem Power as it is so cheap right now. I have done this and i get well over 30 steem power return every day. Thats 12000 per year on top of my origional investment which i made to make this possible. Like the authoring, curation only re pays when you put in. Its seems to me that you need to invest some money if not more time. But I think to keep posting this negative appraisals of a system which actually is for me far more generous than anywhere else, is well counter productive for you in your rep votes here and also for the community as your visible disappointment here fuels the trolls that want to see this project fail !! I hope this comment helps you see the road you need to walk, good luck man !! ; - )

Thanks, yeah I would invest in steempower, if I had money. I'm currently disabled and can get a job to make money. It look like you would need to at least invest 10 to 15k to even be an influence into the system. a couple hundred dollars wouldn't do much. If I even had it. In crypto I always earn my way by my hard work, learning the system. starting small and building my way up. This will be my last post on this subject. I'm a photographer. I will keep posting my work. I really don't like being a complainer. Hell, this whole Steemit thing is still in Beta!

Got my Vote and follow! Im always posting content and barely get anything, but I keep going.Original content for steemit!

Thank you , followed back at ya! :)

Seven votes.. $0.00. Yet some single whale's vote would be who knows, but probably a lot. Unfortunately, I don't think any of them will be liking your post. ;\

I agree, yet most of the whales don't even see what they are voting on. Since it's automated. they only in it to maximize their money. I don't blame them. They want to work smarter not harder. Just like Scrooge McDuck from Duck Tales. :)

Yea. It has its ups and downs. You seem to be in a down atm.
I went back read some of your past posts. Very nice pics. Especially like the cats and the volleyball.^^

I can see at least one thing I would do differently to attract the vote. I certain people are viewing but not voting. You need to relate your pictures the the reader. The pics are great but why does it matter? Figure out how to do that I promise you will get more votes.

This post might have a tip or two that will help you out

oh and i wouldn't market my twitter on steemit either though i doubt that has anything to do with lack of votes. But i do market my steemit on twitter and fb

I'll check in later, you gained a follower ^^ your pic deserve more attention

thanks, I have seen some tell me, you got to write better, Well that is BS, I see people post a single image, and get 25.00 to 30.00 in less then 30 min from posting. The images are good, yet seems way too fast. It just seem programmed and robotic to me.

yes a lot of it is bots i could never figure that out. and networking outside of the platform.

if you don't know try
its full of different groups and organizations. you can introduce new posts to the right people. also help and support groups. im still figuring it all out.

and timing of the post might have something to do with it but i have yet to confirm that for myself. I post at different times.

Interesting. thank you for the info. I will check that out :)

I am new here so am trying not to be judgemental but yeah, bots suck I think...

Ya got my vote for what it's worth and I followed you :)

Carry on....

Thank you, follow back as well! :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Have you tried Sometimes socializing there helps.

I noticed you are following a lot of users, I suggest using and trim who you follow a little, it will show you who is following you and who isn't. Especially if you're seeing a lot of posts from users that may not share your interests and don't follow you back. You can concentrate on your "circle" of friends and grow it.

You can use to see how active others are and if they are in voting on other users content and being social.

I follow way too many people than I have time for. I really need to take my own advice, but my focus is elsewhere. But I do trim some users that don't follow me back.

It does get frustrating!

I see where you are coming from. I have just learned that to gain a following you usually follow back when someone follows. it's like a handshake. It's true though I have noticed the big whales follow very few. I just never view that following too many people hurts the chances of being followed or upvoted by the Dolphins or Whales. Interesting view though. I will need to research this to see if its accurate. thank you Patrice for the information.

keep steeming!!!!!!!!!!!! hang in there

Thank you :)

It is definitely frustrating sometimes you wonder if you are invisible. I have had one good pay off a few small ones and for the most part posts that produce nothing. It is hard to see good work go unrewarded. Keep the faith. Post because you like what you post. Do what you like and the money will follow.

Thanks you Iamwne, I followed ya back :)

I hear you Brother! I have loved all your post . If I had a higher steempower. I know it could help ya. Keep up the good fight. I love your work! Steem on! :)

Thank you!

I'm only 3 days into my Steemit journey and have posted around 30 posts so far. I've had one mildly successful one and the rest have not made a scratch. But I enjoy writing the posts and reading others. As soon as you stop enjoying it, it's probably best not to continue as this is, primarily, a social media site and it's supposed to be fun to use.

I liked your post and will follow you and take an upvote while I'm at it :) Keep the faith! @doubledex

Thank you, followed back :)

Keep putting out good content... for your next piece put spend some time and put out a good piece that is your original work and I will nominate it for project curie... I'm now following you so I'll see it.

Well if you check my posts on Pax, it took me a while to edit the images. I want them to look their best.