RE: Give me Your views about bots and Earn Reward

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Give me Your views about bots and Earn Reward

in steem •  6 years ago 

I think this argument of what quality content is should be thrown out the window. No piece of content is truely more imporant than another and its purely objective. If for example there are more car enthusiasts on steemit with stake they will upvote car content over others so you'll see disparity there and someone who writes an amazing post about vaping could get no support because there is no community members with stake interested in that content

The trending page is garbage, we all know this and I think most people with any idea of steemit have moved on from it and just gone about their business forming communities around them and thats where I see the value of steemit lies. Once we build larger interest communities around certain topics with stake these communties will push the best content to the top instead of people with the ablity to invest in bots. I think worrying about what people do with bots is a short term afflication and long term we working towards a more regulated meritocracy

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If someone post "Hi, I'm John Cena" and use bots on that, he'll earn from it.
On the other hand if I put content to interact with others and to know other people mindset and want to help other in any aspect but can't get reward of my efforts then it's unfair I think.

Can you suggest some of the methods other than bots to earn greater revenue?

Posted using Partiko Android

Can you suggest some of the methods other than bots to earn greater revenue?

Other than self voting/circle jerking?
