How to make steemit work for you from a newbies point of view ( and quick how to on putting images etc up at the bottom

in steem •  9 years ago 

HI guys !
So Ive been using Steemit for a couple of days now and I have been watching the trending articles etc wondering how some people are making thousands and some are making very little. I read up about it and how it works, basically we are all voters in the steem community.
Some people within the community have more shares (Steem power) These guys have more influence over posts( Now don't worry you too can become one........ steem is like an equal opportunity corporation.)
So think of these votes like shares the more shares you have the more influence you have .....
Now taking that in mind here are some ways to stand out and get those share holders noticing your posts

1. BE ORIGINAL....... Try not to piggy back off another persons idea - for example that first make up tutorial there are 100´s now so the steem is flowing somewhere else ....

2. Write what you know about- it doesnt matter if you only know about putting peaches in a can .... write about it, people will hear it through your writing and respect you for it.

3. Don¨t copy and paste from another site .... the whole idea behind Steemit is that people hear the originality in you when you blog. This mean if you want to share news about something write it in your own words as you understand it.

4. ENJOY IT - Look if your article doesnt make you 10,000 in a day don't get disheartened ( My previous blogs haven't even scratched the surface yet, I got like 20 buck !) But yet I am here writing again because i enjoy it .

5. Keep on writing --- (This is the last one i swear).... give it time your posts and blogs will come to fruition in time and you will get into a flow

Quick How to guide

basically if you want a picture in your post find the picture you want online copy its domain address (URL)
and paste it any where here
if you want to upload a personal image from your HD use this site
follow the step to upload then copy the final domain address and put it in here where you like
this goes for the video to go to youtube or what ever site the video is on copy its URL and paste it here

To make the text bold insert 2 of these ** in front of the word or if its a whole sentence put another 2 at the end

Its the same as Above but only 1 * at the start and end of your word or sentence

Ok that should start you off hope this helped

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