Keep on posting! Keep on earning! Keep on stacking Steem! Listing on Huobi

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

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All I have to say is Keep on posting! Keep on earning! Keep on stacking Steem!

Huobi announced today that they will list Steem! I advised you to Keep on posting! Keep on earning! Keep on stacking Steem!


As you can see at the time of posting this the price of steem: $3.75 USD (12.91%)

All I have to say is Keep on posting! Keep on earning! Keep on stacking Steem!

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Very great news!!!
Steeming steem!!! To the moon

Same here, keeping on posting and pray it yield more rewards

It's really a fantastic news last time it was binance, and now it's huboi, I guess steem is really taking time to settle real big, in fact i think in the next two years it will have more listing

I think i need to start posting for earnings since the price is going up.

I've been a bit relunctant to post because of the low price of steem. This is good news!

I'll keep posting regardless of the price of STEEM!

Excellent news!

The platform keeps growing. I hope to see SBD hit $25 american, that would be amazing!