Steem (STEEM)
Steem is a cryptocurrency used to power the platform Steemit - an incentivized blockchain social media platform where users can share information, videos, opinions, photographs and more. Users create and curate content on Steemit just like other social news platforms and get rewarded in Steem for their work.
Steem is the first cryptocurrency that attempts to accurately and transparently reward an unbounded number of individuals who make subjective contributions to its community. Steem is the fundamental unit of account on the Steem blockchain.
Whitepaper: Steem (STEEM)
How to buy sell Steem (STEEM)
CoinSwitch is a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator supporting over 250 cryptocurrencies and providing the best rates by comparing rates across all major exchanges. Now you can trade or exchange Steem (STEEM) at the best rates on CoinSwitch.
Here is how you can buy/sell it from CoinSwitch: Click Here