Hey Steemians—When do you see yourself powering down- 10 days, 10 months, 10 years???

in steem •  7 years ago 

When you will begin to power down your STEEMIT earnings?

This is an important question that we must ponder, at least for those of us with the same intent – to earn as much SP as humanly possible.

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I often times ask myself this question, but never really have come to a definitive answer. This really depends on a lot of factors that are out of our control (for the most part), such as the price of steem, as well as the emergence of other competitive social media platforms that may make their way to the forefront in the future. Realistically speaking, this likely will not happen (or at least I hope) because steemit, as a proof of concept, has a real edge over any monetized social media platforms that may be developed in the future.

I’m mainly talking about some of @dan 's recent initiatives that are beginning to cause a scare in and around the steemit community as of late. The release of EOS is really beginning to raise some controversy here because of its ability to act as an essential operating system. Many fear that our very own, once steemit father, will slowly deteriorate what he has created here. Others, on the contrary, believe that this could, in fact, help revolutionize the steem blockchain and the rise of SMT’s we are beginning to see appear here on the surface level.

One thing I can honestly say, however, is that regardless of these particular factors I do not plan on powering down anytime soon, that’s for sure. I just began my journey here in late November/early December of 2017 & and I want to keep working at this and see my account grow by the day. I have made it my mission to try to produce high quality content worth everyone's time here on steemit and to also engage with the community as much as possible. Even if I am unable to steem for a day, I am sure to make up for this the next day that I am able to do so.

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Powering up your hard earned steem, whether it be from author or curation rewards paid in SBD or STEEM itself, we are placing a trusted stake in the ground regarding the steem blockchain. By powering up, we are confident that the steem blockchain will continue to move forward in the growing age of cryptocurrency, the use of blockchain technology and decentralization.

For some, steemit may be a main stream of income, so powering down makes sense from time to time for these kinds of steemians. For those of us using steemit as a passive stream of income, however, and don't plan to 'see' our earnings for a longer period of time, powering down should really be as strategic as possible.

You want to be a STEEM MILLIONAIRE you say??

The price of steem should really dictate whether you make the decision to power down or not (since 1 STEEM should equate to 1 SP), unless for some reason you absolutely need to power down given the circumstances. By the end of 2018, steem could very well be pushing $20 and a few years later, maybe the price soars to $100?? We really don't know what exactly is going to happen to the price of steem, but one thing is for certain – the price is definitely set to ascend (obviously there will be healthy corrections along the way, just like we have seen with the recent market volatility).

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Imagine powering down five years from now and the price of steem is $100. Along your steem(it) journey you have been fortunate enough to accumulate, say 10,000 SP – this would equate to approximately $1 million... talk about a payday for being patient and waiting for the right time to finally power down your hard-earned SP.

So, which of you is placing your faith in the steem blockchain and powering up for years to come? I know I am, what about you guys??

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I plan on powering down in around two years, in that time we shall know if blockchain is the future or not

I would say two years is a pretty good amount of time to see where this thing is going. I'm relatively confident in the future of the blockchain, as we are seeing more and more companies and sectors begin to use this sort of technology to help with security factors-- among countless others.

The cyber security space is a huge sector that could benefit immensely from blockchain technologies, so we shall see where it goes, but I think it's only up from here, at least for some time to come.

I see your blog has some high quality content, I shall be following and tuning into some of your upcoming work-- keep it up here and of course, steem on!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I also just began my journey here in early December of 2017 & and I want to keep working at this in order to allow my account to grow exponentially. Even once Steem rises over 100, I hope to still continue to contribute and earn SBD.

I am about to surpass 1000 SP, and well over 50% of that will have been earned.

I will only power down once I lose the motivation to create content, which may never happen. Well that is unless something catosprohic happens to the community. I have strong feelings of continued success here though. This really is still the beginning, we must remember.. we are in BETA!

Yessir, I am in the same boat as you my guy!! I see you working over there, all that hard work has quickly proven to pay off... all those SBD you worked to save up, then the price shot up and I'm sure you utilized those to the best of your advantage.

That was quick to 1,000 SP!! I am currently on my way there, almost to 700, but I plan to continue the work here (until I tire out) but really I enjoy creating content, so I don't see this happening either. Let's hope Steemit continues to improve so we can see this thing moon shot... onwards and upwards my friend, as we:

Steem on together for more POWER !!

I am close to both of you guys! I start late December and am around 800 SP but mostly due to my purchases of #STEEM and immediately powering up. I have a weekly/bi-weekly plan to buy #STEEM until I get to 10k SP (at least). Although I have earned a good bit, I am not as active on original posts on a daily basis because of work. However, I am committing to posting every other day and a quick post on the weekend. Where I am most active on is commenting as my interesting in the platform is the engagement of the community. I wish you the best of luck!

I like your strategy man!! everyone has there own way of attaining or reaching their goals... for me, I am not able to invest as much into the platform since I am currently a college student and looking to pay off my tuition and loans.

Even though you may not be posting everyday or multiple times a day, the important thing is that you are engaging and interacting with the steemit community -- this is how real connections are made and this can actually be just as profitable if done correctly!!

I will be looking to catch up to both of you, so stay tuned!! Wishing you the best of luck on your journey as well

Steem on!!

Are you interested in delegating your #sp to me I will pay steem in weekly basis

What would be the overall return of such an investment for me?? would this yield a positive ROI in terms of STEEM bc if not, then I will have to sincerely pass on this offer

Great article, my friend!
Since I've been on Steemit, I never made any investment, I did use some of my earned Steem to power up and I also cashed out some SBD when it was well needed. :)
Now I am planning to invest a little bit, so I can power up.
I really love this platform and community and I trust that it can only grow from here.

Thank you my friend!!
That is very impressive -- no investment, simply organic growth from the bottom-up, this is what this platform was meant to be like for its users!! This is very hard to do though, so I absolutely applaud you for your wonderful efforts here, you are doing such an amazing job!!

Yes, if you can... invest a little here and there, especially while the price is down! I don't think the price of steem is going to be cheap for long, but I think we are all ready for it to soar!!

I love steemit too and am so glad that I have found my way here, I have tremendous confidence in what is going on here, so let's just hope it goes UP from here !!

Always great hearing from you, I appreciate the support & as always:

Respect from @conradsuperb to @nikolina

I'm not going to power anything down at least until the end of 2018.

All in on Steem Power, baby!

That's what I'm talking about!! STEEM has a bright future ahead and I think 2018 is going to be a big year for us here in terms of determining the fate of this blockchain.

All aboard the STEEM train and full STEEM ahead!!
~CHEERS to SP, baby!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I powered down once to pay a bill and a second time to get new glasses I desperately needed. My old glasses were scratched to the s word. I hold now less then 400 Steem, if the price rose honestly I would get a computer after that I'm also in it for the long run. Just because the price is low and you may have a lot of Steem doesn't mean taking some out to reward yourself is a bad idea. Do what feels right. If you want to hold and see happens in a year or two years from now more power to you. If you want to use some to pay a bill or fund a project kudos to you to. You earned it. Whatever you choose I wish everyone within the community opportunities and prosperity. Like I always say, work hard, stay humble and Steem on!

Yeah man for sure, you gotta do what you gotta do. It's great to see that STEEM earnings are able to be powered down and turned into fiat in order to help people out in their everyday lives. This shows that what is being done here is and can work, and that is huge, especially when you consider the massive influence STEEM can have on populations we may consider as more 'vulnerable.'

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing, using your earnings along the way for things that you need is awesome, I think that's great. Wishing everyone within the community a prosperous future here on the platform and may we all reap the benefits.

Thanks for dropping by @gre3n , I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
Cheers my friend & steem on!

I am sharing a short and long article on the Steemit platform and I try to support it by upvoteing some posts and comments I like every day as much as possible. The Blockchain infrastructure evolves and becomes superb when it goes from the steemit beta stage to the steady stage. Thank you for sharing @conradsuperb

Yessir, being active everyday will only translate to future success here on the platform. I'm with you there-- I try to upvote around 20 posts/comments a day that I feel are quality and deserve an upvote from me.

Doing so now, as STEEM is in BETA stage, will definitely benefit steemit's users once it reaches this steady stage, as you mention. So for now I would say keep steeming and cashing in my friend :))

Cheers to you

Great post with quality replies and I haven't yet read all of them. I like your plan to upvote /comment 20 posts a day. That's something I'll replicate. Right now my goal is to post content once a day to spread the word on my business niche with end goal of having enough content to self-publish my first e-book. Thank you again for the comments on my post. I'll be following you on your Steem journey and looking to keep up with your 20 p/c daily goal. Great stuff!

yessir, doing so will only benefit you in the #long-run... activity everyday will relate to overall success, especially if you are consistent with your overall approach. Stay persistent, as I have heard from so many others, and everything you do here will be amplified by such activity ratings.

find your niche, engage with those with like-wise matters and find your place, then you will see the results you have been searching for.

publishing an e-book is also something I hope to do, so maybe we can help each other in this regard, looking forward to seeing you around!

Steem on and cash-in :))

Ive only been on the platform for around a week now and and think any steem I get will be used to power up. Its a investment. Still getting to grips with it all as this is my first venture into cyrptocurrency. although I have learned the fundamentals of steeem i feel i still have a hell of a lot to learn.

I welcome you here to steemit and am glad that you have found your way onto this wonderful platform. Being new to the space, STEEMIT is a great place to start to kind of learn the ropes a bit before venturing off to bigger and better things (if such things do, in fact, exist lol)

There is quite a bit to learn here and I think steemit with help you reach whatever goals you may have for yourself moving forward. I advise you to stay active, engage with the community as much as possible, keep persistent with your content and try not to get discouraged... it can be tough at times, but you are right on when you say its an investment-- a long-term investment at that.

Best of luck on your journey my friend

Thankyou my friend. After stumbling upon steemit i decided to do a little research and thats the conclusion i came to. a little investment here and there will not only be good for getting my work noticed but also help others aswell. Maybe in the long run if steam becomes main stream make a nice little earner aswell as meeting new friends. Enjoy the rest of your day buddy and I look forward to reading some of your future blogs

Yes, absolutely!! That's the fantastic thing about steemit, the ability to not only reward yourself, but others along the way, too.

It is really quite extraordinary what is going on here, I cannot wait until more and more people begin to find out about steemit and then make their way here... because that's when this thing is really going to take off.

So you made it here 'early' in my eyes, so continue to work hard and the future most definitely looks bright!!

ive already suggested it to a few friends. im glad i stumbled on it when i did. steem isnt really alot to purchase either at the min so i think im going invest gradually and see what happens.

good idea, I am doing the same thing because the price isn't going to be cheap for long

I see Steem at$100 by the end of.2018 so we are looking forward to the future of steem. All in all, steemit the best crypto to invest your time and money into because it uses the Proof of Brain algo.. 😀

YO now wouldn't this be something... 2018 is going to be a BIG year for STEEM-- that's for sure, but idk about $100... this would yield quite a few steem millionaires.... we're still BETA and in the infancy stages-- we have a long way to go before we see this sort of price action, but I definitely think we will make it there... it's just a matter of time in my eyes (3-5 years).

Anyway, I HOPE your prediction is right is comparison to mine... this would be tremendous for you, I and everyone who is here

Steem on my friend !!

If we look back over the past 2 years on Steem...



Once everybody realizes that you can live your life and do what you love,cash out doing it,and invest in others, we will understand the value of steem...

I agree, it's going to take some proof of concept before this thing really takes off, but once people realize the initiatives and aspects being undertaken here, then it shall be the time we witness the real growth potential of STEEM altogether.... in the coming year(s).

Once it takes off and people understand what is being 'done' here, then the real potential shall be limitless for those of us that are currently making the most of our time here on steeemit...

steem debit cards are already here, as you mention, so it's only a matter of time before we see SMT's and other valuable approaches-- which could revolutionize the game-- take over and skyrocket this thing to the MOOOOON...... it is really only a matter of time before we see this thing go to ATH's

obviously, we are STEEMING on!!!

Cheers my friend :)

Glad to see the concept of steem is growing and alive.. What's funny is still to this day most people don't understand the concept of "what steem is"... The exponential factor fails to register into people brains.. If we look at accounts created and active over the past 2 years, we begin to see the true data that will bring the blockchain together.. :D


thans for your post @conradsuperb
We need to be patient for steem...
i hope worth the wait...

absolutely, patience is key in the game of cryptos... STEEM is still very, very young, so we must give it time to break out of its 'shell'.... this thing is still BETA

I'd say a few years from now, STEEM will be huge -- as more and more people begin to make their way here via word of mouth, steem initiatives and promo-steem events that we continue to see taking place by the day.

Be patient, and steem on!!

I guess powering down depends on how high the price of steem or sbd is. It's no use to power down when the price is doesn't fit your purpose of powering down.

absolutely. I wanna see the price in triple digits before I even consider a 'power down'
Steem is a long-term investment, so we shall see what the long haul yields in terms of price action for STEEM and SBD

Your thinking is quite obvious sir...hope the steem goes up day by day and it ll be great working here..

Glad you are on the same page. Let's ride this thing out and see just how far it can go. I'm thinking it's gonna be a long ride, but I'm willing to wait until the destination is reached.

Surely if we work hard it will reach to the top 😊

You are right about this -- the price of STEEM will be directly affected by what we, as users, creators, curators, etc. do for the platform as a whole.

The more we work at it, the more STEEM becomes known, the more potential we place in the steem blockchain -- it really is quite amazing that we can have such an influence on STEEM itself.

~Keep working at it and we shall see this thing reach the moon~

Yes we have to work better in this place..its one of the best of all...

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