I am not a perfect person, I admit I am biased and bigoted against Flat Earthers. Just the whole religion by 4chan is too much to take!

in steem •  9 years ago 

I am not going to make a huge case for the world not being flat, you can't argue with crazy, and yes, I believe in physics and reality. I do admit I block, ban, run from any people that call me a "globe head." -- I was in total shock when I realized this was actually a thing, and so, I did some research and found out it was a prank started by 4chan to prove how stupid people are, well played 4chan, you win the internet! They started a successful religion just by trolling people.

If you think the earth is not flat, please up vote, if not, I have to assume you are a flat head. Just kidding, but please comment at least, and let me know I am not one of the last sane people on earth. It is a bit overwhelming when the stupid is so bad it hurts.


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I too, share your incredulity aimed at the flat-earthers. The concept is utterly ridiculous and shockingly absurd to the point that it just has to be a joke... Until you watch some Youtube videos or read some articles and see that people actually really do believe this.

whenever someone starts talking religion and all its dogmas to me I usually make a flat earth comment "I mean since it's the word of god and you seem to be taking it literally you must believe the earth is flat right?" thay look at me retardedly for a sec some some will say "well no not 100% literally" and then we usually end up having a more honest discussion on religion itself... lol but then you have the full on crazies who either get really mad at me saying their book says such a thing or they say "well I guess I'm a flat earther then" As dumb as it is it can be a good way to get someone to re examine how literally they take they "special books"

The video was filmed with a fish eye lens, but yeah it's all BS. But why do people care so much about others opinion

Because other people do things in the same environment. If someone believes God wants them to kill people, they might kill people. I suppose Flat Earthers are harmless compared to that, but as an older person, I have watched younger people get dumber year by year. This is not something even possible a few decades ago. Idiocracy is real and it is here. As for why I care about it, I have a lot of followers on Social Media, and I was shocked when about 5% of them believe the earth is flat. If that isn't disturbing, then standards are also going way down.

I completely agree the world is getting dumber ad dumber all the time. This is primarily because we have become an entertainment and indoctrination society. People are never encouraged to think for themselves, research for themselves, or do just about anything except sink back into the sofa and watch the pre-programmed shit (both info-tainment and entertainment) that is intended to turn their brains to roboticized mush. This is so that those that already have power can retain power and expand power without worrying about the irate masses figuring out they are being being f'd six ways from Sunday by the system that has been ensconced around them since birth.

You are completely confusing the flat earthers with these mindless masses. The vast majority of flat earthers that I have seen (and I am not one since I am not convinced either way at this point) are the few people that are really ready to question any BS story we are given and take it to its furthest extreme in researching all the BS history and science underlying it. You should be praising and thanking these people rather than scorning them. They are the few brave souls that are truly ready and able to question anything and test the most basic assumptions. These are not idiots, these are true mavericks and I give them kudos for being willing to accept social scorn in breaking accepted societal assumptions and doing real research on it as best they can with the basic equipment they have available.

And if you are willing to take a step further and listen to one of the smartest guys out there in the flat earth movement, have a listen to Jeffrey Grupp. Jeffrey was a professor at the University of Michigan teaching mathematics and the philosophy of science. He is damn intelligent and looks at the flat earth only from an empirical evidence basis. All his videos are about assessing the ball earth model from empirical evidence that is readily available. There are so many holes in the current scientific theories that you could drive a fleet of Mack trucks through them. Even if the flat earth isn't correct (and it might not be), shitloads of what we have been trained to believe is simply empirically wrong without question. The question that now should be answered is what is the real truth and how do we prove it with trusting bullshit government agencies that of course "would never lie to us".