Steemit Are You Addicted To PrimeDice Like A Drug

in steem •  9 years ago 

Since finding PrimeDice it is like a DRUG. I have to keep coming back for more so I can win that Bitcoin. Bitcoin is my precious like from Lord Of The Rings.

It's addicting like your next puff of your favorite green stuff #marijanna

Trying to get away is hard, because of the addiction (The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity).
Oh my PrimeDice, I have beaten you and you have beaten me, yet you and I both come back for more. Who will win next, will it be me, I hope so, I pray so, let the odds be ever in my favor!

Is it an addiction for you or just me???
#steem #steemit #bitcoin #primedice #money #addiction

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No it is not just you. I have the addiction also lol :)