Blockchain Technology Will Grow in Indonesia

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Blockchain technology is believed to be developed in this country because the application can be used in various sectors.


Indonesia will quickly use this technology,in terms of startups and settled companies,"Blockchain Indonesia Association,

However,blockchain players in Indonesia are not so many,it does not mean that Indonesia is lagging because at the global level,this technology is still relatively new,although there are indeed some countries that are more advanced in implementing blockchain such as Japan.
the distribution of knowledge about blockchain in this country has not been evenly distributed, making it a challenge for blockchain applications in Indonesia.


Blockchain is becoming increasingly used,and it won't be long before everyone hears about this new technology.Basically,blockchain is a big book consisting of all transactions that have been made using cryptocurrency,
Blockhain challenges in Indonesia,about education, most of them know that blockchain is the same as Bitcoin,


blockchain has the opportunity to jump if education is better,
technological progress is also important.The Association expects the government to make regulations conducive to positive growth.
Financial services companies lead the pack as one of the most invested industries to explore blockchain technology because of the many valuable decentralization applications of this technology.

6However,like trade finance, he says blockchain technology alone will not solve all the inefficiencies in the syndicated loan market.
"Blockchain is not a silver bullet, it will not fix it by yourself,it will require a change in business processes,"Aidoo said.
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