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I have been around here for almost 1 week, and I am surprised how clean the website is. Submitting stories, voting, buying and transferring steem - it all works so intuitively. This is a crypto-application that has such low barriers of entry that everyone can jump on the Steem-bandwagon and enjoy the wonderful world of crypto. I'm sure many people, like me, have become thus involved that they have become addicted to it as well. :D I have even had several dreams about Steem in the past week.

more to follow!

well said!

Is this refers to AGS investors also?

On the contrary we are the ones who are benefiting, or shall hugely benefit in the future from this. You and your team had the stamina to see through this project and bring it to fruition, stick to certain ideals and actually code it. It has stood up to the scrutiny of the world so far and I expect it to improve rapidly. You have also fuelled an awakening that people can actually be free financially and the effect this will have will be of monumental proportions, and will also transform a lot of lives in this world. What you have achieved is not small, and to call it the invention of the decade, shall not do #steem justice. History will judge you and your creation. We, the steemers, can only thank you now!

Thanks for the like on my "Whales, Dolphins and Minnows" post, you big fat whale, you. All the best, mate.

I want to congratulate the @ned , @dantheman and the rest of the STEEMIT team for an amazing platform. If you look at the History of the internet and where we are today with the BlockChain you guys did amazingly well. I was at a BitCoin Conference Recently . You guys will be one of the first MAJOR events in the BlockChain History ... Look at the following:

I just saw this entry from 2 weeks ago, so I'm a bit late, but I just wanted to reply directly to one of your posts. And actually, this one seems very appropriate. Earlier today I made a comment to a post that was made by @sean-king , which you then upvoted.
Now, a lot of people seem to have doubts about this place, and I got into a conversation with another member here who decided he was throwing in the towel. After discussing his conundrum, he ended the conversation by transferring the last 5 steemdollars to me that he had as he began to power down. He'd had it with this place, he said he felt the whole thing was rigged. When I went to look at his wallet, I discovered that he had been here about the same amount of time as me (which might not be true, he could've been here longer), but was far outranking me already. Easily ten-fold. He mentioned how he had been getting 50-100 upvotes consistently, but nevertheless, he was done. I tried to tell him what I believed, which is that there are people here counting on that kind of activity - people tossing it in and saying "Screw this. I'm out." Whatever the case, I wasn't able to talk him into staying, but he seemed to appreciate the effort.
I think the point I'm coming to here is that it seems one has to approach Steemit with excitement, but to be sure not to get overzealous or to come here with higher expectations than would probably be logical.
Most of the time, if something seems too good to be true, probably is.
In Steemit's case, however, I think the proper mentality to have is that if it seems too good to be true, you've got the wrong idea about what it is in the first place.
Thank you for showing me what it is. With the experience I've already had in the past week here, your single upvote taught me more about it than you might know. Expect to see me around. I'm here to stay. :)

Thank you for a wonderful and execiting platform @dantheman

mUCHH SUCCE$$ to ya Dan....

You welcome :)))

With your help my business and this walk, but I still get missing funds. Meet concerned
And look how I'm going to invest the money
(voting this comment you are also helping)
sorry for the spam but I'm desperate for funds to be self employed
Thanks in advance. Nicolas

I agree with every word! This incredible technology!!!

New member of the community and enjoying the platform. Addicted!

I am so excited to be a part of something so amazing! I can feel this will be huge :) Alla x

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thank you, Dan.

Thanks for creating

@dantheman It's a pleasure to be part of this journey!

Thanks for developing it, incredible work!

Likewise! The devs have been amazing, and I really look forward to the further development of steem and when it gets out of beta!

Your vision into the future is an inspiration to me! Thank you for making this all possible.

@dantheman Steemit is a great platform but there are some major issues with it. Just give my post here a read :
Don't bother up-voting it, I'm not trying to scam a whale vote. I would rather you and fellow whales just considered what it says.

Thanks Dan , I haven't been this geeked out about anything in a while...good job!

You guys are changing lives and bringing more into the Blockchain world. Everyday it is a pleasure to be on Steemit and witness the amazing growth of this community. :)

Dan, I just found this article that brings up good points with security issues moving forward. I'd like your team to read it because it's from the perspective of a hacker.

you guys did a great job !!!!!!!!!!

I would like to get your opinion on this.
Thank you!

Hi @dantheman
I'm a complete newbie to the site and to cryptocurrency but I've been following the breadcrumbs, read the whitepaper and believe I'm messaging one of the founders.
I just wanted to give you a shoutout for a couple of reasons:

  1. the transparency (though I have no idea how the monetary stuff works) is refreshing.
  2. i love that you are giving your community an opportunity for ownership/a stake in this platform.
  3. Of all the come-and-go sites I've participated in, this is the first one that actually has a plan for sustainability! Serious kudos to you and your team.
    I have stopped participating in creation content sites because my articles were spread far & wide for sites that went belly-up. I'm still a little "gun shy" but I will make an effort BECAUSE of those 3 things.
    I'm not a Steemit evangelist yet, but I'm getting there. Have a great day.

@rok-Sivante ! Did you get yours back as well ? @dantheman that's great news ! Super fun here on steem so far

I'm trying to figure out how Steemit works. How is it possible that this post has 101 votes and 33 comments but the payout is $0? Even a few comments earned a couple cents. Thanks.

Hello, @dantheman, It would be great if you supported my charity event:
I believe that we can help people with STEEM.

Yaaay, same here! I restored my account yesterday!

Cheers :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Im a crypto trader for over a year now and just got on board with steem... excellent devs you got here... they always say not to put your eggs in one basket so i placed my eggs on steem, and steem dollars... i missed the bull run for steem and barely catched the steem dollars... we are hoping steem it would create more excitement for all of us. Dumpped all my ether, vrc, btc for steem and steem dollar... this platform is bigger that facebook and bitcoin, i see it coming. We may be experiencing birth pains now but these are normal for a rapidly growing platform... more power the steem it devs...

Hi @dantheman how do I invest in Steemit? We are still new to this cryptocurrency and don't know how to get USD into Steempower?
Check out our first blog @dka Many more to come and I want to invest.

I still don't get all this hate for founders and early adopters being so heavily rewarded.

Many of them took, or are still taking the biggest risks, let alone the work and genius that went into creating this stuff.

People spend hours on Facebook, Reddit and Instagram, making the likes of Mark Zuckerberg filthy rich.
Steemit allows people to enjoy the same types of interactions, and more, while getting paid. Insanely cool!

My appreciation for your move vote up my post.
I will try to do the maths and gets to a resul I ll post you my finds if interested.



I agree with every word!

Thanks Dan :), Yourself and the Team has done a truly incredible job! the journey hasn't even started yet!

Dan was having issues transferring between Steem and Steem dollars, are you having this issue?

Great job !!!

Thank you for my up-vote earlier!! I hope you have the best year of your life.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment


nice security standards in place it seems

Nice. Who can believe in anything he say? Maybe hacker can send me some steem to verify this. I know @dantheman would never do that :)

that account dumped on bittrex and is powering down. I wonder what's going on

Отличная тактика. Спасибо !

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment