Thank You!

in steem •  7 years ago 

Hi Everyone,

In the wake of my resignation, I wanted to update the Steemit community on my next steps.

Before I get to this, I wanted to thank you all. Thank you for supporting Steemit and thank you for supporting me. You have enabled me to work on the things I love and feel can make our world a better place, and although I'm not always good at communicating thanks, community support is the energy that keeps me going everyday so thank you very much.

I am excited to announce that I will be working on a new smart contract platform that I believe will offer fundamentally transformative capabilities within the blockchain industry

In line with my personal beliefs, this platform will be derived entirely from open source software and released under MIT license so that Steem and others can benefit from the work I do to advance free market solutions for securing life, liberty, and property.

In the coming weeks and months, I will be providing more details on these next steps and opportunities for community involvement.

Thank you all again. I love this community and look forward to continue blogging on this great platform that will forever be very important to me.


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I believe in the idea that the more one tries, the better they get at it. So far your projects have demonstrated just that. I don't doubt your abilities. Don't worry about communication. No one can ever get it "right".

Maybe next time he cracks a million in the next racket...

I sold all my brownies, but the record of my having received them is still there. ;)

hehe... we'll see if those get ever used

I probably shouldn't have sold them, but who knows what it will amount to if anything. A little voice in my ear said.. 'what would Dan do?' so I sold them rolled it into steem. ;)

Thanks to you, Dan!

Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors, I would like to bring to your attention - a PETITION to declare cryptocurrencies legal in India and I believe it falls in line with your personal beliefs and principles you've held along so firmly . I'm certain that your participation will make a positive impact. You've inspired a lot of people and you've shown a different perspective. Congratulations! Looking forward to your future blogs and projects.

A thankful user of the platform you built. -isteemit

Could anyone help me understand if I breached any protocol or did anything wrong to be flagged? Thank you.
[Excluding the counter votes]

yes whales flag whales :| so no problem he voted on you and other downvoted to keep the whatever that is the reason if the experiment is still going, you have 2 big votes and 3 smaller ones to balance out the scale, so yeah anyone can vote for whatever reason whichever direction they want :D and give you whatever reason they please or not give you one :) good times, following since i like the message, I'm not related to India so I can't help and I don't like to sign petitions that I can't "enforce" I support only what I can direct.

Yes, your unrelated petition comment was not in any way related to this blog post. You used this opportunity to spam people in the comments (whether or not it was a good cause doesn't matter).

Now if Dan was talking about India, or Petitioning the legality of it, perhaps your comment would have been fine. Instead, it's seen as spam is my guess.

And yet stella is the top comment doing the same thing..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

(whether or not it was a good cause doesn't matter)

I thought that did matter. I would have personally messaged it in chat but I've been locked out since quite a while now. So, I thought that wouldn't be an issue as it is an important cause. Anyway, thanks for the pointer.

test nesting


Are you?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Downvoting, like upvoting is whimsical. @isteemit
Let's see what happens with this comment
Does downvoting a post help build Steemit? Take the survey

Dear Dan,

I can feel that you're free again to be yourself! This is great news and I'm really happy for you! I'm glad you've decided to continue writing and participating on the platform you built. It would have been a pity for you not to enjoy it.

I need to thank you because what you built freed me from my slavery. It really did. As an explorer, I too am doing other things in the blockchain space, but to be honest, I would not have figured out all this stuff without that accidental stumbling upon Steemit one day last June.

I need to THANK YOU!

ps- Dan, I doubt you've even looked at my video I created ABOUT YOU, FOR YOU. I try not to hijack posts, but it's important that you at least watch it since I made it about you and your mind! I'll keep harassing you every day until you watch it. It hurts people like me when my art is created for someone who never bothers to even see what someone else has created for them. It's a lot like a gift that goes unopened! Watch the freaking video and I'll leave you alone, promise:

He is going to scam everyone again, third time in a row! Stop being so naive.

I want to be naive in Dan's case. I like the technology he created, and it has been good to me.

You mean your Steem balance.


lol that was entertaining

Glad I could be of service!

please respond..............or else....

Hotline him :D Voodooo puppets :D


Still think this was your best one @stellabelle


good you changed your mind as i would have to login to BTS forum to check whats up and i dont do that often

Dan I am looking forward to this. I am excited about Qtum although you do not agree with their approach, I would love to see yours. I do not think one prevailing over the other yet. But from my standpoint I would like to see how it works in both. Please do not stop blogging here. I would like to hear more about your smart contract approach. This time, promote the code, promote the code, promote the code.

I'm so glad to hear you will continue to benefit from this great platform you built, and we will continue to benefit from you being part of the community.

the work I do to advance free market solutions for securing life, liberty, and property.

Please, don't ever stop. The world needs more people like you who see the big picture and want to change the world for the better.

Agreed, I had resolved to try and find/follow his stuff myself, I was just not sure where to keep up with any of this IT stuff.

Well, thank you for the great platform and writings. To be honest I've never felt more alive after discovering this platform and benefiting from it. It even feels overwhelming sometimes. Looking forward to your works and I hope the journey is a long and fruitful one.

Dan, I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity that Steemit has provided as well. Prior to steemit, I had very little online experience at all and knew nothing about cryptocurrency, blockchains, social media or blogging.

Not only has steemit already been a huge blessing to so many of us, but the finances that it has provided has changed a lot of Our Lives as well.

With my current goal to build a house for my family without going into debt, having an account valued at over $7,000 is a great step towards the $25,000 I hope to invest in materials.

Thank you once again and best wishes in the future.

With my current goal to build a house for my family without going into debt, having an account valued at over $7,000 is a great step towards the $25,000 I hope to invest in materials.

Thank you @dan for helping make this possible.

Agreed. It is a blessing!

Thanks for all you've done Dan, good luck with the new project :)

@dantheman Thank you brother. Take care of yourself and thank you for giving us this opportunity to make the world a better and more free place with this powerful tool you have created. Good luck @dantheman

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I admire you and what you've done very much. I think you're doing tremendous things and I look forward to what you create next!

So wonderful to see your message . Danke Vielmals !

me too! :)

I'm excited to see what you're working on next! I'm also happy to hear you will continue blogging on Steemit. All the best!

Awesome news. I'm glad you're continuing your work and you'll still have some involvement here.

Thank you @dantheman! I consider myself fortunate for having a chance to try out this platform, and, for a while, to support it as a witness. It has been a great journey, although not without a lot of bumps. But bumps are part of life too, so what the heck :)

Needless to say I'm super curious about what you are working on and I would love to know more. If possible, even to contribute.

Best of luck!

Have a blessed day @dantheman, just read your letter out loud on @steemspeak discord. People were moved to tears. You should join us someday just to geek out with us. We have always missed you in there.

"fundamentally transformative capabilities"
Glad to hear that you are continuing on in your established tradition!

You changed my life and the life of so many so very profoundly. I look forward to this future project you just mentioned and I'm forever grateful for the things you already brought in my life. Thanks you very much Dan!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I can see why you're saying this but I've disagree with Dan on some fundamental moral issues and I've made this publicly known on the blockchain. He didn't respond.

I can't deny the positive impact he had on my life nor would I want to. On the contrary, I love to spread his work but I also have to distance myself from the part I disagree with. I'll get explain what is it that I fundamentally disagree with Dan which is something I think most people haven't thought through enough.

Here's one post I made about Dan and that express some of the reasons why he positively change my life. Thank you for your comment @fulltimegeek

It was the best paid post of that day.

why are you breaking your previous promise to the community and powering down at full speed?

why are you breaking your previous promise to the community and powering down at full speed?

So what @pacemaker?
Is he attempting to add value or not?

Just a guess, but I suspect he's using it to help fund his "next big thing" he just told us about. Is that so hard to understand?

@dan said some things when he resigned like I won't be posting here anymore, that he has recanted or changed his mind about. In a perfect world we could count on every word as gold and immutable, but thank goodness it's not a "perfect" world, 'cuz we couldn't be in it if it was.

Nobody's perfect. We all say things from time to time we regret, that's just one of life's challenges to overcome. Don't hold dan back from creating the next great innovation by trying to impose expectations on what he should do with what he has earned.

Nice to hear that you will continue blogging on this amazing platform! Since I joined last year, a lot of good things happened and the best one was that I found steemit!

Thanks for everything you have done here... it is my hope that the community here will be good stewards of the "seeds" you have planted here!

All the best to you in your future endeavors; whatever your vision may be, I'd like to believe we CAN-- if we all do our part-- create a better world!

So great to hear from you ! And im so glad your working on what you love and believe in ! Best of luck to you in all that you do , if you love what you do you never work a day in your life ! Keep up the great work , i know you will ! 👍😉

Thanks and goodluck with your next project. Any hints as of what it may be? I have a hunch that it starts with a letter R :)

I will be working on a new smart contract platform that I believe will offer fundamentally transformative capabilities within the blockchain industry

I suspect it will be a competitor to ethereum, that runs smarter, and leaner. It also probably will allow interopability between Bitshares, Steem, and other chains (that's where the "transformative capabilities" come into play)

Either way:

if Dan's working on it, it's gonna be good. (tm)

I know of a project which fits the bill. I don't suppose that Dan is working on this project but ... I can guess :)

tldr; Dan will not be working on any competing social platform projects against steemit, so we still need to make steemit great! This IS the place to be. :)

Best of luck in your future endeavors :)

Great to hear, Dan! Looking forward to learning more about your new endeavor. Also great that you will continue to blog on Steemit, we thank you!

Good luck to you @dantheman, in your mission to make a better World. May the smile be on your face whatever you do:

03-28-2017 – Echo Forking
03-27-2017 – Dash Dyke
03-03-2017 – Mt. Gox
02-21-2017 – Decentralization
02-17-2017 – Provider
02-06-2017 – Hardforking

Well best of luck. Will your new project be a reprise of Bitshares in some way?

Bitshares can't do insurance or social networking yet. I really hope this is an insurance DAC...

Welcome back, @dantheman... Very proud of you!

Dan, thank you for everything!

I joined the steem dream with you and Ned at the head and now it still seems weird without you.

You are a great inspiration (I should've told you sooner) and the world needs ideas, thinkers are the ones who bring change and we need more of that not less.

Plus, personally I know that you helped me a lot, and for that I'm thankful.

If you ever need anything, I mean it, don't hesitate.

I wish you all the best Dan.

I am looking forward to keep reading your the ideas you put forward and see the projects you implement.

I'm really glad you decided to continue blogging here. This is great news!

Good luck.
It was great for me to understand your thought.
really impressive
I hope you realize your idea.
I will wait for your success.

Keep on keeping on. never stop even when things look grim.

Good luck!

good luck

Great, can't wait to know the name of this next smart contract project.

I had planned for sure to try and keep up with your projects, I was just not sure how to do it since I cannot really find you on active profiles anywhere online really LOL, I am not from your IT world so IDK where to look or find people like you hahahaha.

I named a few places here in my tribute to you, where people MIGHT find you.

I am glad for this update Dan. I hope you are doing OK man.

Thank you for all you have done and success with the all the things you are going to do.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks Dan! I will be following your work and your next platform.

(Downvoting in the spirit of @abit's experiment)

(Downvoting in the spirit of @abit's experiment)

Really, demotruk? Even this post?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wish you all the good stuff with your new project! Great to see you still have a good heart for Steemit and wish for using any technology you will be working on to benefit this community. Looking forward to read more of your future posts! This platform made be to become someone who shares experience, knowledge and fun through social media, got me exited about Cryptoland in general; Thank you for creating this platform!

Thank you.

Are you hiring some cryptomagician? I could join you!

Well thanks for taking the time to let us know.

Goodluck Dan !!! I am sure of hearing of your next project soon !

Still new here but somehow, reading made things clearer to me on what's going on, hopefully the changes that's happening now will bring more benefits to the community. Thank you @dantheman

I am grateful to the people who helped me and thank you for welcoming me through your votes on my start on this platform. Muito Obrigado.

Thank you for posting @dantheman.

Steemians enjoy hearing from you and we wish you the very best in your endeavors.

Kind Regards....Cheers.

I offer all my talents and skills to help build the next ship in fleet. You are the leader of tomorrow by teaching us how to lead today. It took years for me to fully understand the vision you see, but know that many see it now. We support you. Thank you.

Cool! I have followed you on every project and I am excited to see what you will cook up next!

Best of look to you Dan!

Wishing you all the best Dan. Look forward to what other disruptive projects you will produce. Let's change the world!

Thank you in return Dan!

Great to read that you are working on something exciting again. And glad to know that you keep blogging on Steem too.

Looking forward to your blogs and smart contract platform project!

All the best to you.

This is what the world needs. More open-minded people willing to work hard for the betterment of others and our online space. Best of luck and please keep us updated on your progress!

Thank you for the update. I'm looking forward to your future updates regarding your new open source platform.

I'm excited to hear about the next opportunity. Thanks for informing us.

It's so great that you are still working for the betterment of this community!

Thank you! Great to hear and looking forward to learn more!

Thank you all of your effort for Steemit. I will join your new smart contract project thanks great man.

@dantheman please share in what cryptocurrencies you invested?

P.S it's very interesting to know where smart people invest.

Thanks for your amazing contributions. This platform has been a lot of fun for me and has given me a creative outlet!

Greetings, @dantheman! Great content, thank you.

Join the Lunyr team!!

Sounds like an investing and prosperous future for you!

My hope is that you will work alongside Vitalik, just imagine what Tesla and Einstein could have created when combining forces?

I think there was a whole lot more Steemit could have benefited if you did not resign and it's clear to see that you have the betterment of the platform still in mind.

I appreciate the gratitude but really, THANK YOU DAN!

Thanks @dantheman for putting your ideas out into the world and following your vision. We all have greatly benefited not only from your work with blockchain technology but also your life perspective. Continue being the wizard you are and keep fighting for what you believe in.

Oooo, Wren based smart contract platform? :D

Niiiiiice! Good luck with your new project, thank you for Bitshares & Steem!

Sounds very cooool Dan .. will always be following your good works!

A well-done job is always noticeable and everyone feels it. The efforts you have spent are not in vain, they help people in communication, finding new topics, friends, hobbies. Despite the difficulties and obstacles that have arisen, we are all moving forward. Thank you for your work for us.

The question I have is how much did you get paid off to stage such a stunt as your 'mysterious' resignation and deleted post that got the platform mentioned all over the crypto news blogs and drove up the price...

And your platform design was full of so many features that have seen the price drain everyone's steem power, almost every claim in the White Paper has been proven to be wrong. And now you upvote your own post to promote yourself. As a witness I have seen first hand the kind of 'quality' code that you write first hand in action and it's pretty unimpressive and the claims about it are pretty inflated.

You won't be missed by anyone here except the little gaggle of groupies who will suck up whatever stuff comes out of your... ahem. enough from me...

Love you Dan. And please dont take that as me just fanboying, I legitimately appreciate your work. :)

@dantheman , I am glad to hear these news from you and am happy that you keep writing here!
Yous say "thank you", but I think the community has to thank YOU even more for all your work. :)
I wish you good luck for your new project and hope to hear some news about it soon. :)

thx @Dan, best wishes for your next project. I hope to see also some new blogging agora built on opensource basis by you.

May love and light walk with you forever. You gave me a place to call home. I can't thank you enough.

I hope your next project eclipses BTC and changes the way we all use the blockchain.

You are our mother fucker, don't forget us. We most certainly won't forget you.

@dantheman, @dan

With Love and Respect,


Best wishes with all your future endeavors! Thanks for your hard work.

Will there be a snapshot?

Thanks Dan! You've been awesome. All of your work for Steem & Steemit is priceless. Good luck on your next project!

Thank you and nice to meet you, i hope to see all the news, Good luck for your job! :-)

Thanks so much Dan The Man for this wonderful platform! I'm sure you'll enjoy watching your Steem baby grow and excited to see your new smart contract platform!

Thank you sir!

Sounds like you've got your eyes on the target. Good hunting.

Thank you for everything you've done and please do keep blogging here - I can't wait to hear the details of your next project :)

I really hope this is an insurance DAC. I also really hope Dan doesn't spoil his epic Bitshares/Steem legacy.

So we'll know it's you this time, what sockpuppet name will you be using @dantheman to start your next project?


Thank you for the message @dantheman

Good luck, Dan, and best wishes for your ongoing success.



gracias amigo!

Good luck to you !

this is wonderful news and i am very much looking forward to learning more about what you are working on!

In line with my personal beliefs, this platform will be derived entirely from open source software and released under MIT license so that Steem and others can benefit from the work I do to advance free market solutions for securing life, liberty, and property.

That's great to hear, @dan @dantheman
Thank you for giving us the opportunity that is @Steemit

The world according to Daniel Larimer. Does this post accurately reflect your views?

Thanks Dan for letting us know and you are a great person for the blockchain community, keep up the good work in what ever line you are going.

Thanks for what you did and what you will do.

I was wondering if the font size of thank you words in the picture correlates with the number of people speaking it in the world? Or is it just random?

Dan, you are going to scam people again. This was so obvious. For example Tone Vays has exposed you many times before and said that Steemit is a scam which market cap will go to zero (getting there...) and you are going to take the money and run when time is ready and then start another scam. You are a disgrace to the crypto movement.

I don't really get why you trust Tone Vays at the same time using the name john galt.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you!

Thank you all again. I love this community and look forward to continue blogging on this great platform that will forever be very important to me.