in steem •  7 years ago 

Just Look around and you can see the destruction of the middle class in America. A dollar can barely buy you anything anymore in the supermarket these days. I remember a man gave me and my friend $5 dollars in the 80’s, OMG!! I thought we were rich! LOL! We both confidently walked into the penny candy store (under 30 wont understand these) and looked at the cashier behind the glass shield and said we want everything, especially the Ju Ju fish. In these days, highschool graduates had a few choices, go to college, military or enter the workforce. With either choice you had a pretty decent chance at collecting a pension and taking care of your family. Little did anyone know that the nuke on the American people had already dropped.



The Bomb Dropped Before The Great Recession

Many Americans feel their buying power diminishing and their checks staying stagnant in our current economy but the squeeze on us actually was happening, believe it or not, with the Nixon Administration. Richard Nixon was the first person to usher in so called “Free Trade” with China with the CEO of Pepsi. Nixon brokered the deal to bring American products into China under the guise of “ending communism” by assuming that the private sector would overtake the state sector. What he was really doing was lining his pockets taking bribes from major american corporations. This was the single event that wet the appetites of corporations to take their factories oversees and close factories in the States thus killing middle class jobs. Throughout the years, America loses on average about 14 factories a day. Now people I give you Detroit, Michigan.

Exhibit A….Detroit

I am from Detroit, born and raised. Most of the men in my family worked in the plants, the big 3. When I was a kid I was starting to wonder why I seen so many empty factories in my city. In Metro Detroit you will see old rusty shells of factories and the houses around them would be decaying and falling apart. You will see young men and woman just walking around during working hours in the streets. Detroit natives know that when Ford closes a car plant in Michigan and sends it to Mexico not only are the plant workers affected but other supporting plants of Ford Motors are affected. The Great Recession allowed Ford to take taxpayer money in the form of a bail-out and the workers had to take a 50% or more pay cut as a condition of accepting the bail-out money. Recessions are superior opportunities for corporations to slash wages. I have a buddy who is working for Ford Motors through a Temp Agency for $16 dollars an hour WTF! Another middle class wage gone down the drain.

Escape Plan For Your Family

I don’t think this middle class destruction will cease anytime soon. Politicians are total whores to the elite and corporations and it doesn’t matter what president we get, the elitist tend to win. You need to seize control of your own finances. I personally believe that entrepreneurship should be the focus of Americans today. A side hustle or work at home jobs to bring in extra cash e.t.c. If you are a stay at home mom or dad there's plenty of ways you can make legit money on the side. Don’t feel comfortable with a corporation controlling your ability to eat and live. Spend any free time you have building your own business or side hustle.

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