Quick Tip For New Users: Commenting is Better Than Blogging At First

in steem •  7 years ago 

When you write a blog post, but you don't have any followers yet, who is going to see it? Only those browsing the "New" page, which may not be many. You need followers before your blog posts will regularly get traction, so that your posts are turning up automatically in people's feeds.

Commenting doesn't give as much financial rewards, but it gets you your first followers. It's only once you've got many followers who like your content, that you can expect your posts to be regularly seen by many people and upvoted.

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Thank you for alerting me. I gave him a warning/guidance on it. If you see him continue to plagiarize, please alert the steemcleaners account.

Thank you, I've just spoken to him aswell. I'll keep an eye on him for a while and alert the steemcleaners account if this happens again.

I think it's a bottleneck of Steemit that without followers you are nothing even if you create a great content.

Agreed. It is the same model as Twitter, which in terms of attention is effectively pyramid economics.

Communities will help to resolve this, by having content appear in feeds based on the subject matter not just who they were written by.

How is that different from other platforms?

It's not different from Twitter or YouTube, but you don't have to have an established account to do well on Reddit (or on Facebook, assuming you have friends).

I'm very new to the blog game, but find the have old philosophy of if you build it, they will come. I have only got 15 followers, cant imagine the response with a few hundred. I say this regularly, I'm awed by this platform.

Make that 16

I don't know, I usually start with the new posts.

That's how I discovered this post!

I do too, but not all day. The amount of posts that go unnoticed, including introductions by relatively well known people and for example that famous hacker group (unnoticed for a week) is evidence that not enough people are spying the 'New' tab for it to be reliable on its own.

Great advice @demotruk! Never put your cart before your horse:)

Hi everybody, I am very new to Steemit, just joined and trying to get a grasp of how it works. In fact this is my first comment. Thanks for the heads up @demotruk, wanted to write an introductory post, but I guess will comment instead till the community will get to know me better. :)

An introduction is still a good idea. I suggest using 'introduceyourself' tag.

I've built a following over the last 9 months and that's largely by commenting. You have to make people interested enough to check you out. It's worth having some posts on your profile to encourage them to follow you. Just commenting 'nice post' may not get you anywhere, but I see people do it anyway. I don't respond to those who do 'follow for follow'.

Helping Hands

Maybe it's down to the community to share new members work? Most of the other social media platforms work on a referral, repost, share, retweet, basis you know the kind of thing, I share someone's post, people in my timeline/followers see it, then think He/She looks fun, I'll follow them and give them a re-share too." and so you build traction from there.

Support your local Newbie, repost today!

I've never thought of it that way. Thanks for this great piece of advice!

Still new to the platform, than you for writing post for beginners!

As well as commenting first, I think the introduction blog is very important. Depending on how well it is written, your intro can attract like minded steemians you can follow and in turn you can drill down deeper to further find like minded steemians to follow/comment/vote to build your network..