Samurai 8: a new manga written by the creator of Naruto

in steem •  6 years ago 

Masashi Kishimoto , the creator of Naruto , announced his new manga, Samurai 8: Hachimaruden

Samurai 8: Hachimaruden will combine two great passions of Sensei Kishimoto: stories of samurai and science fiction. The new series will debut in spring 2019 on Shonen Jump, as announced in the tweet in which the manga teaser trailer is also released.


Masashi Kishimoto is the owner of the project and will take care of the script while the graphic part has been entrusted Akira Okubo , who appears as an assistant on Naruto and received an official thanks in the credits of Boruto - Naruto the Movie.

During the Jump Festival, Kishimoto said: 'I like Japanese style: both in culture and in furniture. I also like science fiction. I am excited about this project and its realization. Since I love both science fiction and Japanese style, I decided to put them together in this work. I will work hard to make Samurai 8 even more interesting than the Naruto series! "


Will Samurai 8 of Masashi Kishimoto succeed in overcoming Naruto's success?
Personally I can't wait to see the anime!!

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para mi desde que hicieron que muera naruto gg el anime

Used to be a fan of Naruto many years ago. I dropped it because as I grew older and more mature, his work unfortunately did not.

I have low expectations for this one. Especially since it feels like a golden era of anime has passed.

We will see