Advancement in blockchain warfare, policing, and vigilantism - The HF2100 Weapon System!

in steem •  5 years ago 

The HF2100 Weapon System (TM) is available, NOW!

You've already seen it in action around the Steem blockchain lately: Piles of grayed out comments, regular people with negative reputation, members leaving in droves, falling STEEM price, downvoters that never post or comment but have lots of SP, ever-increasing downvotes from a zero-post 15-SP bot army, pro-NewSteem posts trending, increased cyber bullying, a rising "you're either with us or with the terrrists" mentality, etc.

Want in on that wholesome action? It's easy!

How it works:

  1. identify a target
  2. create a free account with more SP than the target
  3. downvote all posts and comments by the target

Even if the target uses ALL their self-upvotes to defend against you, you will still hide almost all their posts and comments, keep them from making any money, growing, gaining support, etc. The dwindling income and visibility kills off all but the toughest Steemians, who are left as husks of their former selves.

Additional upsides: There's nothing they can do about it! Your SP can't be taken from you, and HF21 even provides you with lots of free downvotes. Hell, what you're doing isn't even against the rules - in fact, it's endorsed by the powerful NewSteem lobby! You're an invincible sniper, with constant resupply of ammo, that can be powered up as needed to destroy literally ANY size target.

Perhaps best of all, it's easy as 1-2-3. If you can identify your target, create an account, and downvote posts and comments, you're more than qualified to handle The HF2100! If you can set up auto-voting, you've switched this baby into fully-automatic hands-free mode! Blam blam blam blam blam!

Incendiary ammo upgrade

Instead of using a fresh account, use an account with high rep. That way, you'll not only reduce your target financially to zero, but also their reputation! Before long, ALL their posts and comments will be nullified by default. It's like upgrading your ammunition to incendiary! As long as the account you're using isn't making new posts or comments, nobody can touch it - or defend themselves against it!

Remember that once you kill off your target, your HF2100 can be adjusted to take on a new victim, or you can simply take back your SP and use it somewhere else. Easy cleanup!!

And it's all completely FREE! The HF2100 Weapon System is built into the blockchain settings, thanks to the recent hard fork! Anyone who knows how can make this a reality. Instantly! What are you waiting for?!

Comes with everything you need, just supply the STEEM to power up your new weapon of mass destruction.

And what better time to do so, than during a STEEM price crash, like right now?! It has never been cheaper!

With just $500, anyone who doesn't like me - for any reason, or no reason at all - can almost completely undo my work here... past, present, and future.

I powered up almost $5000 USD to get my wife and I started. After two years of full-time work for this blockchain, we lost the entire amount to the 99% collapse in STEEM price, and the total of our combined payouts, including curation rewards, token income, and interest, don't even amount to $400. I'm a sitting duck. A few hundred bucks and someone can reduce us to ashes... and as the price falls, so does the cost to power up this weapon system. Another leg down, and I'll only have to offend someone enough for them to drop $50 to devastate 2 years of work.

I feel vulnerable. I'm already being picked at by this kind of tactic, and it's only growing stronger as people get more bold with it. My activism puts me up against powerful enemies, and I deal with censorship enough as it is.

I bring the problem up here because pretending it doesn't exist isn't working. Before long, everybody is going to know this is how things are. I'm just bringing it out in the open and making it more clear, so maybe something can be done.

Theoretically, some malicious person or company could buy a few million STEEM and completely wreck havoc on this whole blockchain, unchecked. With enough resources, everybody could be reduced to zero income, zero reputation, zero visibility - simply because somebody with money realized that's how it works.

If I'm wrong, please explain how. Otherwise, there you have it - The HF2100.


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That much buying would trigger the bots and the price would rise pretty quickly, imo.

I think we are doing much better.
Still too much going to the top few, but better.

I'd be sad if i bought in with you, too.
Let's hope somebody pulls a rabbit out of their hat, eh?

Another thing I see a LOT of in the past couple months is people thinking they're policemen (unofficially of course) for the blockchain. They go around telling people "this is how you have to do things because #NewSteem". No more self votes. No voting for friends in a circle. No this, no that. Prohibitionists and enforcers. Yuck!
I say we should live by rule of law. If something is a rule (law), write it down, accurately and transparently. Let people know what the rules are, so they have a chance to follow them. Then enforce those rules, justly. Instead, these vigilantes are enforcing whatever beliefs they want to. They're powering up cheap STEEM in buckets right now, and they think might equals right. They crush and silence opposition, while maintaining a public visage of righteousness.

Man, that doesn't sound good for STEEM😕and we had our talks about the bots😉👍