Steem Mining

in steem •  9 years ago  (edited)

Found a great guide to CPU Mine Steem.
Check it out here....

I'm waiting for my first block. I'll update more ASAP.

I wonder how I upload photos (this is my first blog!!)

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Hmmm......seems that my Claymore Dual Ethereum+Siacoin GPU miners are having issues now. (zero hashrates). Could be memory issues. More to come as I look into this.

P.S. Still no Steem blocks yet, but I'm guessing it might be around lunchtime tomorrow before I see one based on current CPU hash-rates.

Had to reduce the number of threads I was running with the Steem Miner (CPU mining). Evidently, it was stealing resources from the GPU miner somehow (ETH/SIA). But they're both "playing nice" now. I opened up the case on the computer. Probably going to get a little hot in there tonight with all of the hashing going on. It's late...I'm tired (2am). Going to read some more on Steem before dozing off. Will update as soon as I get a Steem block.

Any luck on mining a steem block? I've been going for about 2 days and haven't been able to get one block yet.

Yes. Finally got some. It's weird. The first one took about two days....2nd one took two days, but 3 and 4 all happened within 12 hours of #2 popping up.

I don't think my first POW worked, since my balance didn't go up.

Just keep checking your webpage.

Good luck!!

Four blocks and going strong!!!!