Crypto Government 101

in steem •  8 years ago  (edited)

Bitcoin dash pivx steem 4 governance systems with historical analogs.

bitcoin the European monarchy


You have the king (the core team) who is checked by the nobility (the miners) who have a veto power but can't really stop the king. Also you have the userpers (unlimited) who would like the novels to support their claim on the throne. This worked for a long time. If the king can avoid war and make his people rich no one will complain about the government.

Dash is plato's republic.


The currency is goverErne by the votes of the elite masternode owners. They are well educated about dash due to the services they must provide. The are wealthy incorruptible and should make good decisions for the rest of us

Pivx is democracy


Most everyone can vote. Like the US in the 18th century when only landowners could vote. Will the masses lead the coin astray through mob rule? Ancient Greece did all right with this government but do all democracies falter in the end?

Steem a US style representative democracy

The commoners vote for representatives (witnesses) who can veto the executive (steemit Devs). Votes are allocated by prosperity rather than one man one vote. But the executive is powerful more so than in something like dash or pivx(though less so than bitcoin). The US did alright with this model, let's see how far it carries steem.

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Haha, funny and true. What coin would Karl marx have?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hmm what coin is labor the end all be all? Actually I don't think it exists yet!

It might be to paraphrase Marx words the last stage of crypto governance !