LP Project | Incentivized, blockchain-based learning platform

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

LP project

Incentivized, blockchain-based learning platform based on the Steem technology.


Education is the pillar of our economy and society, it mostly defines our life. While information technologies have made huge improvements in the education sector with the possibility to share and access worldwide information instantaneously, education is still costly and haven't been a lot improved since the past year due to its lack of inner competitiveness. Many people have not access to basic or advanced education, many people want to improve their skills to find a new job and approximately 800 million people worldwide are illiterate (1).

To me, it underscores our responsibility to solve these problems. Recent innovations have made possible to solve these problems and considerably improve our society, health and well-being in general.


Steem has made possible to reward content creators and curators without any ads while learning platform has made possible to provide free (sometimes not) worldwide education. The concept is to simply ditch Steem with online learning platform.

How it works

The platform will be built on Steem, using a different UI. As posts and courses may let to confusion in classical Steem UI, this may let to use a fork of Steem. However, Steem would bring a better economy stability, so the beta will run on Steem, a fork could appears later.

The server side will use Steem, mongoDB (SteemData) and meteor to provide fast real-time data update. The client side will use react and SteemJS.


The platform will provide:

  • Courses with modules
  • Paths (course's list)
  • Articles
  • Profile
  • P2P private messages


The UI will be as simple as possible, mainly based on material design, respecting meaningful transitions and stimulating color.

open image

More details and images coming soon.

Thank you !


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How can I get in touch with you? Are you on steemit.chat?
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm on steemit.chat, I've sent you a message

Seems the majority is scared of what tends to be misunderstood or understated. The story of cryptocurrency.

Step by step, things will become better understood, truth and logic will set us free over lies and misunderstanding.

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C'est clair maintenant ^^ 👌