RE: STEEM has no future if it does not preserve its fundamental source of value: 100% human curation

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STEEM has no future if it does not preserve its fundamental source of value: 100% human curation

in steem •  7 years ago 

like they say in Wyoming about their winters
'keeps the riff raff out'

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The riff raff aren't stupid. They are all in California.

it's snowing...right wyoming.

Was bicycling at the beach this afternoon. Very windy and cold, although partly sunny. Sand was blowing hard. People were using parafoil kites to ride skateboard sized boards on the ocean.

that sounds like fun
(for someone in better physical condition than I am)
were there any foilers?
(hydro foil...not parafoil)

No. The Pacific Ocean is too choppy for any consumer-sized hydrofoil to be any fun. The swells are normally about four feet, so ocean boating is a rough, up and down, "I'm seasick" experience. The closest I can think of is catamarans, but those aren't really used on the ocean much, for the same reason.

I like spending time at the beach because it brings memories of my childhood back. No sane person would voluntarily have chosen to spent this afternoon at the beach in San Francisco, unless to watch the people using the kites to surf.

Yeah. They were using those. The surface of the water was much rougher, and most of the people riding them were in the breaking surf between the beach and where the first break occurs. I also didn't notice anyone using the long centerboard shown in this video. That was probably because the people I saw were in shallow water. Sure looks fun!