So someone else sees oddities in steem's encryption

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

And they're the same kind of oddities that @baabeetaa and I saw.

This someone said that their nuts were ready for any hammering they took because of pointing this out. I hope he was right. My nuts are still aching from last time and yet, well, I do value code working as it should or claims to, so well, I've flopped e'm on the anvil yet again.

Because something about steem's interfaces has never felt right to me. And yes, I'm totally being hand-wavey and inspecific. I tried to be specific in the past, but no one was interested in seriously investigating it. And I'm not talking about the time that I called it wrong. It was yet another time.

This isn't a disservice to steem, graphene or anyone here. It's a service and if you don't recognize it you can fuck right off now.

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I like the issues you are pointing out if indeed they are legitimate issues. However the profanities in your speech have a way of masking your point. It comes off like you're a raving lunatic (and I know you're not)...

My suggestion is to compose yourself, have a cup of your nicest beverage, and when you're fully calm, write out of these posts and see if you capture more interest...

As a programmer, you must understand that tags like whatthefuck and nutsonanvil are not helping you spread your word. This isn't twitter where funny tags help it get retweeted. Re-steems here happen a lot less often. :)

I hope you're calm enough to take my constructive advice and not hate me too. I'm only trying to help. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm simply saying what I feel. And don't take your comments negatively and I understand what you're trying to say.

Almost everyone I know who has had dealings with him feels the same way that I do about sneak.

Here's the next thing, in the field that he is in feelings do not matter. Only facts matter.

My feelings, and his feelings they. do. not. matter.

I know...

And don't take your comments negatively and I understand what you're trying to say.

That is exactly what I genuinely like about you. You are approachable. The illusion is created that you aren't approachable I think.

You have a great amount to contribute... people just need to take the time to understand you the way I do. :)

Thanks for not biting off my head. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh dude, heads don't get bitten except when they deserve to.

What I like about you?

Frank tactical advice :).

Now as for the encryption problem-- I don't know what to do. And I still don't know what to do about the planned interoperability that I wanted to execute.

Your comments on

Are greatly appreciated, because truly, I don't know what my next steps should be. I'm in a lot of conflict over steemit and steem. Still a great web site though and I'll be using it even after DAWN is operational.

Oh, and as a tech leader let me just say that I'll thank-- not "mute"-- ANYONE-- reporting bugs or even suspected bugs to me. Even if they are swearing at me. Engineering demands this.

Will post again with more sane tags and diction soon.

Still think @sneak's willful ignorance on things like this.... is terrifying considering we use steem as money.

Will post again with more sane tags and diction soon

Look forward to it.

Oh, and any douches who want to say that I filed this bug "in the most attention-seeking way possible" can fuck right off, too.

It's not like I can file a GitHub issue, or anything. No, I'm not going to take the effort to e-mail your stupid-ass security address, either.