Do you pay attention to your vote value?

in steem •  6 years ago 

As the price goes up, and down, so too does our vote's value.
The price is up, but my vote value seems to be lagging a little.

There are a few different reasons this could be.
My go to reason is that the whales are sucking more up than normal.
I don't know that to be true, but I got plenty of reasons to suspect.
By timing their vacuuming just right they can suck up a lot while most folks, those not on the very end of the long tail, won't notice.

Now, it may just be my suspicious nature, but at this point the benefit of the doubt just isn't falling on the whales.


Steemworld shows some numbers, but they don't line up, for me.

If you can point me to where I can track how much goes to the top accounts each day, that would be great.
This used to do that, but he has stopped.
I don't imagine things have changed much.

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There are two variables involved.

  • It is the price averaged over a week.
  • The percentage of your vote compared to the total votes.

So, if the price goes up today, you won't see it for a week.
And, the fewer people (whales) vote, the more your vote is worth.

Yes, when whales vote everybody else gets less.

I thought it was a three day average.
And they changed that for a while, it seems they have put it back.

I heard on a blog that they use the price of a cup of coffee to determine the inflation rate in Venezuela.

Posted using Partiko Android

It would be zero if they are waiting on me to buy coffee.

My vote is so damn small these days that I don't much note the fluctuations anymore. Recently I think it was 3.6c for a 100% vote, now it seems to be about 3.2c... but Steem went from about 50c to 43c in the same time.

It seems off, but I fly by the seat of my pants, so it should be checked against the math.

I understand most of steem, but the part that is hard for me to visualize if what happens when more stake is in use.

I know it pulls from the same pool, minimizing everyone.

I love working together

Posted using Partiko Android

It sure beats having to fight for our supper.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hi FBA...Yes, I have definitely noticed, and the 'large' loss at payout always starts a day or two before the seven day period.

By timing their vacuuming just right they can suck up a lot while most folks, those not on the very end of the long tail, won't notice.

Two recent examples are:
Minus $1.39
Minus $2.08

Which is 'HUGE' in my opinion, especially on a 'small' vote tally, and cannot easily be offset by the typical %10 @ocdb help that I've been trying.

I read a complaint by another user some time back in a comment to a 'witness' post (which was also a complaint) and his response was:

"Value depends upon fluctuation in price, and how many users are voting. In this respect, the present accounting is sound" (paraphrasing)

Funny, but the complaint specifically mentioned that they 'knew' that factor, and 'not' to respond with 'that' as an excuse for the apparent theft of rewards a day prior to payout.


Later voting affects vote value.
If i give out one vote a day for 3 days and then give out 2 votes a day for 4 days those first 3 votes will lose value.
It depends on the percentage of the whole that each vote represents of the voting account's total voted rshares.

Just another easter egg to be found in the math by those of us that don't code.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Sounds like a bunch of needless, mathematical bullshit by pseudo-intellectuals pretending to be wise, here on the platform who merely are just screwing things up for the users and further damaging steem/steemit reputation unfortunately.

Well, it is genius level balancing of many, many factors that was polished by use, proven to deliver, and then hijacked to abuse the pool by the greedy few.
All hail, stinc!