Why is busy.org listing the price of SBD with 10+ US Dollar?

in steem •  7 years ago 

Can anyone explain to me why busy.org is listing SBD with over 10 USD / 0.0011 BTC since two days? The price elsewhere is less than 3.50 USD.


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I'm not sure why they did that, @gric, since this is the first time I've found out about if (from you). Thank you for highlighting strange details like this...

...Do you think maybe it's in speculation / preparation that Steem will appreciate in price ? It seems like a sign for it. Steem did get listed on the Huobi exchange this week, and that's the 4th largest crypto exchange in China?

But that's just my speculation...

It may just be an error?

:thinking emoji:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I don't think busy.org is an oracle for SBD's price! :-) And if it's some sort of a failure then I'm wondering why they don't fix it. I've heard about Huobi but the impact on steem's price wasn't so dramatic.

I am really curious now why it is priced at $10 at Busy.org, then! It really seems is a sign for them knowing something? Or am i reading too much into this now???

If they knew something they'd certainly not just set the price to a fantasy number!

But if it's an error, shouldn't it be rectified by now ???

aaaaaaaah my head~

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Its interesting that the listed price of busy.org is consistently being inflated for the past several days now. If it was a bug surely busy would have fixed it by now or at least taken the listed price of SBD down momentarily.. let me know if you end up finding an answer behind it. I haven’t been able to find any details about it myself since I first noticed it

Now it looks like they've removed the SBD price.

It’s gotta be a glitch or something, but I did notice that lol have you heard of anything else?

Okay, I'd rather stop trading with it for a while and just hodl, haha.
Otherwise, I'll lose all value from my liquid steem and sbd tokens that I've built through trading.

I cancelled all my SBD/Steem orders too. Just in case...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

To be frank, I'm not sure that SBD and STEEM will skyrocket to 10-25$ before BTC gains its previous value.
But... damn, they are moving right now with all development and promotion...
Sick promo team with @starkerz, @anarcotech and @stephenkendal.

Yeah, I think I'll also wait a little bit. To understand what's going on (Even though it's the golden time for trading).

I'm wondering if ONO's launch will have an impact on the price of Steem/SBD.

Well... social media platforms don't grow in one day, so I think we still have time to improve before the battle between the EOS ONO child and stemit will begin :d

Interesting, most probably a bug ;)

I wondered about the same thing - been like that for a couple of days. Couldn't believe how "rich" I was, lol
checking now, they are "thinking" ... no Steem $ shown on the Market, and my acct value got a spinning arrow. But it was like that once before, and then went back to the wrong numbers after a while.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Another spammer...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Oh yeah? And does spam work for you?

Oh yeah

Ok moron, next time you spam my posts you'll get flagged and shitlisted.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

ok moron

Oh you think you are so smart right? Shittalking to people and spamming their posts? How do you feel now.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

now feel bad.. I made just fun and you took it seriously... but now Are you happy to harm me? @crypto-nella @crypto-p