The trail of death

in steem •  9 years ago 

Anomalous tourist areas, where even the dogs are eager to escape to another world

Mysterious territory and anomalous zones have always attracted tourists. "To" offers to make a journey to the places where with frightening regularity happen tragic and inexplicable events with the most cheerful, calm and carefree creatures in the world.

Most canine suicides

few kilometers from the Scottish city of Glasgow is a bridge, built in the late XIX century, the manor Overtoun James White had won, and half a century later, a sinister reputation as a place of canine suicides. Each month, the same day of any dog ​​inexplicably jumped from 15-meter height. If he remained alive, then he climbed onto the bridge and jumped again.

The reasons for this strange behavior trying to explain experts from animal protection society. The only thing that they could assume: hunting dogs can smell mink living in the river, and jump on them. However, this version does not suit the local people who are prone to blame the ghost of the murdered child here or open a portal to other worlds. And pets continue to take their own lives ...

The cave in which it is impossible to bend

Another ominous place on Earth is also associated with the best friends of man. Not far from Naples there is the infamous Grotta del Cane, Dog or cave. None of pets that accompanied his curious host to popular tourist sites, and stayed there for some time, could not get out of there alive - the animal loses consciousness and dies. The fact that the carbon dioxide accumulates mainsail, but rises higher than a meter from the ground. Therefore, a person is not in danger, of course, if he did not suddenly decide to tie shoelaces.

Silent wood of suicides

On the Japanese island of Honshu, in the woods Aokigahara along which laid a lot of popular tourist destinations, including the famous Mount Fuji every year are dozens of human bodies. Here in the valley, is in complete silence, compasses do not work on volcanic rocks rising only conifers, facing a solid wall of animals found only foxes, wild dogs and snakes. A couple of centuries ago, poor Japanese were brought here sick and weak relatives who could not feed, and in the twentieth century, this place has become the last refuge of suicides in Tokyo and its surroundings.

The authorities are trying by all means to prevent suicides - in the woods hung webcams, tablets with inscriptions and defying phones confidence in the surrounding shops do not sell ropes and medications path patrol volunteers and police squads, all suspicious persons immediately detained. Nevertheless, the number of suicides is increasing every year, and the local morgues overflowing. Dumping unclaimed deceased residents are engaged in the next three settlements - Kofu, fujikawaguchiko and Narusawa.

Night falling birds

"Graveyard of birds" refers Dzhatinga mountain village in the Indian state of Assam. Every August for a few days here there is an eerie phenomenon - large flocks of birds appear in the sky, and the birds suddenly start to fall to the ground. Most are killed, but some individuals survive and make it easy to pull myself together. Ornithologists have put forward different versions of this phenomenon - from the powerful gusts of wind, which is not able to handle the birds, to the geophysical anomalies, knocking them off course.

Why Farewell-sleeping?

Beach New Zealand South Island Farewell-sleeping is notorious for the fact that it is often thrown away marine mammals. The last case of mass suicide recorded in the beginning of last year - people have discovered two hundred dolphins, pilot whales on the sand, trying to save them, but they still come back to the shore.

The reasons for such behavior of marine animals people arguing from ancient times and still can not find an explanation. Scientists propose different hypothesis: disorientation due locators warships, tides, changes the wind rose, and even follow a sick leader, who has decided to leave a life.

The last flight of cattle

The Swiss village of Lauterbrunnen event occurred in August 2009, severely struck all local residents - within three days of cows and bulls thrown off a cliff in the mountains. Total in this way committed suicide 28 animals. In order to take their carcasses and prevent contamination of underground water, each time had to call a helicopter - large predators that can be eaten as much meat in these places is not usual.

This is not the first case of mass suicide pets - in 2005, a half thousand sheep in front of the astonished shepherds, who were distracted at lunch, ran off a cliff in Turkey.

Scientists believe that animals can not do this intentionally, but to explain such phenomena science is not yet able.

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