RE: How do you like DLive now?

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How do you like DLive now?

in steem •  6 years ago 

We do not take 25%. You are misinformed, we redistribute those through @dtube.rewards and made a post that was downvoted to $0.00 by the bidbot mafia when we did this change (a few months ago).

Get your facts straight

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How can you redistribute something you didn't take? Also, didn't you just gripe about people complaining about your profit?

Get your logic straight.

Wow. Downvoted my post without comment or explanation. Real mature, man. This could have been a discussion, but I'm glad you're showing your true colors. The amount of ego required to downvote someone who gets nearly zero visibility for saying something you disagree with is unfathomable. You're wrong and you know you're wrong.

The crazy thing is that despite my critique of you in general (I stand by everything I said) I'm actually in your side. I'm grilling you because I need to know for sure that you're there real deal.

My main issue with your article is that it totally seems to miss the point. Screw DLive if they're leaving. All the better for you. But now you are the face of Steem's premier video dApp. You can't shove customer choices in their face. If you're taking profit, that makes users customers.

Argue all you like, but when you do things like you just did it reflects poorly on Steem, on you, and on your platform. If you want to expose an evil doer and with dignity and grace, then it will become clear.

I want Steem to make it and, despite your behavior, I want YOU to make it. But I'm not some brain dead Steem worshipper who will pat you on the head and tell you you're great. I'm going to hold you accountable. If you don't like that and are going to fight it, then Steem is already doomed.

I'm not wrong. You refuse to even read what I said or go read the full article that talks about our economical changes 2 months ago. Beneficiary rewards are redistributed, we dont pocket them.

You should be apologizing but instead you do some long walls of text I didnt even bother reading.

Read that post. Understand the changes. If accurate, I'm on the same page with you, there. However, my other points still stand. Instead of being bitter towards people who went over to dlive, check your attitude. Wanting better rewards isn't greed, it's common sense.

Also, if people take the time to read your whiny wall of text, you should consider reading their reasonable discussion.