Hello, Hola Steemians
Today in this post I will discuss about Poloniex Fraudulent Policy.
Friends , Aru You using Poloniex?
** If not then it is far better than using it. Because now days since 4 month the American Digital Crypto Exchanging Web called Poloniex is Not working perfectly.I am saying this because I am regularly Steemit user.So, for the easy transection I used Poloniex. But since a few months poloniex temporarily suspended and disabled "STEEM"&"SBD". It is not good enough. My 13.3140000 STEEM Dollars are being useless. Poloniex just make my life like the withered tree of wintery weather. Fed Off Completely**.
What is this Poloniex?
I can fight if I will have to do for that. Please I normally request to resolve your technical problem. I am wouldn't want to be Victim in Poloniex World.
©Copyrights are taken from @binoddahal
Friends help me, How can o resolve my Dollars?
Because now I have no need this Poloniex!!!