Steemit Blockchain Statistics Update 2024-06-17

in steem •  25 days ago 

Steemit Blockchain Statistics Update

Hey Steemians!

I've been actively monitoring the Steem blockchain, and I wanted to share some interesting statistics with you. These statistics represent the activity over the last 24 hours, and the counts will reset after this period:

Blockchain Overview

Total Blocks459284
Total Transactions3029428
Total Posts55888
Total Comments106464
Total Upvotes2095328
Total Downvotes3008
Total Transfers207632
New Account Created1504


  • The blockchain has seen a total of 459284 blocks.
  • There have been 3029428 transactions, reflecting the vibrant activity within our community.
  • Users have posted 55888 new articles and made 106464 comments, contributing to the lively discussions.
  • A total of 2095328 upvotes and 3008 downvotes showcase the engagement and opinions of the community.
  • New Accounts created 1504.
  • Additionally, there have been 207632 transfers, indicating the movement of STEEM within the platform.
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