We Have 400,000+ Steem Accounts! 30 Million in 2019?

in steem •  7 years ago 

400000 steem accounts.png

Since the launch of Steem in 2016, we now have over 400,000 accounts registered on the Steem blockchain as seen at https://steemdb.com/accounts which shows 40,098 pages with 10 users a page!

The data I am happiest to see is the rate of growth! When I joined at the end of May 2017, we had about 160,000 accounts which equals 2.5 times as many users within just 5 months! As this continues ...

How Many Users in 2 Years?

  1. In 5 months during the beginning of 2018, we can expect to cross 1 million users!
  2. In 10 months towards the middle of 2018, 2.5 million!
  3. In 25 months towards the end of 2019, we can expect to reach 30+ million users assuming the growth stays constant!

While these predictions assume growth stays constant, I think Steem's growth will actually speed up as Facebook's did and we will have around 50 million users by 2019 along with an insanely high demand for Steem! Read more in Top 10 Reasons to Buy and Hold Steem!


Steem is 10x better than existing social media networks and blogging websites because anyone in the world can sign up and have a chance to earn money along with having posts ranked in Google and easily shared on Twitter. No other blogging platform or social media platform offers this high of a return with so little effort. Steem is also so complicated it merits talking about a lot which is ideal for word of mouth marketing. The more the price of Steem grows, the easier it will be to get new users. The more new users we get, the more demand for Steem will grow which will increase the price.

We are all blessed to be in on something this big this early and to have a chance to actually invest in it also! I was one of the first Facebook users and if I had been able to even put $100 in imagine how much I would have today? As Bitcoin continues to split and cryptocurrencies fragment into thousands more altcoins, Steem is quietly becoming the entry point for the masses into the world of cryptocurrencies. As we run more ads and tell more of our friends, our growth is going to start drawing some more serious attention and investments. I believe within 2 years, several investors will collectively put in over $100 million dollars here as they see what we see.

When we hit critical mass which might be more wallets than Bitcoin or a certain price of Steem, everything will flip seemingly all at once as Steem becomes the #1 cryptocurrency and most other digital currencies give up for lack of users and acceptance. There will be no reason to use any of the others when merchants start accepting Steem and hundreds of millions of users have Steem accounts.

Thank you for reading more of my Steem hype and I hope you are having a chance to connect with our newest users!

Jerry Banfield

Stay updated via email?

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PS: Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because as a top 20 witness I am pledging 80% of my earnings (~$200 a day) towards ads for Steem on Facebook and Google! Thank you to the 1361 accounts voting for me as a witness, the 718M VESTS assigned from users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness Rank 29


Set JerryBanfield proxy

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i wil start follow you jerry i am promoting steem to all my friends customers:D wil tell them follow you:d hope you resteem and vote me to:d

Will be interviewing @StephenKendal today and I'll have to mention this! Thanks man!

You're welcome Josh!

Looking forward to the interview :)

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Plz do the for me . I can understand your feeling.Today onward my post will be upvoted by me u also upvote my all posts. @ravikumar11000 folow me.

It is about quality not quantity. That is why Facebook and Snapchat talk about daily active users not total users. Total users is to easy to inflate.

There is about 15-25,000 daily active users still. We need to focus on this.

God bless.


good point but this can only be solved by time right now its steemit.com beta version.

They will only be able to use that excuse for so long until it runs out.

Steemit proves the concept but only time will tell if it will be as big as Facebook or if it will go the route of Myspace or Friendster.

On Facebook about half of users are actively daily according to https://zephoria.com/top-15-valuable-facebook-statistics/. What counts as "active" could be background data on a mobile app or messenger activity or having a homepage set as Facebook or having the share button clicked on another website.

Good point to focus on active users!

Roger that :)

The exact number of active users (and other interesting values) can be found in my daily stats.

Nice to see a few people on steemit that are not blinded by bullshit and have critical thinking skills. Active users are what is key along with user retention. Its also important to consider how many of those so called active users are automated accounts auto upvoting in order to maximize rewards for their owners. We need to attract users to Steemit because of the technology behind it and not promise them riches.

Amennnnnn amennnnnnnn. You are preaching the truth.

It just blows my mind people don't look deeper into announcements, they just accept the numbers at face.

And for sure I notice a lot of bots upvoting content on the hot page once a piece of content gets to exactly 30 minutes.

People is what is important so we need real people who value the tech and freedom this platform gives us.

Appreciate your thoughts, glad to see someone else critically thinking about this stuff.

Yeah its all about daily users. But I guess it also depends how you define a daily user. 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

Amen funny how words and language work :)

Thank you buddy hope you have an epic day as well :)

I agree it is funny. By the way, thanks for being an inspiring Steemian in general and connecting on here! 🤡 🤠 😏 😒 😞 I hope you have a wonderful day!

Wow thank you for this positivity :)

Glad to do my part to make these dreams come true :)

Hope you have an awesome day as well.

This thing is going big I think have you checked out the new smart token stuff? 😀 😃 😄

I think the concept of social media paying its users will be big. Steemit proved the concept. We will see how the SMTs help. They are definitely awesome and look similar to what you can do with UIA on Bitshares. Seems like they just used the same idea and expanded on it a little.

Interesting what is UIA?

The exact number of active users (and other interesting values) can be found in my daily stats.

Appreciate you thanks :)

Only the beginning bro!

I am enjoying the ride so far!

Steem has proven that consistency will pay in the long run.
400k is very good.
Are 400k steemians truly plugged in ?
Time will tell !
Keep on steemit!

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

We should stop comparing Steemit with Facebook and other social media platforms because on Facebook you can post BS as often as you want. On Steemit it's a hard way to reach a top lvl, because you must either be a blogger/writer or an investor (or maybe both). You HAVE to deliver quality stuff unless you are happy with a few ghost followers replying to you "i follow u foloww me pls".
Every steemian who has a serious approach to provide the community with valuable content cannot be interested in just more users. I know that you are aware of this fact, @jerrybanfield. But I think as a top lvl witness (I set you as proxy! ;) ) you have much more influence to the development of this platform. One of my urgent recommendation is a new function to set about 5 tags as favorite, maybe as a sticky panel at the bottom of the screen or so. For example one of my most visited tag is #steemSTEM, but it doesn't appear yet on the tags list at the right side. The more users we get, the more we need a function to create sub-communities. This is possible by using tags - but they must be easily to access! 3 mouse clicks are too much for a flowing communication in a very fast growing user base.
Thank you for reading. ;)

This platform have a lot of potential once developers start to ... what developing. Maybe they are into it already but holding it ... I'm pretty sure they are not going to leave this platform like this .. but we don't know what steemit inc is thinking maybe they are trying to hold out as long as they can then put out an update in drips. ..

Anyway, the editor could be made a bit better and if we can eliminate the need for markdown / html ... anyone could use the platform without them trying to learn a bit of code.

Steemit.com is getting user's only because of the "you post you get paid you comment you get paid you curate you get paid" campaign. Not because it is a good platform to put out your blog or something like that. Bloggers need to know how to set up a simple website like wordpress to start blogging or know a little bit of code. Steemit.com should be able to remove those constraints so anyone who can read, write can start blogging without worrying about owning a website or having to learn to code. Now if steemit.com can offer that maybe my own mom could start blogging as well (a 63 year old woman).

Very good point @laylahsophia because Steemit might be better compared to WordPress as a blog instead of Facebook or Twitter. I hear a new beautiful UI design and matching mobile app are due out reasonably soon!

People like to compare Steemit to facebook because it's the most mainstream Social media out their.
So it's logical think of Facebook first before others like wordpress, instagram, twitter etc.

With the new SMT tokens you couldn't basically implement any media on the Steem blockhain. Hell someone could build a Linkedin clone. Where references of recruiters would be valued instead of blogposts.

Steem(it) has really a great future in sight.

You should have seen reddit in the early days ;)


Hey @jerrybanfield, quick question... how many of those accounts are active?

I just want to inform you that I have mentioned you on my post / article https://steemit.com/steemit/@webcoop/steem-to-the-moon-vs-steem-will-crash-and-burn

This post / article is just my opinion regarding both you and @jerrybanfield articles.

I don't mean any disrespect and if I have disrespected you in any way I apologize and let me know how to rectify it.

Please feel free to comment.

Hey, very cool, and I enjoyed it very much.

I left a comment on your post, and sorry I wasn't as talkative as usual, but I just got back from the gym, and I'm a little tired.

I'll give you a follow, to track your posts on the health status of Steem and Steemit going forward.

The exact number of active users (and other interesting values) can be found in my daily stats.

According to https://steemdata.com/charts about 33,000.

I like when people show real problems, who can say truth to people. Stop making flattering posts, and pretend that everything is perfect.

Thank for this post. Important opinion.

Excellent and worth including in the big picture of Steem!

I just want to inform you that I have mentioned you on my post / article https://steemit.com/steemit/@webcoop/steem-to-the-moon-vs-steem-will-crash-and-burn

This post / article is just my opinion regarding both you and @tolkatore articles.

I don't mean any disrespect and if I have disrespected you in any way I apologize and let me know how to rectify it.

Please feel free to comment.

@leeuw thank you for making the first comment so fast!

A flag for you for up-voting a low quality comment. Do you still bribe people to get witness votes?

Do you know anyone better or else then @jerrybanfield who is willing to give up 80% of his own rewards towards advertising steemit to the masses? I don't that is why I vote for him. I do not think comments like this are necessary. Oh well, just my humble opinion. Either way, have a great day.

Do you understand that I am criticizing him for "bad behavior"? And do you deny that he bribed others to vote for him as witness?

Voting useless comments to the top will not encourage competition. That would lead to many users losing interest in the platform.

Only 33000 accounts in steemit are active.

Honestly, it seemed to me like he simply voted for the first comment, pure and simple. I don't really see how the allegations of bribing (at least in this case you flagged him for) are substantiated @littleboy. Now I'm afraid of getting a flag simply for upvoting someone because I feel happy about the post (without any other reason). Why should someone be penalized for rewarding rapid engagement by followers? How is that bad behavior?

I think you are right. Do you mean vote for him as a witness? How does that work? Really curious.

@littleboy I'm newish to steem (had account for a year but only just active in the last few weeks). I don't yet understand the flagging system and when it should be used. Is flagging something because it differs from your opinion acceptable? I thought flagging was generally reserved for actual abuse of the system in some way (although I'm not even sure what that sort of abuse would look like). Can you clarify the justification for flagging a "low quality" comment as you perceive it? Thanks in advance.

Flagging can be done for any reason. People can use their Steem Power however they want. "Fair" or not, that is the way it is.

Thanks for the explanations. So, I guess this leads to the question, what is to prevent someone to abuse the flagging system by just going around and flagging any random post? Is there any recourse against it?

None that I'm aware of, other than getting into a flag war. And, strictly speaking, random flagging isn't abuse since people can flag for any reason, including random chaos.

But the site has a strong libertarian/anarchist design bias that in the long run incentivizes "good behavior".

Does it use up vote power to flag someone? If two people got into a flag war, would that use up their vote power?

Me neither I got a downvote today and I don't know if I can appeal it. I think you can appeal flags. I got one of those too once.


If you spell "guess" correctly, the spelling police might give you a vote. haha

you're we40000000000lcome!

how many seconds after the post? LOL

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

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I will Be Thankful To You

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Woo hoo! It’s interesting to watch my own blog growth here vs Instagram where I often post the same thing. My followers reached an equal level about a week ago at 1,024. I’m up 25 more now on Steemit, whereas I’ve lost 20 on IG 😂 (fickle little f**kers on Instagram!)

thank you for sharing i want to ask you how to setup a witness server thank you :D

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

thank you already did :)

Hello Jerry, I like your out-look of Steemit and the life changing opportunity with buying it at $1.20.

  • 100 bagger, then 1000 bagger! never made one of those, yet ;)
  • I think your right about a million users in 5 months! and 2.5 million users by my birthday May 7th!
  • I know you were using a low figure based on previous growth $30M
  • Steemit will have over a 100Million users by 2020( So many reason's why) and really that's still only the beginning to a Billion users with your advertising and others.
  1. Traffic to steemit.com is already higher than for any other cryptocurrency's official website!
  2. Steem is one of the only cryptocurrencies that almost anyone on earth with the Internet connection can participate in with no investment.
  • I would recommend GOLOS and STEEM to any investor.

Is that 2% daily interest on POWERED UP STEEM?

I searched the web for a long time and steemit is the best website for blogging that I have come across and I have complete confidence that the number of steemit users are only going to grow as more and more people realise its potential just like I did!

@fury123 thinking the same thing!

Great post, again, Jerry! Thank you for what you're doing. Upvoted @ 100% my friend. Keep up the good work. See you in Lisbon!

I agree he is doing a lot for this small but growing community.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You

Thank you Terry! Excited to see you in Lisbon! Still working on a date for when I will actually be in Orlando to look at a meetup maybe in December along with a weekly meetup in Saint Petersburg!

This is the Facebook killer, no doubts.
But hodl on Steem is not the best choice, better powering up, the total supply of Steem doubles every year, so the price of Steem will constantly be low and never reach huge numbers.
The SP though, remains the same, so hodling on SP is the best choice in any case considering that network payments are strictly connected to it.

While Steem originally inflated at 100%, as of December 2016 is now is around 9% as explained in the updated bluepaper at https://steem.io/steem-bluepaper.pdf.

You should have seen my face when I loaded up 30,000+ Steem in my account expecting the 100% inflation in May 2017 only to realize it was way lower! I almost powered down and sold it all without telling anyone!

It is quite possible that steem will be one of top five cryptocurrencies in next five years. For that lots of events and developments have to be in favor of steem. STEEM has already an ecosystem based on graphene technology, an able leaders in @ned and @dan, 400K followers, active users. Once it reaches a vintage point, its progress may accelerate. Thanks @jerrybanfield for the inspiration for thinking big.

Unfortunately I think we have (much) less accounts operated by unique and active users since many of the total accounts are either bot or inactive accounts.

It would be indeed very interesting to see the total amount of accounts used by unique and active users which is certainly increasing, so I am like you very optimistic as well.

And if you take into account that those few active accounts are worldwide . Then Steemit is a really small community .

I agree I hadn't even thought of duplicate accounts or accounts owned by one person. How would one get those statistics I wonder? 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

I agree I hadn't even thought of duplicate accounts or accounts owned by one person. How would one get those statistics I wonder? 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

The exact number of active users (and other interesting values) can be found in my daily stats here.

Amazing display of stats! Thank you.

Yes we can! From BERLIN with LOVE

Wow, looks like this platform is starting to pick up speed. I was surprised the other day at work when one of my non-crypto friends had actually heard about steem from one of his friends.

Thank you for this post @jerrybanfield awesome stuff here on Steemit! Amazing community look at it grow!!


This is great for Steemit and Steem!! But this is a downside if we get 30 million by 2019 than the server might get quite slow considering there are about 2-16+ posts every minute now at 400000 people. 30 million Is 75 times more than 400000 which mean we will be getting 150-1200+ posts a minute which will make it hard to find quality posts.

From Steemit’s 13 year old blogger!!

Today and yesterday the platform had some hiccups I believe. But I don't know why and if it is because more people are on here. 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Self promotion could make your reputation a whale snack!

Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

Thank You! ⚜

Thanks what did you like most about my post?

I also think that the price of Steem has immense upside potential. IF Steemit doesn't falter like MySpace.

SMT's might really take off.

Yeah, 400000+ accounts with 30000 active users of which 5 thousand - 10 thousand are bots.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Road to facebook users!

Steemit might slow down or even sky rocket it all depends as new networks such as steem start to popup their are a number currently in beta that should be out next year.

Hey Jerry, thanks for being so active in our Steemit community! Great to see!

I have been thinking about Steem and Steem dollars as a stand alone wallet due to convenience, transaction speed and no fees instead of using Bitcoin. I wrote a post with a basic features and benefits here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@sequentialvibe/steem-mobile-wallet
I am surprised I haven't seen this idea out in the wild yet!

All the best.

hopefully the price of steem will go with it as welll

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's nice statistics. Only 20,000 people are active on steemit, but from quantity we get quality. . I believe that by 2019 there will be at least 100 000 000 Steemit users - if they do not have competition.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Self promotion could make your reputation a whale snack!

Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

Thank You! ⚜

Hi @jerrybanfield wow indeed this is a good analysis on how Steemit has gained 400,000+ users since its inception in 2006,perhaps this is a clear indication of how Steemit is growing at a higher rate and by the look of your predictions i can tell by 2019 Steemit will have grown like Facebook since every individual is looking for a social site that can pay him or her for his or her effort in return,Now Steemit is the future to go with and cling on it like there is no tomorrow also Steem value is growing massively and that means every Steemian should invest heavily on steem and wait for the magic,lastly thank you @jerrybanfield for this post and for the good work you are doing on Steemit as a witness.

That's quite an incredible vision for Steem. I certainly think it deserves to be in the top 5 right now. Will it overtake Bitcoin? I'm not sure. Bitcoin is on a completely different level and is eyeing a different position in the world.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Your presentation is very nice. I am very glad to read this! you are awesome!

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Its just a year since steemit was launched but the registered users were now 400k individuals. This only means that steemit captured the hearts and interest of millenials and netizens. It has a snowball effect in everybody who were dedicated to this platform. Sooner steemit will surpass facebook and other social media.

In steemit we earn while enjoying the platform and have interaction to everybody.

Thanks @jerrybanfield for this informative article of yours.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Over 400,000 members on Steemit now, awesome!

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

I will try to follow them)

I think beginning from 5 Millionen active users, facebook and google will fight back with their good contacts to At&T und goverment. I will be glad to jointhis fight for market shares.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Nice post @jerrybanfield .
Hope to hear more frim you.
Have a nice day.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

Upvoted and following you .
Have a nice day my friend.

Hopefully this trend will continue as Cryptocurrencies as a whole become more and more mainstream. In addition, each improvement to Steemit and the Steem blockchain only seems to make the whole system more and more approachable by those unfamiliar with blockchains and cryptography. This leading to a smaller barrier of entry and a greater appeal of the platform.

The longer Steemit stays alive and continues to have great posts and continuous rewards to its users, the more credibility and appeal it gains, this hopefully leading to a more mainstream adoption, leading to your projected outcomes Jerry.

Many Steemit users love your content, so keep em coming and they will bring more.

Very good sir https://steemit.com/@mallikabibi Upvoted for you ...very nice Post ...Please follow me and check my posts

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

The question, is how much is gonna worth steem in 2019 :)

in or before 2019

Great news! I guess those accounts active.


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Maybe okay Steemit will overtake Facebook. What a great day that will be.
Its so early in the life of Steemit $10 invested could be worth a fortune similar to what happened with bitcoin.

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wow !!
its really good ! i love this community... thank you @jerrybanfield

Hello friend @jerrybanfield by the road we are probably going to go for 2019 if we get to have about 90 million users in Steemit :D hopefully if it is achieved. This social network has a lot of potential, we must all help to exploit that potential... Greetings from Venezuela friend ;)

true and I bet it will be double in 2 weeks, don't forget I said it.

wow sir
lovely news, you make me happy and feels me proud as being part of this community.
awesome @jerrybanfield
please keep posting
love your work

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I will Be Thankful To You

You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!!

No problem buddy

Spreading this important information can accelerate Steem's growth.

Congratulations to us all. I am happy to be part of steemit philippines.

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I will Be Thankful To You

In your case if Steem overtakes bitcoin one day I better get on Bittrex and convert all my BTC to steem while we're sitting this low.. and then in 5 years Ill take you on my 50 foot yacht ( Dan Billzerian style ) to thank you for the millions you made me. What you say?

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I could be a top blogger since I have found out about steemit early when it was created but instead I didn't give a damn about it. So now I am struggking for my breakthrough together with all this new bloggers ehehehe but it is exciting to see so many new people joining

Basically Bitcoin all over again.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

OMG!, I cant believe I can still found you here @jerrybanfield I have searched for you on facebook to get connected with you, what really happen is that you have once help me with your YouTube videos on how to start trading using bittrex, I really love the video and it help me alot.. Thanks you once more... I will follow you now to always be connect with you.. STEEM ON!

good luck comrades, keep working, I pray for your sustenance increases

The growth is just enormous. Feels good to be associated.

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96


I've been working on getting a few more, don't know why they won't just do it. Steemit is pumpin it up!!! Thanks for the info and update. This thing is getting huge!!

Hi Friend I upvoted and Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You @hakeemshah96

I think so too... It will be great...

Its Nice Post.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really excited to know that the Steemit accounts are moving beyond 400,000 + , which is a very good sign for an exponential growth in future. Thanks for sharing this post @ jerrybanfield!

Hi please vote and comments bro

Thanks for this Jerry. I would like to find out more about your advertising efforts and how I can support them. Do you have one post that explains all of that?😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

Very good,I believe in your prediction.
I will make more Thai people know.

Your calculations are wrong. I joined in April 2017 when it had 150000 users. Now it has 400000 users. Therefore, we are adding 1380 users a day.

And we know because of many limitations we can not add more users a day than that.

Therefore, by the end of 2019 (i.e. 820 days) - we will add 11mn more users. Therefore, by the end of 2019 we can not expect more than 12 mn users unless there is dramatic change in our strategy to add more users per day.

You've probably contributed a lot to the growth through your advertising. Good job!

This is how it is growing, congratulations everybody and the team.
Still have to do more and focus on quality than quantity though !

just my thought.

Steemy! Nice one Jerry, let's see what happens! :)

I have voted you @jerrybanfield

Hey jerry I read one of your post saying 1 steem = $1067

how did you figure out that number? that's probably worth more than what facebook currently worth is


We are currently at $1.19 and fallling.
Right now there's is way to little people and content to justify the price.

if people keep writing good content. And if bots don't take over Steemit.
Then we might cross this $1067 mark in a few years. you got to remember that in contradiction to Bitcoin (Cash), Litecoin, Ark, Nem, Ripple dash, Monero. Steem isn't just a speculative coin.

Steem is able to 'back' it value by the content provided on the network. This is also why it grows so slow. It would be strange to hit $100 dollars next month. Because there isn't enough content on this network. To justify this price.

bots like @cheetah is a good thing no? I read somewhere that stated more than half on internet traffic are just bots

i don't think there's a formula yet on how to value a blockchain project

also you missed EOS

400k users sounds great, @jerrybanfield, but @tolkarte, @chiefmappster, and @dobartim are right - daily active users is the important number because that's the real number. Now, there might be a good percentage of users who sign up and just use STEEM like a savings account, but we need to be able to differentiate between those users and the users who are actively contributing to the platform and building value on a daily basis. Also, because the Blockchain is transparent, we should be doing better to differentiate between bots and human users. Bots have a different function on here than they do on other platforms, and since they have such a stigma right now we'll need to explain to non-users their existence on this platform as well.

But thank you, as always for the work you do for this community, Jerry. I learn so much every time I watch one of your videos. Thank you for this post.

Lets hope so! :) Me and my Girlfriend will also try Steem. She has more than a million IG followers :)

Let's keep finding great new ways to make new users feel welcome, involved, and connected to their interests. Peace

Fantastic.i like this poem and upvoted.

We love steemit ... lots of love ... hope .. in 2019 steemit will cross 50 milion user

@jerrybanfield Awesome Post I Like Your This Conten I Hope We Hit 30 Million+ in 2019 and It will Great Achievement By Steemit because Steemit Will Cross Twitter and Reddit as well and Soon If It will Grow Like This Then it will compete Facebook and Google as well . Guys If You Love My Comment Then Please Follow Me Thanks

May be if not beta

Congratulations @jerrybanfield, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 21 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $1186.54. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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wow steemit is growing thank you for the useful information you provided @jerrybanfield indeed we are lucky that we started earlier these days and i truly believe that if people will use crypto especially in the earlier stage, the more we can gain in the future so as steem!!

p.s I voted you as witness and hope you can make it at the top list!! Good luck :))

Hi Friend I Followed You Please Will You Follow Me Same Together We Can Grow On Steemit By Helping Each Other
I will Be Thankful To You

Hi @jerrybanfield, I think you are onto something. The only question I would have is whether we can get close to critical mass, especially with only a set amount of annual STEEM growth possible.

Do you think the limit on STEEM growth will inhibit the expansion? or do you think that the founders will up that amount to compensate with the massive explosion in user growth?

I'm sure it takes time to learn the ins and outs. I plan to keep up with it. Thanks for your views and to the others who commented here. Cheers.

I think you may be on to something. Not only have I earned while posting but it has been so much easier building an audience then it has been on Facebook, Twitter or Youtube.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

More matured bloggers and social media enthusiasts are joining the Steemian community in great numbers. I think @jerrybanfield has his predictions on Steemit growth the right direction.

It's not Hype, It's fact. Too bad for people who don't see it. Steem on, my friend.

About 20000-30000 are active. And many of them are bots.

six months ago was 3000 active users and bots. We're growing.

when will im be included? am curious thats the main reason i login to fb sometimes to talk to specific people directly.

Hello, Jerry.

As long as the user interface is so complicated for new users, I can't imagine that 2019 will be this number of users on steemit lower.

But should the user interface ever stand or an app with a clean interface that also works then it will work. The design deters a lot of joy because everyone is spoiled by Facebook. Busy. org is already heading in the right direction, you should also change the editor and allow HTML5.

Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer as I could understand it all, maybe I have ideas that can't be realized at all, but you should try to accommodate the users a little bit.

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asmr-austria (Christian)

Jerry, I think this is just amazing, and I really think that the sky is the limit for SteemIt. I actually joined last October, so I'm coming up on my one-year anniversary.

I'm not what you'd call a "hardcore" Steemian by any means, but I love the platform and try to dedicate at least 30-60 minutes a day to learning more about it, posting, and commenting.

I run a successful online business and I'm the only employee, so that takes up the bulk of my time, but even as a "part-time" user of SteemIt, I've managed to rack up some pretty impressive stats in a year's time (at least I think they are).

At any rate, I think you would make a phenomenal top 20 witness, and I have set you as my proxy vote.

I think what you are doing for the SteemIt community is amazing, and I hope that your upbeat, energetic attitude continues. Thanks for all you are doing to help make this the BEST social media platform EVER!

Thank you @Jerrybanfield for always updating us. Steemit will definitely outgrow all other social network. We're the future of steemit, never stop to spread the gospel. foresee 150% growth as it is presently in mid 2018. Long live steemit.

yes good, all social media users will be overwhelmed with kesteemit, rather than spending time on unpaid social media, which only consecrates our internet quota but without revenue. thanks for sharing @jerrybanfield

Exciting developments! You can feel the energy

Very exciting to see what this platform is capable of!! I'm wondering if this is going to morph into a new form of "alternative news" because of the blockchain not allowing censorship.....Facebook became alot of peoples source of "news" and It will be intresting to see if people like Luke Rudkowski at wearechange.org will be able to support their operations......extreme newbie here:) still exploring how to use this platform


This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Oct 07. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $130.60 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

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Hey Jerry. Thanks for all you do to promote Steemit! I'm spreading the word about Steemit in my own way, too.

Steemit will soon be a BILLION users platform! There are many people joining from India. Steemit is gaining popularity rapidly and sure it is a great news :)

Hoping for better days for steem. I vote for steem any time, any day.😉 Upvoted and Resteemed!

Woww.. great news.
Thank for it

Good Luck Bro... Hope ur target will archive soon

Very exciting times, I just joined ad am HAPPY to be a part of this new social media revolution ;-)

I'm very interest with your post @jerrybanfield
Can I ask you officially to re-post with using my language, Bahasa Indonesia?
I think it will be make benefit for you and of course for Indonesian Steemit Community

Nice sharing mam i like your posting please upvote and follow me i am a new steemit user

Another awesome post!!!! #witness4life!

@jerrybanfield is only the man who can make steem to top rank then any other cryptocurrency.

Read all

Steemit has gotten so big its crazy!

Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 3 with 819 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 181 comments

Nice ;D

Wow how lovely it is. Celebration kinda time. Feeling happu jerry!! 🤗🤗