*GUIDE* How to detect a liar at work and not die trying

in steem •  2 days ago 


Quizás en algún momento de tu vida escuchaste hablar a alguien y fue lo más parecido a una telenovela, una persona que se la pasa contando historias súper fantástica, muy emocionante pero al mismo tiempo no tienen ninguna prueba de lo que cuentan.

Surely if you work in an office or in a place where you share your day to day with other people, coworkers, you surely may know someone like that, one or several.

Today, as a good detective and with some experience during my early years of life, I want to help you with this brief guide to detect those supporting actors from the soap opera La mentira. Some of the characteristics that we will see below seem familiar to you. Be very careful! Because you surely have one of these lying actors in front of you.

The place you can detect a liar when they seem to compete for who has the best story, liars always have an epic story, if you have a vehicle they have a better model, if you have a property they have two and maybe they even have a land with a crystal lagoon, the liar will always surpass you, their lives are like superheroes but we must also be aware that they live different types of misfortune when they need to get attention.

A typical case of a liar: She has too many boyfriends and few witnesses, this is one of the classic stories, each time they have a new partner with a great job or an exceptional life. But if you look for a photo on Instagram or Facebook, even worse on their cell phone it will be difficult to find everything gets strange, but if you find something, look at the date or the appearance of the people, maybe it is from many years ago. You can believe what you want.

In these stories you can't miss the typical surprise pregnancy but... Or coincidence! There is no belly, and they can even go much deeper, a sudden loss can occur that puts the entire Internet under suspicion in a plot of lies but doesn't this generate attention from those around you? The idea here is to be very observant because if they are not real situations they are simply points in favor of the mythomaniac.

Liars are characterized by having an extraterrestrial curriculum, they may have more degrees than those we can find in a bookstore, they may have more clients than the most successful marketing agency. They may tell you that they are doctors in accounting, they are masters in quantum physics and much more but at the moment of truth they do not know how to calculate a commission percentage, here we are perhaps facing the typical case of liarphobia.

The liar is not even close to a chameleon. He can camouflage himself among words, taking the versatility of the direction of the stories he tells to the extreme. If we discover a lie and ask questions, he quickly changes the direction of the story. He has the ability to offer demonstrations with chats and comments, but taken out of context. Imagine that a pregnancy can turn into a sudden loss, a millionaire boyfriend can still be on a business trip, the property is still for sale.

The liar has a kind of incontinence of things that he says without meaning to, just like someone who lets out a fart and says Sorry!, it was unintentional, a liar uses this same strategy when he feels cornered by the questions that we have asked him, they use phrases like: "sorry I didn't tell you because it was a personal matter" personal and at the same time too public.

RECOMMENDATION: It is important that you recognize when you are in front of this type of character, the important thing is that you do not become an actor of this type of soap operas, it is important that you are authentic even if others do not like you, if you are a liar you will have to work hard to expand your memory to remember all the stories you tell. If you work with this type of people I pity you because this can be a great challenge, be careful, avoid getting into trouble, but do not stop enjoying because these types of people are a story machine that can bring to our lives many stories to not stop laughing and sharing them with other friends. Discover the liar and have a lot of fun!

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