There are jobs where if we don't like something or it doesn't interest us we just ignore it, on other occasions when a job is for a salary we only limit ourselves to a specific function.
I remember different jobs I was a part of, one of them has been so far the worst job of my life, I remember that 90% of the times I was going to the destination I ended up crying on the way because I hated that job, unfortunately that job was directly related to people, but there were times when I couldn't stand any person. It has been a very difficult time in my life that I will never live again but it has left me with great lessons.
After that I made the decision to work on something that would keep me away from "Systems" people, and the first month was great until I started supporting people, but this time working with people was no longer about protecting and caring for them, it was different, I believed again that working with people was a good thing.
Later there were many stories, but for the last 4 years my work has been 100% in relationships with people and part of their dreams, that is why every day I learn more and more from each client and friend.
Today I had a new experience with a client I've been working with for more than 2 months. This client wanted to buy a property that he and his children really liked. He made me one offer after another. After going back and forth for a month we were unable to close the deal. In the middle of a conversation he mentioned that he was interested in a property in the neighboring country (Brazil) and for me it was a light, a new possibility for negotiation. Since that day two weeks of proposals and offers have passed.
Today was the last straw because I wanted to know what the view of his apartment would be like since it will be finished in 10 months. To do this, I met with the engineer to see the plan and find out the height of the apartment window. Later, I positioned myself with the Drone at 30m high and took a shot indicating the direction and height, as well as a video of how it will look from the window of his apartment.

In the photo you can clearly see the exact height of the Drone, I did this, the video, I sent it to him and I went to a meeting with another client. When I arrived with another client, this previous one told me "Just in case I want another shot at 27m high to corroborate and if it looks good, prepare the documents for the purchase." Can you imagine what I did? I finished that visit and went back to take other aerial shots.