"It's better to be a the bottom of the ladder you want to climb, than the top of one you don't."

in steem •  7 years ago 

I read this quote in Chris Guillebeau's book *The Happiness of Pursuit". Chris was telling the story of independent musician Stephen Kellogg, who decided he would follow his heart and passions instead of the traditional job model of security.

Chris's book is filled with individuals who chose instead to follow their own quest.

If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it.

You can find it here https://www.amazon.com/Happiness-Pursuit-Finding-Quest-Purpose/dp/038534886X

Studies have shown that in America only 19% of the population are satisfied with their job. If this statistic is true, it is not only mind blowing, but also rather depressing. Why do so many people choose to remain in a job that is unfulfilling and feels more like a prison than a vocation?

How did the traditional model of how things "should look" become so perverse? I believe we in America are striving for meaning, purpose, and possibilities, yet we often choose to remain in jobs we despise, instead of finding that meaning, purpose or possibility.

We can do better. We can be more than previously thought possible. Our own pre-set limitations are what ultimately keep us locked away in these dungeons often called offices or factories. So many desperately want to escape, but lack the courage to follow their heart. If you are happy and content with your job, then I am not talking to you. God Speed! But if you are one of the almost 80% of Americans who are unhappy or at not completely satisfied with your current position, don't you feel it's time to make a change?

What is it that you have to offer the world? What can you provide to your fellow man? Find that thing, whatever it is that excites and motivates you, and do that! Don't wait! Start today, and not tomorrow! There is no tomorrow! How much more proficient, successful, determined, and driven would we be if we lived our lives as if tomorrow never existed.

Do what makes you happy and what provides you joy and satisfaction in this life. I know you have bills, we all do! If you can't fully commit to your passion right now due to financial obligations, then at least begin to pursue it on the side. Reach, grab, and claw your way towards the life you've envision.

Always remember that money comes and goes in this very short life. You can always make more money, but you will never be able to make more time. You only have today! Make it count.

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