RE: More Great Things to Come

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More Great Things to Come

in steem •  5 years ago  (edited)

Actions > Words

By the way, if there are "more great things" coming, what were the previous great things?

  • Voting with the steemit stake
  • Network instability
  • Centralized governance
  • Bribery of witnesses
  • Alienating the majority of the community
  • Causing a mass-exodus
  • Disinformation campaigns
  • Censorship at the front ends
  • Downvoting and filtering the accounts of DApp owners who agreed to continue developing for STEEM
  • Unprofessional and inflammatory communications
  • Pandering and manipulation

Anything I missed?

Downvoting it doesn't make it less true @dobartim, @menerva, Enjoy your dumpster fire.

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Good point! We'll class that as 'Unprofessional and inflammatory communications'


Next steps:
-we dump our STEEM crashing the price
-sun buys in cheap and will control 51% of the entire STEEM stake.
-STEEM gets labeled a security by the SEC
-game over

People will not dump steem.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

Until STEEM proves to be unprofitable, I will be posting to both chains, because it is in my personal best interest to maximize my payout by doing so.

However, (as you can see by checking my STEEM vs HIVE accounts), I've sold 80% of my STEEM and traded it for ETH and HIVE. My HIVE is being powered up, while STEEM powered down. I don't intend on selling any more of my STEEM, I just want to keep 20% of my stake on the off chance Tron pumps it to the moon.

I will be posting to both, and 80% of my STEEM payouts will be converted to HIVE and ETH, while 20% of my HIVE payouts will be converted to ETH and the rest powered up. I'll be powering up HIVE because I have genuinely faith that 3 months from now, I'll be happy to keep the HIVE. I'm keeping the STEEM liquid because I want to be able to pivot on a dime. I see it was extremely unstable.

Most of my genuine curation will be on HIVE as well. My upvotes are worth $0.03 to $0.08, and I am putting effort into curating good content on HIVE. On Steemit, I won't be putting effort into curating, but I will be upvoting comments I agree with with my $0.01 when I see them.

Overall, I know HIVE will thrive, the question is whether STEEM dies, or whether it becomes a Tron social media platform. In both cases, having HIVE is a good call. In the second case, having STEEM is worth keeping, even if I myself have no interest in Tron and have personally avoided using it.

Just my $0.02 ;)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Because I am really enjoying it :-)
Squeezing out as much STEEM as possible to sell it for HIVE and watching the dictator fail with the subsequent epic shitstorm on twitter... driven by the guys like you that believed his BS... will be epic.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

Cheaper is better for long term investors.
Thus I can't wait for the bargain sale. :)

What is your expectation with the price of Steem in 5weeks?

Unless Justin or Tron choose to pump Steem and genuinely turn it into a Tron social media platform, I foresee STEEM staying below 3k satoshi while HIVE rallies to 5k+.

The only thing keeping STEEM afloat at this time is that most of the STEEM is powered up from both sides mass-purchasing over the last few weeks to keep their witnesses in the top 20. We know most of the funds from the original Steemit witnesses and backers are powering down, which would translate to flooding to HIVE. If you look at the STEEM code base's commit history, you'll see that over 90% of the commits over the last year are by developers & witnesses who have switched to HIVE or abandoned both platforms. From a long term perspective, the obvious choice is HIVE, since that's where the development is going. We'll need to see Justin & co. up Steemit Incs. development efforts by at least 10x what Steemit Inc. did historically to make up for the loss of witness development.

To counteract that, Justin is trying to get Tron users to switch to this platform to keep it from dying. That does not mean the project is dead, but it does mean its on life support.

It'll be a wild next few weeks, that's for sure.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

You didn't come back after five weeks.
Are you still busy laughing?

What are you doing here?
Don't have your own blockchain to use now?
Can't wait to see if every one of you folks will dump steem as promised.
Following game theory is in the best interest of most people use both chains now.
Watching transactions and users, so far HIVE only has 1/3 of txs and users steem has currently.
So far people do not migrate to hive yet...How long does it take? After the dump? lol
game is not over, just started

Bro, u don’t even own 1 steem 😂😂🙌🏼

I'm crying right now! LMAO

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

@stackin Haha ok, you got me(?), I don't own 1 steem. But...
I'm still waiting for the massive steem dump of ppl moving to Hive...Oh wait, steem went up past 8 days...OH wait, I think blocktrades and others don't even own 1 steem too 😂😂..who's dumping now? You? with your monster 7k stake? Good luck, but if I was you I would keep those steem (moon soon)...just saying

still waiting

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Good question

This comment should be at the TOP !!

Dobartim has done nothing to increase the value of steem. He decided to farm rewards instead. Like who gives a fuck about that guy

That's only what we know.
The list is probably longer.

So what is the deal wtih the different exchanges to transfer steem into steemit. I can't have a poloniex account in the US and the Bittrexx link goes to a dead page. Is this going to be worked out so we have a way to bring steem into steemit?

The old Witnesses aka secret forkers have alot to answer for. They are also guilty of the same bullet points above and got away with manipulation of the Steem Blockchain for years.

It seems some people over there just don't like TRON/Justin Sun (understatement of course), they must know him very well? If trolling and spamming the @steemitblog comment section is your style, then you are looking real good.

I will not abandon steemit because of dishonest devs that thought they could slowly take over someone else's creation (Ned and Dan) over time. Only been 4 years + saying that which is not that long in business or was it just an R&D toy for the mad scientists.

Promises can be broken, just like a promise was made to never alter 'code' without 'real' consensus.

The actions of the old cartel were just reckless and completely dishonest. I will not be bribed by free air-drop tokens and fairytale lies for another four years. smh.

TRON/Justin Sun has more chance of taking Steem/Steemit to a higher level than they ever wanted to, imo.

My journey into crypto involved Steemit and not the HIVE destruction team and a there small number of worshipers.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  1. We are already there
  2. There are some problems with the Cease and Desist:
    1. There is no legal entity except maybe the exchanges that could make a decision on this.
    2. The taken action is justified and necessary with a trademark. In this case because of the common nature of the word Hive it is impossible to trademark, and we have established prior art of the expression Hive to our activities already from before Hive Blockchain Technologies Ltd. in the Steem community.
  3. The behavior looks disgusting because of how Justin has framed it. In reality it's technologically the only sensible thing that can be done. The people that understand how DPoS works are now on the Hive side, those who don't now run the Steem network (because you cannot really call it a blockchain since the takeover). We mostly see worries that the Steem network won't technically survive until we got our money out, and we have a good laugh about the incompetence of Steemit Inc.
  4. It's funny to talk about shitcoins and forget how much TRX is undeniably a shitcoin. Together with that I think you can say STEEM is probably hard on its way to be the shitcoin in this situation.
  5. I don't see any whining babies on the Hive side, and everyone checking out is very well received, independent of how you position yourself so far. On the other side I do see people here who are confused about what ACTUALLY happened, and side with what they understand as reasonable until they get hit themselves by the shitshow that is going on and covered up here.

I agree fully about your perception of the situation. What Justin writes kinda seems reasonable. Except it doesn't match with his actions and so far we welcome mostly people on Hive who get bitten by the real beast going on here. Sorry that the Hive fork had to cut out the cancer in this dirty way. It isn't the best possible way to do it, but honestly for what it is I have never seen such a smooth and widely supported Hard Fork.

If you stay here, I wish you good luck with @justinsunsteemit and how they will manage the community here. And if things don't work out the way you want or expect it, you know where you will be welcome now.


H is just looking creepy after reading that. Desperate springs to HIVE/MIND. Stop Whining, your favourite investors lost and lied, move on.

Ps: Using spin like beast and cancer is dramatic and completely over the top. There is just no need for those brainwash type tactics unless you are trying to breed hate.

Lol what? You are just rambling here. Please do your research so you know what you talk about. This is not a spin. I am not even sure now what I commented here myself, because many posts are disappearing on the API and on after a day. Neoxian did a test and yeah, it's creepy.


  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

When your air is taken away you start struggling and you make unnecessary victims. This was a crisis escape and emotions grow high in those situations. That doesn't justify unjust treatment of people in those situations, we understand that people don't see the full picture and many people only see a man saying seemingly reasonable things about something that "is his property", but the people who understand how Steem works technically could only focus on getting the rescue team ready, honestly in a better way than I have seen a fork happen ever before. It's a shoot first, explain later situation. How smooth that went also shows how much technical understanding we have in the community.

As I stated before, I do think Steemit could still have its place, it might see better times again, but it doesn't follow the minimum conditions any more we want from it technologically, because technically it's undeniable that a hostile takeover has taken place, and we don't want to have any place in it. When we shit on other people while that happens it's out of worry and disgust that people might fuck themselves over, not out of disrespect for those people. When I shout and I look angry, it's because something happens that heavily concerns me. It might not be the best way to communicate it, but this was not the time to discuss. You don't discuss while a shark bites your leg off.

With current facts, what actually happens is the people peacefully leaving and the boss destroying office equipment.

That did not happen at all. Key members of the Hive community proved that they are people of low character. They did not at all "peacefully leave" the Steem community but went around downvoting anyone that disagreed with them.

When would you call someone of low character? What do you think about having principles? Also, I wouldn't call this leaving the Steem community, but moving the Steem community to a place of their own. The Steem community left the building.

If the Steem community "left the building" then we would not be debating the point. Nobody left.

I don't believe the thought leaders and witnesses of Hive are principled at all. They are of low character, as they are breaking every social norm on Steem they use to enforce.

I'm autistic. The kind of social norms you talk about are absolutely disgusting to begin with and hurt me.

The only two reasons I keep looking here is to get my Steem out, that being a lot harder now because Blocktrades is being softforked out of the system by Justin, petty revenge, and to inform about the absolutely horrible shit that is happening here. Every time when I think it can't go worse, it does.

This place is hell now. Check @blocktrades, you can't see any post there at all now.

Whatever you say about the people that created Hive, they could be the worst guys in the universe (and actually a significant amount is gals), but I am VERY thankful to them for jumping ship in time, as quick as they did. They made a judgement call and they were SO RIGHT. I hope you will understand that over time.

Farewell and thanks for all the fish.







Haha, I've seen your bitching and downvoting on STEEM for a long time. A bit of a hypocrite aren't you?

I don't have the right to complain about the investment that's about to tank because some self-indulgent shithead decided to play god?

Don't worry about it, you're no great loss.

In my day we'd beat his ass for using hobo culture to market his bullshit.
But, now that the duke is dead and gone from popular memory, I just smdh, and ig him.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

You literally opinion downvoted my comment. Hypocrite confirmed.

It doesn't matter now. I've reached the acceptance phase now on this new era for steem. Only upvotes from here on in. Enjoy!

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

I don't opinion downvote. It's simply amazing that in an exchange such as this you could actively downvote someone you converse with and still attempt to claim the moral high ground. Hipocrisis Maxumus!

Voting up or down is always based on opinion and whim. Even if you create a set of rules, you're still making those rules and punishing people based on your opinion of what should or should not happen.

I'll gladly use downvotes toward people that continue to spend time on Steem while being anti-Steem. It simply makes no sense not to do that for me. You're all going to dump, so why not use my free downvotes to reduce that dump whatever small amount I am able?

You do the very act that you purport to hate, and you fail to see how that is hypocritical. Your justification that I can't use my 115k in stake how I see fit, because I plan to sell some, while the crux of your argument has been how downvoting is bad, and people should be able to use their stake as they see fit? I still own the right to say and do what I want on this blockchain irrespective of my motivation, do I not? That is what you have been fighting for all along, is it not? Yours does not seem like a principled position, and you just want to have your cake and eat it to.


The irony is strong here...

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

@creativeblue I'm fully moving to "he who should not be named" for my personal account but will be keeping the @splinterfilter account for those playing on splinterlands.

I personally don't think there's a future for when the team are producing this type of content and we're supposed to rival reddit??? lol

It's really up to you but my best suggestion would be to stay active on both and keep liquid funds available so you can move quickly if one chain seems to be struggling.

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.