The WordPress KillersteemCreated with Sketch.

in steem •  7 years ago 

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WordPress, you served us well but your time is up. You'll always be remembered for giving us a brilliant platform where anybody can share their thoughts and feelings with the world. Thanks for that.

The only issue is that you make your bloggers feel like they're being exploited. They bare their souls for you, tell you things that they'd never share with their closest friends, come to you when they don't want to feel alone, and through it all you made billions of dollars off of them. How much of that income did you share with those souls who gave you pieces of themselves? Nada. Not a single red cent. Instead, you charged them even more for the opportunity to monetize their content.

The world is a capitalist society therefore you can't be blamed for looking out for your best interests. It's cool, we understand, but now your greed will be your undoing.

Imagine if a platform existed where all of the revenue generated from that content went directly to the authors and curators rather than to the pencil pushers at the top. I'd shit myself three times a day if I was one of those pencil-pushers and such a platform came along. Step into the offices of Facebook, WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr and you'll be greeted by the distinct smell of day-old soiled panties because that platform is already here; it's called Steemit.

Full Steem Ahead


Plenty of people make a killing off of WordPress. Those guys must some kind of alchemists because I ran the numbers and the kind of traffic that it would take for most bloggers to bring in an iota of revenue from ads is way too high. Authors in certain niches can't bring in that kind of traffic however they do provide quality content. They have a handful of readers who would love to see their favorite authors compensated for their efforts but paying them directly is asking for a lot. They'd rather just give likes and share the work so that they can be rich in the oh so important currency of exposure.

Steemit is the solution to this problem because authors get paid directly every time that you like, share or comment on their work, and it doesn't come out of anyone's pocket. And you know what, you get paid as well for curating other people's work.

That's right, you get paid for clicking 'like' on other peoples' work. Let that sink in for a moment.

Impossible, You Say

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Wrong! This is very possible thanks to a brilliant thing that we call blockchain technology. God bless Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto for giving the world this wonderful invention. The developers for Steem took this genius idea and adapted it into something similar but much, much better.

Steemit won't pay you in dollars. Instead, they'll hook you up with tokens called Steem which can be traded for fiat currency at any time. They're kind of like Bonga Points. Accumulate enough and in time you can afford to buy yourself a new house, or maybe even the whole estate.

Okay, I'm Sold, But They Must Pay Peanuts


Always remember that quality content will get you quality returns so create quality content. Don't spam the network and expect to make big bucks. There's people on Steemit making thousands of dollars per post but it's not as simple as just writing and posting.

Let's give you an example. At time of writing, each of my upvotes (or likes) on Steemit is worth about five Kenyan Shillings however accounts that have more Steem Power in their wallets give upvotes that are worth hundreds of dollars. Those are called whales and pretty hard to catch but let's use my account for this example. Let's also use a platform that you're already familiar with, like Facebook.

I started using Facebook back in 2009 and I'd guestimate that I liked, posted or commented something close to a total of 1000 times that year. If each one of those interactions was worth five shillings of Steem at the time then I would have made a total of 5000/- that year. That doesn't seem like much however consider the fact that Steem tokens are an appreciating asset. If the value of Steem tokens rises at the same rate as Bitcoin has over the years and I held onto those Steem tokens then that 5000/- worth of Steem in 2009 would be worth 5,000,000/- in 2017, and that's a low estimate. Compare that to the 0.00/- that Facebook and WordPress gave me.

The Wealth Is Ours Now

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No need to keep making Zuckerburg rich. We can keep that revenue and distribute it amongst the content creators that make social media worth using. Just remember that with Steemit, anyone can see which posts that you're curating. If you look at my curation rewards then you'll see that I curate a lot porn.

That's right, with Steemit I get paid for watching porn. This is why I love Steem. Long live cyptos!

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Wordpress helped create this revolution. Lot's of people were able to monetize their blogs because of it. Because it's open source, any of us with a new idea can implement it and so it will evolve to keep up with the times for a long time to come.

That's right, with Steemit I get paid for watching porn. This is why I love Steem.

Hahaha! You're very honest!

Nothing to hide, just like @azzurra92

Not so easy Boy. Not so easy.
May be U have no vast idea about wordpress and its different and modern usages.

Been using Wordpress for years. A few upgrades on Steem and it can all that as well