Matrix, Kingship, and Lord of the Rings: Everyone is battling the cool coin By @ lecuong2290

in steem •  7 years ago 

In the Lord of the Rings world, "mithril" is a rare, almost indestructible metal, and its pure beauty is immortal over time. However, in real life, this is the name of three different Blockchain projects, all trying to score points with investors imbued "mass culture" of his.
And it is not surprising that the name is so hot in the electronic money segment, because after all, "God of Forbearings" is now almost a treasure trove of fictional literature. This is in keeping with the works of Shakespeare, and in the congregational community there is certainly no lack of interest in the "religion" founded by JRR Tolkien.

Indeed, electronic money projects in all sorts of fields are putting themselves or their coin in names that make users think of the science fiction or fantasy world.
Another example is TRON, which has a market capitalization of the top 20 in the world - clearly imitating the name of a classic sci-fi movie of the same name in the 1980s. reboot in 2010 with TRON: Legacy).

And most recently, there was a project that quickly gained attention by "ké fame," a TV series that has rained more than half a decade, the Game of Thrones from the novel by George RR Martin), calling himself Ravencoin. In Western culture, "raven" (black crow) has long represented the ability of prophecy and Ravencoin's website even confirmed that this bird is the representative of the true messenger, referring to Blockchain. as technology of transparency and absolute decentralization.
Last but not least, NEO - "Chinese Ethereum". However, this currency was formerly known as Antshares, a name that does not seem to make much of an impression. So, in June 2017, the development team Antshares decided to change the brand, taking the title of Neo - "selected" in the trilogy Matrix - The Matrix famous.

Looking at NEO's CoinMarketCap ranking at the moment, it's clear that there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the renaming option. Token of this network has grown rapidly since then, going from $ 1 to $ 74 at the time of writing.
From the above examples, one can clearly see that developers are taking advantage of popular culture to quickly promote their coin. However, that raises another question: How important is the name to the development of an electronic money token?

Joshua Metnick, Internet domain name and number enthusiasts, said:

  • "For a coin the level of 'cool cool' or 'cool' is of a certain weight and should be considered before the project." *
    By : @lecuong2290
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Wow I have never been looking in coins Like that. But you are right there is definitly a Connection between Name and value!

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